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22 CARR FAMILY RECORDS— SECOND GEXERATION. wills, legacies, bequests and executors, l)y nie in anywise before this time willed aiid V^equeathed, ratifyirxQ; and coafinning this and no other to be my last will and testament." "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set mj^ hand and seal ye day and year above written. Caleb Carr, [seal]" "Signed, sealed and delivered by ye said Caleb Carr to ])e his last will and testament, in the presence of us, KoiJEKT Gardner, Nicholas Easton, Ephkaim Turner." "Upon the eighth day of March, one thousand six hundred and ninety-three or ft)vir, the above sd Mr. Calel) Carr, appeared before me and declared that he did set his hand and seal unto and declared the above sd instrument to be his last will and testament in the presence of those who tlicn subscril ed, as w^itnesses, their names thereunto. Benedict Arnold, Npl." "Kobert Gardner and Ephraim Turner, persoaally appeared before me in ct)uncil this sixth da}- of Januar^', ( iic thousand six hundred and ninety-five or six, and upon their solemn engagement, did declare they saw the late householder. Governor Caleb Carr, deceased, sign and seal and own the above writing to be his last will and at the signing and sealing there- of, he was in his perfect sense and memory, we then signed as witnesses thereunto. Albert Watson Clarke. Clerk of ye Council." "The al)ove and within written will witii the attestation and probation thereunto, is recorded in ye 200, 207 ami 208 pages of the council book number two belonging to the town of Newport, on Khode Island. Albe.\'t Watson Clarke, Richard Ward, Recorder. Clerk of ye Council." The children of Gov. Caleb Carr by his iirst wife Mercy Vaughan, and l)y his second wife Sarah Clarke, were as follows: 23x1. Nicholas Carr. b. Oct. 22, U).")!. 24 f). Mercy Carr, t). Ai)ril (i, KiofJ, died Nouiig. 25x3. Caleb Carr, b. Aiig. 23, K).")?. 23x4. Samuel Carr. b. Dec. 1.'), KJ.IO. 27x5. Mary Carr, b. Jan. 1, \m\. 28x0. John Carr. b. ab:)ut 1(504. 29x7. Edward Carr, b. al)

CARR FAMILY K'Kl'OK'nS—SECOND GKNKKATfoX. 23 3lXi). jiuin's Can-, I), about 1(580. 32X10. Sarah Carr, h. 1(582. 33x11. Ivlizabeth Carr. 1). about 1(584. II. KiCHAKi) Cakmv' (4) born in London, Eng:;., Jan. 5, 1621, came to this countr3' in Auj2;iist, 1(535, in company with his brother Andi-ew, on the ship Abioaij. As their parents were dead they were j)robably sent over to their uncle (reorge Carr of Ipswich, JMass. He settled in Hatn[)ton, N. H., but later in life he loca- ted in Salisbury, Mass., where he died May 17, 1689. He left two children, as follows: 3i 1. Klizabeth Carr. 3r)x2. Samuel Carr, b, about 1680. II. Andrew Cakk (5) born in London, Eng., Dec. 5, 1622, came to America with his brother Richard in August, 1635. It is supposed that he followed the sea w4th his uncle James Carr, and settled either in the West Indies or South Carolina. II. George Cakk (6) born in London, Eng., March 12, l(o20. He came to this counti-3^ with his parents in 1621, and settled in Bristol, R. I. He married Mariam Goldthwait, in Bristol, June 8, 1645. vShe was born in Deering, Eng., May 14, 1622, and died in Bristol, April 5, 161)5. He died in the same place, June 9, 1699. Their children \vere, 36x1. William Carr, b. Aug. 23. 1(U8. 37 2. Mariam Carr, b. July 4, 1(350, d. June 1, l(i52. TI. Elizabeth Cakk (7) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 21, 1612, married John Woodmansey, of Boston, May 1, 1662. II. (jKokge Cakk (8) l)()rn in Salisbviry, Mass., April 15, 1644, married Ann Cotton, daughter of Rev. Seaborn Cotton, of Hampton, N. H., Nov. 8, 1(377. II. William Cakk (10) l)'lvanus Carr, b, June 15, 1688,


wills, legacies, bequests and executors, l)y nie in anywise before<br />

this time willed aiid V^equeathed, ratifyirxQ; and coafinning<br />

this and no other to be my last will and testament."<br />

"In witness whereof, I have hereunto set mj^ hand and seal<br />

ye day and year above written. Caleb Carr, [seal]"<br />

"Signed, sealed and delivered by ye said Caleb Carr to ])e<br />

his last will and testament, in the presence of us,<br />

KoiJEKT Gardner, Nicholas Easton, Ephkaim Turner."<br />

"Upon the eighth day of March, one thousand six hundred<br />

and ninety-three or ft)vir, the above sd Mr. Calel) Carr, appeared<br />

before me and declared that he did set his hand and seal<br />

unto and declared the above sd instrument to be his last will<br />

and testament in the presence of those who tlicn subscril ed,<br />

as w^itnesses, their names thereunto. Benedict Arnold, Npl."<br />

"Kobert Gardner and Ephraim Turner, persoaally appeared<br />

before me in ct)uncil this sixth da}- of Januar^', ( iic thousand<br />

six hundred and ninety-five or six, and upon their solemn engagement,<br />

did declare they saw the late householder. Governor<br />

Caleb Carr, deceased, sign and seal and own the above<br />

writing to be his last will and at the signing and sealing there-<br />

of, he was in his perfect sense and memory, we then signed<br />

as witnesses thereunto. Albert Watson Clarke.<br />

Clerk of ye Council."<br />

"The al)ove and within written will witii the attestation and<br />

probation thereunto, is recorded in ye 200, 207 ami 208 pages<br />

of the council book number two belonging to the town of Newport,<br />

on Khode Island. Albe.\'t Watson Clarke,<br />

Richard Ward, Recorder. Clerk of ye Council."<br />

The children of Gov. Caleb Carr by his iirst wife Mercy<br />

Vaughan, and l)y his second wife Sarah Clarke, were as follows:<br />

23x1. Nicholas Carr. b. Oct. 22, U).")!.<br />

24 f). Mercy Carr, t). Ai)ril (i, KiofJ, died Nouiig.<br />

25x3. Caleb Carr, b. Aiig. 23, K).")?.<br />

23x4. Samuel Carr. b. Dec. 1.'), KJ.IO.<br />

27x5. Mary Carr, b. Jan. 1, \m\.<br />

28x0. John Carr. b. ab:)ut 1(504.<br />

29x7. Edward Carr, b. al)

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