
Untitled Untitled


CAlv'K' FAMfLY K'KCORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 14.") nil i;'()l l)e'asll\- drxiiik on i\\v licpioi- {\\vy li.id j)Iun(Iere(l from the settlers on their niid, excepting- one who was to guard the reniaininji; prisoner. Toward morning when the whole camp was in a drunken stuj)or, the guard sent Carrwitha camp ket- tle to a spring near hy tor some water. He gladly complied with tlie order, htit instead of returning, left the kettle at the spring and holdly struck out for liherty. For three days and the intervening nights he kep-t on his weary way without sleej), suhsisting onl^• on a few herries and such slender twigs as he could grasp in his hast^' flight. It was nearly nightfall of the third {\i\\ when he came out of the forest and found ])ro- tection and safety; and only an hour later, his Indian ca]>tors who had ])ressed so closely on his trail, appeared in the edge of the woods, hut too late to recover their escaped prisoner. He was captain of a company of state militia, and his commission, which is in the writer's possession, hears the date of June If), M^'S, and signed hy (George Clinton, governor state of New York, for the con nt_\' of Saratoga. Ahout 1800 he moved from ( ralwa^^ first to Crownpoint, and a year or two later to Ticonileroga, N. V., where he lived the remainder of his of the life. He was in the hattle of Plattshurgh with his oldest son. His wife died in Tict>nderoga in 1831, and he died in the same place in April, 1882. Their children were, 2323x1. Roxana Carr, h. Feh. 22,1789. 2324x2. Westil Carr, h. June 3. 1791. 232r)X3. Alhorn Carr, h. Oct. 14. 1798. 232(5 4. Theron Carr, h. 1800, d. unm. 2327X0. Darius Benton Carr, h. April 20, 1802- \'ll. KuTH Cakr (12(53) horn ahout 17(59, married Steplieu North and settled in Shoreham, \"t. Their children were, 2328 1. Stephen North, d. unm. 2329 2. Kuth North, m. late in life, no children. \'ll. Cait. KbEiXEZEk Cakk* (12(34) horn ahout 1771, married 1st Clarissa Hall, and 2tul KeT)ecca Karnuiu. He died in Man- lius, N. v., in 18.~)0. No children. \'H. Phebe Cak'K (12(ir)) horn a])out 1773, married Asa Strong and after his death, John Crrover in 182(5. \'II. Col. James Carr (12(5()) prohahly horn in Galway, N. Y., Jnnc. 177.'), married Hukla Collins, in 1792, ^dien only 17 years of age. vShe was horn in 1773, and died Nov. 10, 18.^,3. He com-


nil i;'()l l)e'asll\- drxiiik on i\\v licpioi- {\\vy li.id j)Iun(Iere(l from<br />

the settlers on their niid, excepting- one who was to guard the<br />

reniaininji; prisoner. Toward morning when the whole camp<br />

was in a drunken stuj)or, the guard sent Carrwitha camp ket-<br />

tle to a spring near hy tor some water. He gladly complied<br />

with tlie order, htit instead of returning, left the kettle at the<br />

spring and holdly struck out for liherty. For three days and<br />

the intervening nights he kep-t on his weary way without<br />

sleej), suhsisting onl^• on a few herries and such slender twigs<br />

as he could grasp in his hast^' flight. It was nearly nightfall of<br />

the third {\i\\ when he came out of the forest and found ])ro-<br />

tection and safety; and only an hour later, his Indian ca]>tors<br />

who had ])ressed so closely on his trail, appeared in the edge<br />

of the woods, hut too late to recover their escaped prisoner.<br />

He was captain of a company of state militia, and his commission,<br />

which is in the writer's possession, hears the date of<br />

June If), M^'S, and signed hy (George Clinton, governor<br />

state of New York, for the con nt_\' of Saratoga. Ahout 1800 he<br />

moved from ( ralwa^^ first to Crownpoint, and a year or two later<br />

to Ticonileroga, N. V., where he lived the remainder of his<br />

of the<br />

life. He was in the hattle of Plattshurgh with his oldest son.<br />

His wife died in Tict>nderoga in 1831, and he died in the same<br />

place in April, 1882. Their children were,<br />

2323x1. Roxana Carr, h. Feh. 22,1789.<br />

2324x2. Westil Carr, h. June 3. 1791.<br />

232r)X3. Alhorn Carr, h. Oct. 14. 1798.<br />

232(5 4. Theron Carr, h. 1800, d. unm.<br />

2327X0. Darius Benton Carr, h. April 20, 1802-<br />

\'ll. KuTH Cakr (12(53) horn ahout 17(59, married Steplieu<br />

North and settled in Shoreham, \"t. Their children were,<br />

2328 1. Stephen North, d. unm.<br />

2329 2. Kuth North, m. late in life, no children.<br />

\'ll. Cait. KbEiXEZEk Cakk* (12(34) horn ahout 1771, married<br />

1st Clarissa Hall, and 2tul KeT)ecca Karnuiu. He died in Man-<br />

lius, N. v., in 18.~)0. No children.<br />

\'H. Phebe Cak'K (12(ir)) horn a])out 1773, married Asa Strong<br />

and after his death, John Crrover in 182(5.<br />

\'II. Col. James Carr (12(5()) prohahly horn in Galway, N. Y.,<br />

Jnnc. 177.'), married Hukla Collins, in 1792, ^dien only 17 years<br />

of age. vShe was horn in 1773, and died Nov. 10, 18.^,3. He com-

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