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in Narragansett bay, of the Indians, which contained about<br />

six thousand acres. He also acquired considerable propert}^<br />

in Newport. His will was dated April 20, 1681, as he had determined<br />

on a voyage to New York and New Jersey. He died<br />

in 1681, and his will was proved, Oct. 4, 1681. The following<br />

is a copy of his last will and testament:<br />

"Being now in my perfect health and memor^^ and being<br />

bound on a voyage to New^ York and New Jersey, and aged<br />

sixty-seven, and not knowing how the Lord ma}^ deal with me<br />

in ni}^ intended voyage, and knowing certainh^ that I must<br />

once die, though uncertain when, yet being desirous to set mj^<br />

house in order, do make and appoint this to be ni}' last will<br />

and testament."<br />

"Tnipriniis. — I commit my soul into the arms of Jesus<br />

Christ my Redeemer, and my body to the dust, to be decenth^<br />

buried, and so my worldU" estate I dispose of as follo^veth:"<br />

"Fii'stljr, I give and bequeath to my loving w^ife, all m^^ household<br />

stuff and movables, excepting my sheep at Conanicut,<br />

and £20 in money to be paid her yearly during her natural<br />

life 1)3^ my sons hereinafter named."<br />

''Second, I give to my eldest child, Caleb Carr, all iny land<br />

at Conanicut, alias Jamestown, he paying my Avife £ 10 a year<br />

in money dviring her natural life, and pay John Hicks, his<br />

children by my daughter Mary, £20."<br />

"lliircl, 1 give my son Robert Carr, and to the heirs of his<br />

body lawfuU}^ begotten, m}" dwelling house and wharf from<br />

the corner post that leads into the well yard vipon a straight<br />

line to the sea, (only the privilege of the highwa>^ bet\^^een the<br />

house and the well yard to l)e common up to John Brown's<br />

house, and the wharf to 1)e free for my sons and daughters for<br />

any goods they shall bring on or off of said wharf,) and to have<br />

all the land upon the straight line from that post adjoining to<br />

the house and pasture, except what is given to my son-in-law,<br />

James Brown, and the privilege of the well and a wa^' to it,<br />

and pa}' to his mother £7 in mone}" yearly during her natural<br />

life."<br />

"Fourth, I give to my son Ksek, all my land from the corner<br />

post of the \vell yard next to the street side of land I sold Nicholas<br />

Davis, now in possession of Francis Brinley and Caleb<br />

Carr, together with the privilege of the highway between the<br />

house and the land and a highway down to mv wharf, and the

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