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222 CAKK* FAMILY KECOKDS— KIGIITH GENKKATIOX. Vni. SoLc^Mox CAKPENrKK Cakr (19.^)8) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Dec. l\), 183J, niarrieil Isabella Mackie, in Milton, Wis., Dec. 31, 1851. She ^vas born in New Jersey'. He has been a member of the state legislature, and for several years was grand master of the state grange. They reside near Milton junction, Wis. Their children are, 3675x1. William vSolomon Carr, b. Jan. 9, 1853. 3676x2. Isal)ella Mnemosyne Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1855. 3677 3. Florence Gydney Carr, 1). x^lay 26, 1861. 3678x4. Kittie Kuphrosyne Carr. b. Oct. 15, 1866. \^II1. Eleanor Margaret Carr (199i); born in Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1833, married Keniy Powell. Oct. 3, 1853. He is a conductor on the C. N. W. railway and resides in Chicago. Their children are, 3679x1. Henry Carr Powell, b. Sept. 5, 1855. 3680x2. Fred Robert Powell, b. Sept. 17. 1857. VHI. Elijah Mela.xcthox C.\rr (2000) born in Stephentown, N. Y., March 11, 1835, married Sabrah Louisa Babcock, March 15, 1855. She died Oct. 11, 1857. He next married Maria Dunbar, Dec. 9, 1858. The^" live in Templeton, Cal. His children are, 3681 1. Sarah Louisa Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1856. children liy second wife, 3682 2. Maurice Grant Carr, 1). Nov. 6, 1872. 3683 3. Dolly Leah Carr. b. March 19. 1891. VIH. Sarah Carolixe C.arr (2001) l)orn in Stephentown, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1836, married Horatio W. Maxon, Nov. 16, 1854, in Milton, Wis. She died Fel). 18, 1884. Their children are. 3684 1. Charles Slocum Maxon, 1). May 7, 1859, d. May 22, 1885 3685 2. Maggie Deborah Maxon, b. Feb. 13, 1862, d. July 4. 1869 3686 3. William Benjamin Maxon, I). Fel). 5, 1865. 3687 4. Kate Maxoji, b. Dec. 1, 1866. Vlll. Joseph Goodrich Carr (2002) born in Milton, Wis., March 19, 1840, married Phebe J. Maxon, Oct. 17, 1863. They reside near Milton Junction, Wis. Their children are, 3688 1. Fred Maxon Carr, 1). April 2, 1865. 3689 2. Anna Belle Carr. b. April 7, 1866. 3690 3. Joseph Leon Carr, b. April 7, 1870. 3691 4. Alice May Carr. b. Jan. 17. 1875. 3692 5. xMaud Emelyn Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1882.(1. Feb. 27, 1884. I

CAlvMO ll[l,V K'l>;t~()K'l)S lOKilllll (JKX'KKATtON. 22li \'III. Si'KNCKis' Cakk (2004) honi in Lyiidni. \. V., Oct. f), 1803, went w itii liiw parents to vScriba, N. Y., where he now re- sidets. He married Phileta Fox, March 4, 1827. Slie died April 4, 18(5;}. and the next Jannary he married her sisli'r C^'nthia Fox. \'III. C\\i,i;h Cakk- (2005) born in Norway, N. V., April 1.1, 18(19, marrii'd and live.s in Seriha, X. Y. Their children are, 3()S)3 1. l^dward Carr. 3()!)4 2. .Mhert Carr. Sdi).") ;}. Clarence Carr. 8tK)() 4. vSarah Carr. 3(55)7 ."). Mar\' Jane Carr. \'m. Calvix Cai:i: (200(5) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1802, married Caroline Humphre3% March 24, 1829. She was born in Stephentown, July 1, 1803, and died in l^artlett. Ills., Nov. 11, 1891. He died March 22, 1869. Their children are, 3(i98 1. Mary Jane Carr. b. Jan. 8, 1830, d. May 19, 1841. 3 599x2. John Calvin Carr, b. June 14. 1834. 3700x3. Walter Kaleigh Carr, b. June 9, 1836. VHI. Thi'kstox Carr (2007) born in Stej^hentown, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1805, married Louisa Green. Their children are, 3701 1. ICliza Carr. 3702 2. Mary Ann Carr. 3703 3. Sarah Carr. 3704 4. Harriet Carr. 3705 5. ( George Spencer Carr. \'II1. Mary Carr (2008) born in Stephentown, N. Y., May 8, 1807, married James Betts. Their children are, 3706 1. Caroline Betts. 3707 2. Lucy Betts. 3708 3. Charlotte Betts. 3709 4. Kmma Jane Betts. 3710 5. William Betts, 3711 (5. Sarah Betts. \'lll. J(Jii.\ Spexcer Carr (2009) born in Stephentown. X. Y., June 9, 1810, married Selina Pratt. Their children are, 3712 1. Harriet Carr. 3713 2. Lewis Carr. 3714 3. Milton Carr. 3715 4. Willis Carr. 3716 5. Orlena Carr.


Vni. SoLc^Mox CAKPENrKK Cakr (19.^)8) born in Stephentown,<br />

N. Y., Dec. l\), 183J, niarrieil Isabella Mackie, in Milton, Wis.,<br />

Dec. 31, 1851. She ^vas born in New Jersey'. He has been a<br />

member of the state legislature, and for several years was<br />

grand master of the state grange. They reside near Milton<br />

junction, Wis. Their children are,<br />

3675x1. William vSolomon Carr, b. Jan. 9, 1853.<br />

3676x2. Isal)ella Mnemosyne Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1855.<br />

3677 3. Florence Gydney Carr, 1). x^lay 26, 1861.<br />

3678x4. Kittie Kuphrosyne Carr. b. Oct. 15, 1866.<br />

\^II1. Eleanor Margaret Carr (199i); born in Stephentown,<br />

N. Y., Jan. 26, 1833, married Keniy Powell. Oct. 3, 1853. He is<br />

a conductor on the C. N. W. railway and resides in Chicago.<br />

Their children are,<br />

3679x1. Henry Carr Powell, b. Sept. 5, 1855.<br />

3680x2. Fred Robert Powell, b. Sept. 17. 1857.<br />

VHI. Elijah Mela.xcthox C.\rr (2000) born in Stephentown,<br />

N. Y., March 11, 1835, married Sabrah Louisa Babcock, March<br />

15, 1855. She died Oct. 11, 1857. He next married Maria Dunbar,<br />

Dec. 9, 1858. The^" live in Templeton, Cal. His children<br />

are,<br />

3681 1. Sarah Louisa Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1856.<br />

children liy second wife,<br />

3682 2. Maurice Grant Carr, 1). Nov. 6, 1872.<br />

3683 3. Dolly Leah Carr. b. March 19. 1891.<br />

VIH. Sarah Carolixe C.arr (2001) l)orn in Stephentown,<br />

N. Y., Nov. 15, 1836, married Horatio W. Maxon, Nov. 16, 1854,<br />

in Milton, Wis. She died Fel). 18, 1884. Their children are.<br />

3684 1. Charles Slocum Maxon, 1). May 7, 1859, d. May 22, 1885<br />

3685 2. Maggie Deborah Maxon, b. Feb. 13, 1862, d. July 4. 1869<br />

3686 3. William Benjamin Maxon, I). Fel). 5, 1865.<br />

3687 4. Kate Maxoji, b. Dec. 1, 1866.<br />

Vlll. Joseph Goodrich Carr (2002) born in Milton, Wis.,<br />

March 19, 1840, married Phebe J. Maxon, Oct. 17, 1863. They<br />

reside near Milton Junction, Wis. Their children are,<br />

3688 1. Fred Maxon Carr, 1). April 2, 1865.<br />

3689 2. Anna Belle Carr. b. April 7, 1866.<br />

3690 3. Joseph Leon Carr, b. April 7, 1870.<br />

3691 4. Alice May Carr. b. Jan. 17. 1875.<br />

3692 5. xMaud Emelyn Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1882.(1. Feb. 27, 1884.<br />


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