
Untitled Untitled


176 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GBXERATION. Aug. 19, 1815, married Frederick Allen, of Hallowell, 1842, and resided there until bis death, March 17, 1858. June 2, He was born in Chilniark, Martha's \^inyard, Aug. 1811. She resides in Augusta, Me. Their children are, 2846 1. Frederick Waldo Allen, b. Oct. 14, 1843, d. Oct. 5, 1876. 2847 2. William Mayhew Allen, b. Feb. 9, 1845, d. in infancy. 2848 2849 2850 2851 3. 4. 5. 6. Maria Vaughn Allen, b. Feb. 10, 1846, d. in infancy. Thomas Mayhew Allen, b. Sept, 13, 1847, d. March 1850 Clara Wales Allen, b Feb. 20, 1850. Henry How Allen, b. July 20, 1856, m. Maud A. Luce. VII. George Carr (1555) l)orn in Hallowell, Me. He married a daughter of Capt. Joshua Carr, of Hallowell. He follo^ved the sea and -was master of a brig belonging to Samuel Grant, of Hallowell. Fie left New York for Havre, France, with his wife in 1848, and it is supposed his ship was lost as they were never heard from afterwards. There \vas an old story handed down by this branch of the family that an old bible and two silver goblets marked in a certain manner were wanted over the sea as proof of heirship to a valuable estate. It is supposed that this George Carr had these valuable articles in his possessioii when lost at sea. VII. Nathan Bacsley Carr (1561) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Jul^' 21, 1827, married Rosetta, second daughter of David Colburn, of Cabot, Vt., May 29, 1856. She was born in Cal>- ot, June9, 1826. They live in Madison, Wis. Tlieir children are, 2852x1. Ralph W. E. Carr, 1). July 31, 1857. 2853 2. Flora Carr, b. Feb. 28,' 1859, d. Dec. 7, 1893. 2854 3. Edwin Gardner Carr, b. May 27, 1861, d. Nov. 5, 18C6. 28,55 4. Frank A. Carr, b. June 16, 1864. VH. Fraxlts Bailey Carr (1562) l)orn in North Haverhill, N. H., April 27, 1829, mariicd Helen E. Carr, (1.598) Doc. 20. KSfO. She died Feb. (>, 1866. Their children are, 2856 1. Arthur Carr, b. April 2. 18,53. 2857x2. Walter \\ Carr, 1). June 2, 1856. VH. Charles E'redertck Cak'k (1563) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 10, 1831, manied Kate Melissa Mason, in North Haverhill, Nov. 29, 18.55. Tliey reside in Woodsville, N.. H. Tlieir cliildren are, 2858 1. Emma Rhoda Can-, b. Aug. 11. 18.56, d. April 10, 1875. 2859 2. Mary Mal)c>l Carr, b. July 21. 1859.

CAKK FAMILY Kh:C(1!v*DS— SEVENTH GENERATION. 177 *2S()() \i. Lewis Carr. h. Jan. 14, 18()1, d. 7 days old. 2801 4. Klnier Ellsworth Carr, b. July 21, 1863, d. Feb. 16, 1865, 2S()2 5. CJrville (Jraui Carr. b. Jan. 27, 18(56. \'II. Geokge iMnvix Cak'k' (1564) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Oct. 7, 1832, married Mary Ann Foster, in Bath, N. H., F"eb. 28, 18(50. She was born in Bath, Dec. 20, 1837. They re- side in Bath. Their children are, 2S(i3 1. Walter Parson Carr, b. Dec. 13. 18(i2, d. March 20, 1868. 28(54x2. William Kdwin Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1864. 2565 3. Mattie Foster Carr, July 1, 1870. 28-56 4. Deat Milo Carr. 1). Oct. 26, 1872. VII. Samuel Ezekeel Cakk (15(59) l)orn in North Haverhill, N. H., Aug;. 16, 1846, married Dorothy Ann Kolley. They live in Port Hope, Mich. Their children are, 28(57 1. Kobert Daniel Carr. 28(58 2. Hattie Grace Carr. VII. Daniel Edmund Carr (1570) born in North Haverhill, N. H., May 10. 1818, married Mary Ida Carr, (1.586) Oct. 2, 1882. The^^ reside in North Haverhill, and have, 28(55) 1. Daniel Carr. 1). April 10, 1884. VII. Harriet Sawyer Carr (1571) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 21, 1850, married Charles Roswell Crosby, Jan. 28, 1873. She died July 19, 1877. They had, 2870 1. Clai-a Hattie Crosby, b. March 25, 1876, d. June 19, '91. VII. Mary Ida Carr (1586) born in North Haverhill, N, H., Oct. 13, 1850, married Daniel Edmund Carr, (1570) Oct. 2, 1882. VII. George Farnham (1588) l^orn March 24, 1829, married Arvilla A. Hovey, Sept. 3, 1856. She died about 1868. He next married Elthina C. Barnes, Sept. 9. 1869. His children are, 2S71 1. Carrie E. Farnham b. Sept. 27, 1857, d. 1885. 2872 2. Stephen F. Farnham, b. Oct. 4, 18.59, d. 1891. 2873 3. William A. Farnham, b. May 13, 1863. .children by second wife, 2S74 4. Nellie E. Farnham. b. Oct. 25. 1870 d. 1887. 2875 5. Alice M. E^arnham, h. Dec. 11, 1872. 2i76 6. Myron L. Farnham, b. June 16, 1875. VII. John Carr Farnham (1.589) born Nov. 24, 1830, married Laura Howe, Nov. 29, 18(55. S",.' dU-


Aug. 19, 1815, married Frederick Allen, of Hallowell,<br />

1842, and resided there until bis death, March 17, 1858.<br />

June 2,<br />

He was<br />

born in Chilniark, Martha's \^inyard, Aug. 1811. She resides<br />

in Augusta, Me. Their children are,<br />

2846 1. Frederick Waldo Allen, b. Oct. 14, 1843, d. Oct. 5, 1876.<br />

2847 2. William Mayhew Allen, b. Feb. 9, 1845, d. in infancy.<br />

2848<br />

2849<br />

2850<br />

2851<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

Maria Vaughn Allen, b. Feb. 10, 1846, d. in infancy.<br />

Thomas Mayhew Allen, b. Sept, 13, 1847, d. March 1850<br />

Clara Wales Allen, b Feb. 20, 1850.<br />

Henry How Allen, b. July 20, 1856, m. Maud A. Luce.<br />

VII. George Carr (1555) l)orn in Hallowell, Me. He married<br />

a daughter of Capt. Joshua Carr, of Hallowell. He follo^ved<br />

the sea and -was master of a brig belonging to Samuel Grant,<br />

of Hallowell. Fie left New York for Havre, France, with his<br />

wife in 1848, and it is supposed his ship was lost as they were<br />

never heard from afterwards. There \vas an old story handed<br />

down by this branch of the family that an old bible and<br />

two silver goblets marked in a certain manner were wanted<br />

over the sea as proof of heirship to a valuable estate. It is supposed<br />

that this George Carr had these valuable articles in his<br />

possessioii when lost at sea.<br />

VII. Nathan Bacsley Carr (1561) born in North Haverhill,<br />

N. H., Jul^' 21, 1827, married Rosetta, second daughter of David<br />

Colburn, of Cabot, Vt., May 29, 1856. She was born in Cal>-<br />

ot, June9, 1826. They live in Madison, Wis. Tlieir children are,<br />

2852x1. Ralph W. E. Carr, 1). July 31, 1857.<br />

2853 2. Flora Carr, b. Feb. 28,' 1859, d. Dec. 7, 1893.<br />

2854 3. Edwin Gardner Carr, b. May 27, 1861, d. Nov. 5, 18C6.<br />

28,55 4. Frank A. Carr, b. June 16, 1864.<br />

VH. Fraxlts Bailey Carr (1562) l)orn in North Haverhill,<br />

N. H., April 27, 1829, mariicd Helen E. Carr, (1.598) Doc. 20. KSfO.<br />

She died Feb. (>, 1866. Their children are,<br />

2856 1. Arthur Carr, b. April 2. 18,53.<br />

2857x2. Walter \\ Carr, 1). June 2, 1856.<br />

VH. Charles E'redertck Cak'k (1563) born in North Haverhill,<br />

N. H., Jan. 10, 1831, manied Kate Melissa Mason, in North<br />

Haverhill, Nov. 29, 18.55. Tliey reside in Woodsville, N.. H.<br />

Tlieir cliildren are,<br />

2858 1. Emma Rhoda Can-, b. Aug. 11. 18.56, d. April 10, 1875.<br />

2859 2. Mary Mal)c>l Carr, b. July 21. 1859.

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