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188 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GBXERATIOX. 3055 2. Annie Carr. VII. Sarah K. Carr (1712) \un-n in Newport, N. H., Sept. 30, 1824, married Frank Bartlett. Their children are, 8050 1. Ina Bartlett. 3057 2. Bertie Bartlett. 3058 3. Eddie Bartlett. Vll. Olive Axx Carr (1714) h )rii in Newport, X. H., Sejjt. 1827, married Blanchard Kimball in 1874. He was l)()rn in Rumford, Me., in 1820. Tliey reside in Dixfield; Me. VII. IvYMAN Carr (1715) born in Xesvport, N. H., Jan. 19, 1832, married Emania W. Hill, of South Paris, Me., April 30, 1862. She was born Oct. 21, 1811. Me is a jeweler in Man- chester, N. H. They hav e, 3059 1. Herbert A. Carr, b. May 15, 1808. VII. HiAL Carr (1716) born in Newport, N. H., Feb. 4, 1834, married Henrietta Thurl)nr, They have, 3060 1. Ida Carr. VII. Mary F. Carr (1717/ born in Newport, N. H., Aug. 21, 1837, married George E. Sanl)orii. They had, 3061 1. Lillie Sanl-)orn. VH. Betsey Carr (1718) born in Livingston Co.. N. Y., May 12, 1817, married I^lihu Haines in 1^33. Their children are, 3062 1. Sarah j. Haines, b. April 30, 1835, m. Joseph Briggs. 3063 2. Lucinda Haines, 1). Feb. 4, 1839. m. Jerome Patterson. 30(54 3. Eliza J. Haines, b. Feb. 24, 1841. m. Hiram Briggs. 3065 4. Clarissa Haines, b. July. 2, 1843, m. Nehemiah Kirk. 3066 5. William J. Haines, b. ( )ct. 24, 1844, m. Clarissa Bachelor 3067 (). Horace E.Haines, I). Mandi 17, 184(5, m. Mary Jarmer. 30o8 7. Henry S. Haines, I). l'\'b. 4, 1848, ni. Torrelhi Harper. Kev. James Bowiix Cakk (1719) born at Allen's Hill, Onta- rio Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1819, married Lucinda Hormarly, in Canstanline, M ic-li., J an. 22, 1845. She was born in Lewisl)urg, Ohio, luncD, 1S27. lie has b.'en an ordaiiu'd niinisti>r of tlu^ gospel about 40 xears, and tra\'ek-d as a state of Iowa for a numb.T of \ears. missionary in 44ieir cdiiidren are, thi- 30 ;9 1. Sarali h:!ea;ior Carr, I). Jan, 1, 184(5. d. Jan. 22, 184(5. 3070 2. k^-ances Augusta Carr. b. June 11, 1848, m. in 1870. 8071 3. 1 lomer A lon/o Carr. b. Sept. 12, 1S5L lives New bni n, la 3072 4. Marv .Mice (.air, 1). N( v. 22. 1S"3, m. in 1872. I

CARR FAMrLY KECORDS—SKVKNTII GKNKKATION. 189 3073 5. William llciiry Carr, h. Sept. 1(5, 1858, lives Mitchell, la 3074 0. Martha Ann Carr, h. Jan. 23, 1801, \'n. W'lULiAM Cak'w (1721) born in Livingston Co., N. Y., May 5, 1823, married JSiisan Habcock, iu Lockport, Mich., March 5, \87)0. She was born in Petersham, Mass., Dec. 31, 1830. He (lied in Feb. 1871). vShe resides in Maxwell, Iowa. Their children are, 307r)Xl. WyattCarr, b. July 13, 18(U. 307() 2. Orlando Marion Carr, 1). May 13, 18,1,5, d. Feb. 15, 1864. 3077x3. Clara \V. Carr, b. Dec. 7, 18()7. \'1I. AxDRKW Jacksox Cakr (1723) born in Livingston Co., X. v., March 2, 1831, married Helen A. Huntley, in Constan- tine, Mich., Dec. 31, 1851. She was l)orn in Onondaga Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1837. He died Feb. 14, 1874. She lives in Walnut, Dureau Co., Ills. Their children are, 3078x1. Clarence D. Carr, b. March 31, 1856. 3079x2. Clara Amelia Carr, b. March 13, 18.58. 3080x3. William H. Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1861. 3081x4. Ida Luella Carr, 1). Feb. 26, 1865. 3082x5. Charles Newell Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1870, d. March 16, 1872 \'I1. Horace C. Carr (1725) born in Springport, N. Y., Aug. 27. 1819, married Ann Tobias. He died in Wisconsin. She lives in Oshkosh, Wis. They had several children. VII. Leonard H. Carr (1726) born in Springport, N. Y., June 9, 1822, married Lucy Ann Angel. They have tv/o children. VII. Daxiel W. Cai;k (1728) born in Springport, N. Y^, Oct. 9, 1828, married twice and had four children. He lives in Oshkosh, Wis. X\\. Ltman D. Carr (1729) born in Springport, N. Y., mar- ried twice and liad three children. He resides in Canoga, N. Y. \'II. Sauah Carr (1732) born at LTnion Springs, N. Y^, Oct. 26, 1814. married T. L. P. De Frees, in Goshen, Ind., Feb. 15, 1837. He was born in Virginia, Sept. 15, 1812, and died in Pi- qua, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1879. He was in the war of the rebellion, and won the rank of colonel. vShe is living at St. Marys, Ohio. They ha 1 no children of their own but adopted a bo}^ and a girl.


3073 5. William llciiry Carr, h. Sept. 1(5, 1858, lives Mitchell, la<br />

3074 0. Martha Ann Carr, h. Jan. 23, 1801,<br />

\'n. W'lULiAM Cak'w (1721) born in Livingston Co., N. Y., May<br />

5, 1823, married JSiisan Habcock, iu Lockport, Mich., March 5,<br />

\87)0. She was born in Petersham, Mass., Dec. 31, 1830. He<br />

(lied in Feb. 1871). vShe resides in Maxwell, Iowa. Their children<br />

are,<br />

307r)Xl. WyattCarr, b. July 13, 18(U.<br />

307() 2. Orlando Marion Carr, 1). May 13, 18,1,5, d. Feb. 15, 1864.<br />

3077x3. Clara \V. Carr, b. Dec. 7, 18()7.<br />

\'1I. AxDRKW Jacksox Cakr (1723) born in Livingston Co.,<br />

X. v., March 2, 1831, married Helen A. Huntley, in Constan-<br />

tine, Mich., Dec. 31, 1851. She was l)orn in Onondaga Co., N. Y.,<br />

Oct. 25, 1837. He died Feb. 14, 1874. She lives in Walnut,<br />

Dureau Co., Ills. Their children are,<br />

3078x1. Clarence D. Carr, b. March 31, 1856.<br />

3079x2. Clara Amelia Carr, b. March 13, 18.58.<br />

3080x3. William H. Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1861.<br />

3081x4. Ida Luella Carr, 1). Feb. 26, 1865.<br />

3082x5. Charles Newell Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1870, d. March 16, 1872<br />

\'I1. Horace C. Carr (1725) born in Springport, N. Y., Aug.<br />

27. 1819, married Ann Tobias. He died in Wisconsin. She lives<br />

in Oshkosh, Wis. They had several children.<br />

VII. Leonard H. Carr (1726) born in Springport, N. Y.,<br />

June 9, 1822, married Lucy Ann Angel. They have tv/o children.<br />

VII. Daxiel W. Cai;k (1728) born in Springport, N. Y^, Oct.<br />

9, 1828, married twice and had four children. He lives in Oshkosh,<br />

Wis.<br />

X\\. Ltman D. Carr (1729) born in Springport, N. Y., mar-<br />

ried twice and liad three children. He resides in Canoga, N. Y.<br />

\'II. Sauah Carr (1732) born at LTnion Springs, N. Y^, Oct.<br />

26, 1814. married T. L. P. De Frees, in Goshen, Ind., Feb. 15,<br />

1837. He was born in Virginia, Sept. 15, 1812, and died in Pi-<br />

qua, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1879. He was in the war of the rebellion,<br />

and won the rank of colonel. vShe is living at St. Marys, Ohio.<br />

They ha 1 no children of their own but adopted a bo}^ and a<br />


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