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IGO CARK FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATIOX. 1803, married Randall Wilniot, as his second \vife, in Bethany, Pa.. Dee. 20 1821. He was born in Woodbridge. Ct., May 20, 1792. Hy his lirst wife he had one son who was the Hon. David Wihnot. of Pennsylvania, and author of the famous "Wilmot Proviso." Pandall Wilniot tlied in Hozetta, Ohio, J ul}' 9, 1876. His wife Mary died in the same place, Mareli 27, 1880. Her children are. 2577x1. Jane Wilmot, 1). vSept. 19, 1822, in Bethany, Pa. 2r)78 X 2. Lois Wilmot, b. March 19, 1825, 2579x3. Edward Wilmot, 1). May 24, 1828 2580x4. xMaria Wilmot, 1). Feb. 13, 1832. 2581x5. Celinda Wilmot. b. Jan. 25. 1843, Braceville, Ohio. VII. James Carr (1407) born in linrlinirton, N. .1., alxmt 1805, married Betsey Buckintjham, of h^ssex. Ct., Oct. 26, 182i), and lived in WaA^mart, Pa., until 1890, when he moved to Black Walnut. Pa. The_\' Innl. 2582 1. James Carr, d. in vStouchsburgh, Pa. Carr went west. 2583 2. John VH. Erastus Carr (1408) born in Canaan, Pa., Sept. 28, 1811, married Margaret Whitaker, in vSaaford, N. Y., .fune 10, She was born in Sanford, Pel). 20, 1811. He died Dec. 22, Their children are, 1832. 1887. 2584 1. Phebe Carr, b. July 9, 1833. d. Dec. 1876. 2585x2. .lames Henry Carr, b. April 22. 1835. 2586 3. Kichard Jonathan Carr, h. April 1. 1837. 2587x4. Nancy Maria Carr, b. Oct. 23, 1839. 2588 5. Catherine Dorcas Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1811, d. 1813. 2589 6. Charity E:iizal)eth Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1813. 2590x7. John Whitaker Carr, b. Nov. 1.5. 1815. 2591 8, Erastus X'erney Carr. 1). Oct. 21. 1847. 2592 9. Mary Jane Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1849. 2593 10. Ohver ( reorge Carr, b. .bui. 4. 18,52. 2594x11. lunm ).is Ward Carr, b. April 10. 1851. 2595 12 -Xnstin Col 'man Carr. b. April 21. 1857. \'ll. .Iamks Cak'k- (1411) born in St. Albans, Me., Sept. 1, 1803, IP' settled in P()rtsinouth, N. 11.. and k''pt a shoe store. \'II. Jrnirii Cakk'(1412) l)orn in K'eacUield, Me.. Jan. 2. ISOO, man ie(l 'I Ik mas l^^hiniiinL:'. vSbi- died at M t. N'crnoii. Mc, lea v in^' one (hiuu.liler, 25')!) 1. Mary Fiaaniu'j,-. b. O-t. 7. 1S31, ni. l-:ugene Smith.

CARR FAMILY RECORDS— SEVENTH GENERATION. 161 VII. Frederick Carr (1414) boni in Readfiekl, Me., July 11, 1802, married Polly Ktiowle.s, in l!S2ii. She was l)()rii in Wil- ton, IMe.. July 8. KSOt. Their children are, 2597x1. Hlhridjre Oerry Carr, 1). Jan. 4, 1824. 2598x2. James Carr, h. Jan. 10, 1827. 25.TOX3. Julia Carr, b. April i\, 1828. 2(500x4. Osgood Carr, h. April 0, 1830. 2(501x5. Ruly.Iane Carr. h. May 10, 18H1. VI 1. Jonx Carr (1415) horn in Keadlield, Me., May 26, 1803, He settled in Connecticut and married, hut had no children. He was a hatter by trade. VII. Horatio G. Carr (1416) born in Readlield, Me., Aug. 14, 1805, married Diantha Peterson, in Newport, Me., in 1827. He first settled in Newport, then moved to Dexter, Me., where he lived the rest of his life. He died in 1850, found dead in the road, supposed from heart trouble. Their children are, 2602 X 1. Martha Carr, b. May 7, 1828. 2603x2. George W. Carr, b. Nov. 9, 1829. 2604 3. Diantha Carr, b. June 7, 1831, Newport, Me. 2605 4. Barzilla Carr, b. 1832, Newport. 2606 5. Druzj^phia Carr, b. .Tune 5, 1833, Newport. 2307 6. Charles Carr, b. 1835, 2608 7. Susan Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1837, 2609 8. Albert Carr, b. March 6, 1840, Dexter, Me. 2610 9. Horatio Gates Carr, b. May 5, 1842, 2611 10. Franklin Carr, b. 1843. 2612x11. Sarah Frances Carr, b. Oct. 19, 1844. 2613x12. AlmonB. Carr, 1). Nov. 11, 1846. 2614 13. Gilman Carr, 1). Dec. 30, 1847, d. March 4, 1860. VII. George Carr (1417) born in Mt. Vernon, Me., Sept. 4, 1807, married Mary Peterson, sister of Diantha, Ma3^4, 1826. He w^as a sea captain. They had one son, 2615 1. George Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1827. VII. James T. Carr (1418) born in Pittsfield, Me., Jan. 17, 1835, married Mary Margaret Maine, in Bangor, Me., Sept. 19, 1867. She was born in Chelsea, Me., June 2, 1846. They reside in Pittsfield. Their children are, 2616x1. Lillian Eva Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1868. 2617 2. Ada May Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1875, Milo, Me.


1803, married Randall Wilniot, as his second \vife, in Bethany,<br />

Pa.. Dee. 20 1821. He was born in Woodbridge. Ct., May 20,<br />

1792. Hy his lirst wife he had one son who was the Hon. David<br />

Wihnot. of Pennsylvania, and author of the famous "Wilmot<br />

Proviso." Pandall Wilniot tlied in Hozetta, Ohio, J ul}' 9,<br />

1876. His wife Mary died in the same place, Mareli 27, 1880.<br />

Her children are.<br />

2577x1. Jane Wilmot, 1). vSept. 19, 1822, in Bethany, Pa.<br />

2r)78 X 2. Lois Wilmot, b. March 19, 1825,<br />

2579x3. Edward Wilmot, 1). May 24, 1828<br />

2580x4. xMaria Wilmot, 1). Feb. 13, 1832.<br />

2581x5. Celinda Wilmot. b. Jan. 25. 1843, Braceville, Ohio.<br />

VII. James Carr (1407) born in linrlinirton, N. .1., alxmt 1805,<br />

married Betsey Buckintjham, of h^ssex. Ct., Oct. 26, 182i), and<br />

lived in WaA^mart, Pa., until 1890, when he moved to Black<br />

Walnut. Pa. The_\' Innl.<br />

2582 1. James Carr, d. in vStouchsburgh, Pa.<br />

Carr went west.<br />

2583 2. John<br />

VH. Erastus Carr (1408) born in Canaan, Pa., Sept. 28, 1811,<br />

married Margaret Whitaker, in vSaaford, N. Y., .fune 10,<br />

She was born in Sanford, Pel). 20, 1811. He died Dec. 22,<br />

Their children are,<br />

1832.<br />

1887.<br />

2584 1. Phebe Carr, b. July 9, 1833. d. Dec. 1876.<br />

2585x2. .lames Henry Carr, b. April 22. 1835.<br />

2586 3. Kichard Jonathan Carr, h. April 1. 1837.<br />

2587x4. Nancy Maria Carr, b. Oct. 23, 1839.<br />

2588 5. Catherine Dorcas Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1811, d. 1813.<br />

2589 6. Charity E:iizal)eth Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1813.<br />

2590x7. John Whitaker Carr, b. Nov. 1.5. 1815.<br />

2591 8, Erastus X'erney Carr. 1). Oct. 21. 1847.<br />

2592 9. Mary Jane Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1849.<br />

2593 10. Ohver ( reorge Carr, b. .bui. 4. 18,52.<br />

2594x11. lunm ).is Ward Carr, b. April 10. 1851.<br />

2595 12 -Xnstin Col 'man Carr. b. April 21. 1857.<br />

\'ll. .Iamks Cak'k- (1411) born in St. Albans, Me., Sept. 1, 1803,<br />

IP' settled in P()rtsinouth, N. 11.. and k''pt a shoe store.<br />

\'II. Jrnirii Cakk'(1412) l)orn in K'eacUield, Me.. Jan.<br />

2. ISOO,<br />

man ie(l 'I Ik mas l^^hiniiinL:'. vSbi- died at M t. N'crnoii. Mc, lea v<br />

in^' one (hiuu.liler,<br />

25')!) 1. Mary Fiaaniu'j,-. b. O-t. 7. 1S31, ni. l-:ugene Smith.

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