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158 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENBRATIOX. 2526 1. Edward Shepherd, d. young. 2527 2. Emma Shepherd, m. Henry Smith. 2528 3. Lucy Shepherd. 2529 4. Arthur Shepherd. 2530 5. Benjamin Shepherd. 2531 (3. William Shepherd. 2532 7. Bessie Shepherd. VII. JoHX Cakr (1399) horn in England, ahout 1775, settled in Barrington, N. Y., in 1806, and huiltthe tirst grist mill in the town. Later in life he went to Illinois and hought a of land. He died in 1844. His children were, section 2533 1. Joseph Carr. 2534x2. William Carr, h. April 9. 1800. 2535 3. Daniel Carr. 2536 4. Samuel Carr. . 2537 5. James Carr. 2538 6. Betsey Carr. 2539 7. Polly Carr. VII. Thomas Cak'K (1401) horn in Burlington, N. .1., ahout 1792, married Abigail Moore, in Bethau}-, Pa. Their children are, 2540 X 1. Ephraim .1. Carr, b. 1824. 2541 2. Jane Carr, 1). 1827. 2542 3. Ann Elizabeth Carr, b 1830. 2543 4. Thomas Carr, b. 1832. VII. Edward Cark (1402) in Burlington, N. f.. Pel). 4, 1794, married Phebe Lej)ort, in Canaan, Pa., June 13, 1812. She died Nov. 7, 1823, and he next married Caroline Hudson, in Canaan, Aug. 3, 1824. She was born in Goshen, N. Y., Ajiril 26, 1805, and died in Waymart, Pa., Aug. 28, 1887. He died in the same place. His children are, 2544 1. Maria Carr. b. Aug. 11. 1813. d. Nov. 18, 1823. 2545x2. Keul)en Carr. 1). Nov. 29. 1815. 2546 3. Charles W. Carr, 1). Eel). 3. 1817. 2517 4. Cyprian Carr, 1). Ai)iil (5, 1819. children l)y second wife, 2548x5. Erancis Vincent Carr, b..lune 25, 1827. 2549X6. Amanda Maria Carr, b. .Inly 20, 1829. 2550x7. Randall Wilmot Carr. b. Eeb. 7. 1831. 2551 8. I':sther A. Carr, b. April 2(), 1S32. d. Dec. 7, 1833. ' :

CWK'K' I \MI1,V kHCOWDS- SKVKNTH (JKXHK'A'I l.\. 150 LM'^XSK Oscar Hiuivson Carr, b. Oct. 2J), IH'AC). 2."),");} 10. niilaiulcr Carr, b. Nov. 10. 1S;}7. d. March 22, 18;i8. 2r)r)4 11. Mary A. Carr, b. May 22, 1.S40, d. jiuic 15. 184;i. 25.55X 12. Walter 1*:. Carr. 1). Dec. 21, l.S4:{. \'I1. John C.xk'K- (140;i) born in Trenton. X. J.. Sept. 12, 1790, married Adcdiiie .Jones, in Hetlian\-, l*a., .lime (), 182;i. She was born in Salem. Pa., March 25. 1805, and died in l^ethain-. .June (), KS,5!). lie died in the same ])lace, .Ian. 22, 1858. Their child- ren are, 2,5.1()Xl. Claiinda M. Carr. I). April 25, 1824. 2557 2. Hester Carr. b. A])ril U). 1825. d. May 10. 1825. 2.5.'8 ;!. X'arnell Carr. 1). Ai)ril 5, 182(5, d. April Ki, 182(). 25.5Iay 20, 1889, d. Feb. 4, 1855. 2.5()1 (). Mary Adeline Carr. b. Oct. 19. 1845, d. Sept. 1. 1881. \'II. Naxcy Cakk (1404) born near Mt. Holly. X. .1.. .Jan. 19, 1798, married Reuben Cuudit, in Betliany, Pa., in 1815. He was born in Orange, N. .!., Oct. 16, 1791, and died in Factoryville, Pa.,.Iuly 9, 1873. She died in Wayrnart, Pa., Nov. 11, 1863. Their children are, 2.562 X 1. Harriet Condit, b. .June 9, 1819. 2.5(J3x2. William .lackson Condit. b. Aug. 18, 1822. 2.564x3. Kliza Maria Condit. b. .July 25. 1827. 25,i5 4. Lucy Hall Condit, b. Oct. 23. 1729. 2.566 2.567 5. 6. Benjamin Franklin Condit. b. .Jan. 4. 1834. Abram Osmon Condit, b. Feb. 17, 1837. VII. Sylvia Cakr (1405) born near Mt. Holly, N. .1., .luly 28, 1801. married Col. .John A. (histin, in Bethan3% Pa., in 1825. He was born in Wantage, N. .J., Aug. 11, 1798, and died Dec. 30, 18.54. She died Aug. 7, 1883. Their children are. 2.5()8 1. Frances Adelia Whitney Gustin, b. Oct. 23, 1826. 2.569 2. AnuHula Maria Oustin, 1). Aug. 10, 1827. 2')70 3. .loseph Miller Gustin, b. Sept. 2. 1829. 2571 4. Oliver Dimock Durham Gustin, 1). 1831. 2572 5. hvliza Jane Gustin. 2~u'A 6. Mar}' Lovina Gustin. 2574 7. (reorge Wilmot (histin, b. Sept. 13, 1841. 2575 8. Fmeline Gustin. b. Dec. 16, 1843. Honesdale, Pa. .557i) i>. Susanna (rustin. \'1I. Mak'v Cak'k (14()()) born in Burlington. N. J., Aug. 28,

CWK'K' I \MI1,V kHCOWDS- SKVKNTH (JKXHK'A'I l.\. 150<br />

LM'^XSK Oscar Hiuivson Carr, b. Oct. 2J), IH'AC).<br />

2."),");} 10. niilaiulcr Carr, b. Nov. 10. 1S;}7. d. March 22, 18;i8.<br />

2r)r)4 11. Mary A. Carr, b. May 22, 1.S40, d. jiuic 15. 184;i.<br />

25.55X 12. Walter 1*:. Carr. 1). Dec. 21, l.S4:{.<br />

\'I1. John C.xk'K- (140;i) born in Trenton. X. J.. Sept. 12, 1790,<br />

married Adcdiiie .Jones, in Hetlian\-, l*a., .lime (), 182;i. She was<br />

born in Salem. Pa., March 25. 1805, and died in l^ethain-. .June<br />

(), KS,5!). lie died in the same ])lace, .Ian. 22, 1858. Their child-<br />

ren are,<br />

2,5.1()Xl. Claiinda M. Carr. I). April 25, 1824.<br />

2557 2. Hester Carr. b. A])ril U). 1825. d. May 10. 1825.<br />

2.5.'8 ;!. X'arnell Carr. 1). Ai)ril 5, 182(5, d. April Ki, 182().<br />

25.5Iay 20, 1889, d. Feb. 4, 1855.<br />

2.5()1 (). Mary Adeline Carr. b. Oct. 19. 1845, d. Sept. 1. 1881.<br />

\'II. Naxcy Cakk (1404) born near Mt. Holly. X. .1.. .Jan. 19,<br />

1798, married Reuben Cuudit, in Betliany, Pa., in 1815. He was<br />

born in Orange, N. .!., Oct. 16, 1791, and died in Factoryville,<br />

Pa.,.Iuly 9, 1873. She died in Wayrnart, Pa., Nov. 11, 1863.<br />

Their children are,<br />

2.562 X 1. Harriet Condit, b. .June 9, 1819.<br />

2.5(J3x2. William .lackson Condit. b. Aug. 18, 1822.<br />

2.564x3. Kliza Maria Condit. b. .July 25. 1827.<br />

25,i5 4. Lucy Hall Condit, b. Oct. 23. 1729.<br />

2.566<br />

2.567<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

Benjamin Franklin Condit. b. .Jan. 4. 1834.<br />

Abram Osmon Condit, b. Feb. 17, 1837.<br />

VII. Sylvia Cakr (1405) born near Mt. Holly, N. .1., .luly 28,<br />

1801. married Col. .John A. (histin, in Bethan3% Pa., in 1825. He<br />

was born in Wantage, N. .J., Aug. 11, 1798, and died Dec. 30,<br />

18.54. She died Aug.<br />

7, 1883. Their children are.<br />

2.5()8 1. Frances Adelia Whitney Gustin, b. Oct. 23, 1826.<br />

2.569 2. AnuHula Maria Oustin, 1). Aug. 10, 1827.<br />

2')70 3. .loseph Miller Gustin, b. Sept. 2. 1829.<br />

2571 4. Oliver Dimock Durham Gustin, 1). 1831.<br />

2572 5. hvliza Jane Gustin.<br />

2~u'A 6. Mar}' Lovina Gustin.<br />

2574 7. (reorge Wilmot (histin, b. Sept. 13, 1841.<br />

2575 8. Fmeline Gustin. b. Dec. 16, 1843. Honesdale, Pa.<br />

.557i) i>. Susanna (rustin.<br />

\'1I. Mak'v Cak'k (14()()) born in Burlington. N. J., Aug. 28,

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