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182 CARR FAMILY RECORDS— SEV'ENTH (iliXEK'ATIOX. VII. Col. Samuel Carr (1639) horn in Louisa Co., \'a., married his cousin, Nelly Carr, (1(;44) and lived at "Dunlora." He had three children by his first wife Nelly, and after her death, he married Maria Dabney, of AUiermarle Co., and had. three more children. They were, 2938x1. John Addison Carr. 2939x2. Dabney Overton Carr. 2940x3. James Lawrence Carr. children by second wife, 2941x4. George Watson Carr. 2942 5. Marcie Jefferson Carr, m. M. J. C. Swa^'ger. 2943x6. Sally Watson Carr, b. Sept. 12. 1826. VII. Uabxey Carr (1640) l>orn in Louisa Co., Va., married Betsey Carr, (1645) a daughter of his uncle John. He was late judge of the superior court of appeals of \'irgiuia. They had, 2944 1. son, d. in infancy. 2945 2. Jane Carr, m, I'^ev. Payton PJairieon, E-.dtiniore, Md. 2946 3. Nanc}^ Carr, m. Hcjlmes Conrad, Martinsl:)urgh, Va. VII. Virginia Carr (1641) liorn in Louisa Co., Va., married Samuel Texcell. They had, 2947 1. Virginia Texcell, m. i)r. Frank Carr, (1646j \'ir. 1)k. Fuank Caur (1646) born about 1776, at "Bear Castle," Louisa Co., Va., married Virginia Taxcell, (2947) by \vhcm he had one son. lie next married Naria Mt)rris, daughter of tlie late Col. Kichard Morris, of Green Springs, Louisa Co., \^a. Col. Morris was a man of great wealth and intelligence, and when Thomas Jefferson was ]:)resident, he was urged to accept the l)ureau of the treasury in his cabinet, l)ut he refused the honor. The children of Dr. Carr are, 2948 1. Peter Carr, m. I^ydia L. Lewis. No children. son ])y second wife, 2()49x2. Frank Iv G. Carr, b. March 19, 1824. \'ri. Mak'V WixsTox Cak'.v' (1647) ])orii at "Bear Castle," Louisa Co., \'a., a])out 1778, married Achilles Broadhead. of Albermarle Co., \ a. The^' had, 2!>5()X 1. J. (). Broadhead. 2951x2. ( l:irlaiid Carr Broadhead. \'I1. Walter Cakk (16-lS) hoi n Frcderickslmrgh, \'a., Xov. 1, 1753, married I'vhzalx'lh Childs, in I'^luvaiuia Co., \'a., .Xov.

CARK FAMILY KJiCORDS—SKVKNTH GKNHK ATK ).\. 183 '20, 1771. Slie was honi in SpottKN'lvauia Co., \'a., Nov. 7, 1755. He died in Lexington, Ky., Dee. 5, \H'AH, and liis wife died in the same plaee, June 7, 1847. Their ehihlren were, 2i)5l> 1. vSnsan Carr. h. Nov. 1(5, 1112, m. Ira Metcalf, 1797. 2n5;ix2. Cliarles Carr, h. Get. 2i, 1774. 2!)5t ',i. Fhel)e Carr, 1). Jan. 22, 1777, m. Nathaniel Ferguson. 2!)55 4. Thomas Carr, h. Mareh 4, 1779, m. Fatty Younir. 29.")() .5. Naney Carr. b. July 12, 1781, m. Kiehard Young. 2957 X(). William Chiles Carr, b. April 15, 1783. 2958 7. Virginia Carr, 1). April 27, 1785, m. Elisha 8. Winter. 2)59 8. D'abney Carr, b. Mareh 17, 1787, d. Aug. 7, 1822, unm. 2!»(i() 9. W^alter Chiles Carr, b. April 4, 1789, d. unm. 29()1 10. Ivlizabeth Carr, b. April 5, 1791, m. Thos. F. Reddick. 29()2 11. llnlda Carr, b. Mareh 1, 1793, m. \Vm. C. Bell, 1814. \'I1. Jon.x Cakk (1(5.52) born in X'irginia, Feb. 27, 1782, mar- rie


VII. Col. Samuel Carr (1639) horn in Louisa Co., \'a., married<br />

his cousin, Nelly Carr, (1(;44) and lived at "Dunlora." He<br />

had three children by his first wife Nelly, and after her death,<br />

he married Maria Dabney, of AUiermarle Co., and had. three<br />

more children. They were,<br />

2938x1. John Addison Carr.<br />

2939x2. Dabney Overton Carr.<br />

2940x3. James Lawrence Carr.<br />

children by second wife,<br />

2941x4. George Watson Carr.<br />

2942 5. Marcie Jefferson Carr, m. M. J. C. Swa^'ger.<br />

2943x6. Sally Watson Carr, b. Sept. 12. 1826.<br />

VII. Uabxey Carr (1640) l>orn in Louisa Co., Va., married<br />

Betsey Carr, (1645) a daughter of his uncle John. He was late<br />

judge of the superior court of appeals of \'irgiuia. They had,<br />

2944 1. son, d. in infancy.<br />

2945 2. Jane Carr, m, I'^ev. Payton PJairieon, E-.dtiniore, Md.<br />

2946 3. Nanc}^ Carr, m. Hcjlmes Conrad, Martinsl:)urgh, Va.<br />

VII. Virginia Carr (1641) liorn in Louisa Co., Va., married<br />

Samuel Texcell. They had,<br />

2947 1. Virginia Texcell, m. i)r. Frank Carr, (1646j<br />

\'ir. 1)k. Fuank Caur (1646) born about 1776, at "Bear Castle,"<br />

Louisa Co., Va., married Virginia Taxcell, (2947) by \vhcm<br />

he had one son. lie next married Naria Mt)rris, daughter of<br />

tlie late Col. Kichard Morris, of Green Springs, Louisa Co., \^a.<br />

Col. Morris was a man of great wealth and intelligence, and<br />

when Thomas Jefferson was ]:)resident, he was urged to accept<br />

the l)ureau of the treasury in his cabinet, l)ut he refused the<br />

honor. The children of Dr. Carr are,<br />

2948 1. Peter Carr, m. I^ydia L. Lewis. No children.<br />

son ])y second wife,<br />

2()49x2. Frank Iv G. Carr, b. March 19, 1824.<br />

\'ri. Mak'V WixsTox Cak'.v' (1647) ])orii at "Bear Castle," Louisa<br />

Co., \'a., a])out 1778, married Achilles Broadhead. of Albermarle<br />

Co., \ a. The^' had,<br />

2!>5()X 1.<br />

J.<br />

(). Broadhead.<br />

2951x2. ( l:irlaiid Carr Broadhead.<br />

\'I1. Walter Cakk (16-lS) hoi n Frcderickslmrgh, \'a., Xov.<br />

1, 1753, married I'vhzalx'lh Childs, in I'^luvaiuia Co., \'a., .Xov.

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