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8 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GEXERATIOX. The dificulty of tracing the earl}' families of Carrs in England centuries back in a definite and concise manner, is exceedingly perplexing and attended with many failures and disappointments. The records of the earliest Carrs who settled in this country, date back three centuries, to four brothers who \^ere born in London. Their names were Benjamin, William, George and James Carr. The name of the father of these four sons, the author has been unable to find. The descendants of these brothers, are given in the following pages of the Carr Family Records in as complete a manner as could be obtained.

CAKK lAMlLY RECORDS— FIK'ST GJiNKRATlOX 9 CARR FAMILY RECORDS. First Generation. T. Benjamin Carr was born in London, Eng., Aug. 18, ir)92. ]Ie married Martha Hardington, in London, Sept. 2, 1613. They both died in London. Their children were, 2x1. Robert Carr, b. October 4, 1614. 3x2. Caleb Carr, 1). Decenil)er 9. 161(). 4x3. Kichard Carr, b. January 5, 1621. 5x4. Andrew Carr, 1). December 5, 1622. I. W'lLLiAiM Carr was born in London, Eng., June 17, 1597. He married Susan Kothchild, in London, Ma}^ 16, 1619. She was born in Devonshire, Eng., April 30, 1598. They came to America in the fall of 1621, in the ship Fortune, Capt. Roger Williams, with thirty-five passengers on board. They landed at Plj^mouth, Nov. 7, 1621. The}^ stayed the following winter in Plymouth, and on June 1, 1622, they started in a south-westerly direction through the trackless wilderness with an Indian for a guide, and after a journey on foot of forty-eight da^^s, the\' located a home, July 18, 1622, where the town of Bristol, R. I., was afterward built. The town was laid out and named in 1636, 1)3" Roger Williams. William Carr died in I^ristol, June 4, 1672, and his wife Susan died in the same place. May 3, l()7l. The}' onl}' had 6x1 George Carr, b. March 12, 1620. There is an old bible which has come down to the present generation in the line of William Carr, which is a rare old treasure. It was printed in London in 1585. On the first blank page of this ancient book, is written in a woman's hand the following valuable record: "My maiden name was Susan Rothchild. I was born in Devonshire, Eng., in the 3'ear of our Lord, A. D. 1598, April 30. I married William Carr, of London, May 16, 1619, He was born



First Generation.<br />

T. Benjamin Carr was born in London, Eng., Aug. 18, ir)92.<br />

]Ie married Martha Hardington, in London, Sept. 2, 1613.<br />

They both died in London. Their children were,<br />

2x1. Robert Carr, b. October 4, 1614.<br />

3x2. Caleb Carr,<br />

1). Decenil)er 9. 161().<br />

4x3. Kichard Carr, b. January 5, 1621.<br />

5x4. Andrew Carr, 1). December 5, 1622.<br />

I. W'lLLiAiM Carr was born in London, Eng., June 17, 1597.<br />

He married Susan Kothchild, in London, Ma}^ 16, 1619. She<br />

was born in Devonshire, Eng., April 30, 1598. They came to<br />

America in the fall of 1621, in the ship Fortune, Capt. Roger<br />

Williams, with thirty-five passengers on board. They landed<br />

at Plj^mouth, Nov. 7, 1621. The}^ stayed the following winter<br />

in Plymouth, and on June 1, 1622, they started in a south-westerly<br />

direction through the trackless wilderness with an Indian<br />

for a guide, and after a journey on foot of forty-eight da^^s,<br />

the\' located a home, July 18, 1622, where the town of Bristol,<br />

R. I., was afterward built. The town was laid out and named<br />

in 1636, 1)3" Roger Williams. William Carr died in I^ristol,<br />

June 4, 1672, and his wife Susan died in the same place. May<br />

3, l()7l. The}' onl}' had<br />

6x1 George Carr, b. March 12, 1620.<br />

There is an old bible which has come down to the present<br />

generation in the line of William Carr, which is a rare old<br />

treasure. It was printed in London in 1585. On the first<br />

blank page of this ancient book, is written in a woman's hand<br />

the following valuable record:<br />

"My maiden name was Susan Rothchild. I was born in<br />

Devonshire, Eng., in the 3'ear of our Lord, A. D. 1598, April 30.<br />

I married William Carr, of London, May 16, 1619, He was born

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