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142 CARR FAMILY RECORDS— SEV'EXTH GEXERATIOX. VII. John Tibbetts Cark (1232) born in Scituate, K. I., Aug. 29, 1788, married Maria Fremyre, in 1812. In 1835 he moved his family from Clay, N. Y., to LaSalle Co., Ills., and purchased a section of land. He was a prosperous farmer until his death, which occurred on or alK)ut being thrown from his wagon just Sept. after 15, he 1853, caused by had forded Fox river at Millington, 111. Their children are, 2276 1. Charles Wilbur Carr, b. May 15, 1813. 2277x2. Archibald Fremj-re Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1814. 2278x3. Joseph Henry Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1816. 2279x4. Barney Stiles Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1818. 2280 5. R. D. (Rudolphus) Carr, b. July 3, 1820. 2281x6. Linsley Herbert Carr, 1). Feb. 16, 1822. 2282 7. Edwin Ward Carr, 1). May 7, 1824. 2283 8. Amanda Jane Carr, b. June 16. 1826. VII. MiLiCENT Carr (1237) born at Little Kgg Harbor, N. J, ]an. 16,1781, went to Ohio where she married, 1st Joshua Reves, and 2nd [oshua vStanle^^ She lived a widow a numb.^r of 3"ears after the death of her sect)nd husband, and died in Cincninati, at the home of her daughter Rachel. Her cliildren were, 2284 1. vSamuel Reves. m. Ann Ell3's

CARK lAMfLY KMXOKDS—SKVKNTH GKXKKATION. 143 VII. vSamtki. C ak'k- (!242) horn :il Mt. Holly, N. J., March 24, settled in 1788, married Patience Tlionias, Fel). 7, 1815. 'IMiey DaniascxiH, Ohio. He died Auji;. 9, 1873. She was horn in North Carolina, h^eh. 8, 1797, and eelchrated her 94th hirthday, Pel). 3, 1891. vShe died April 13, 1891. Tliey were hoth mem- hers of the society of Friends, and were very exemplary j)eoi)le and highly respected hy all who knew them. Their children are, 229()X I. Isaac Carr, h. Nov. 23, 1816. 22i)7x2. Ann Carr, 1). March 3, 1819. 2298x3. David Carr, h. April 4, 1821. 2299x4. Francis D. Carr, h. Dec. 14, 1823. 2300 Xf). Ksther F. Carr, h. Ang. 11, 1826. 2301x6. Hannah Carr, I). Nov. 9, 1832. \'II. Makv Cakk (1243) horn at Mt. Holly, N. J., Sept. 27, 1791, married Aaron Lippincott. She died in Farrington, N. Y,, Jan. 12, 183.). 2302 1. Their children are, Anna B. Lippincott. 2303 2. Mary Lippincott. 2304 3. Jane Lippincott. 2305 4. Rebecca Lippincott. 230(5 5. Charles C. Lippincott. VH. Isaac Carr (1244) horn at Mt. Holly, N. J., Nov. 4, 1793, married Ann Craft, of George and Klizaheth (Kidgway) Craft, of Mansfield, N. J., hy Friends' ceremony in Burlington, N. J., Jan. 11, 1816. She was horn in Mansfield, Nov. 30, 1793, and died in Damascus, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1859. He moved to Damascus about 1824. He married his second wife, l^ehecca H. Woolman, 3m. 27(1. 1861, with whom he lived the remainder of his life. Like his ancestors, he was firm in the faith of the orthodox F^rieuds of the old school. His time and money were free- ly given to the cause of religion and education. While firm in his own views, he was alwa^-s kind and liberal to others. He died in Damascus, June 3, 1873, and his second wife died 7m., 1876. His children, all by first wife, are, 2307 1. Samuel Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1816, d. Feb. 15, 1835. 2308x2. George Woolman Carr, b. July 25, 1819. 2309x3. Isaac Kidgway Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1822. 2310x4. Robert French Carr, b. June 18, 1827. 2311x5. Thomas Woolman, Carr, b. March 6, 1830.


VII. John Tibbetts Cark (1232) born in Scituate, K. I., Aug.<br />

29, 1788, married Maria Fremyre, in 1812. In 1835 he moved<br />

his family from Clay, N. Y., to LaSalle Co., Ills., and purchased<br />

a section of land. He was a prosperous farmer until his<br />

death, which occurred on or alK)ut<br />

being thrown from his wagon just<br />

Sept.<br />

after<br />

15,<br />

he<br />

1853, caused by<br />

had forded Fox<br />

river at Millington, 111. Their children are,<br />

2276 1. Charles Wilbur Carr, b. May 15, 1813.<br />

2277x2. Archibald Fremj-re Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1814.<br />

2278x3. Joseph Henry Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1816.<br />

2279x4. Barney Stiles Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1818.<br />

2280 5. R. D. (Rudolphus) Carr, b. July 3, 1820.<br />

2281x6. Linsley Herbert Carr, 1). Feb. 16, 1822.<br />

2282 7. Edwin Ward Carr, 1). May 7, 1824.<br />

2283 8. Amanda Jane Carr, b. June 16. 1826.<br />

VII. MiLiCENT Carr (1237) born at Little Kgg Harbor, N. J,<br />

]an. 16,1781, went to Ohio where she married, 1st Joshua Reves,<br />

and 2nd [oshua vStanle^^ She lived a widow a numb.^r of 3"ears<br />

after the death of her sect)nd husband, and died in Cincninati,<br />

at the home of her daughter Rachel. Her cliildren were,<br />

2284 1. vSamuel Reves. m. Ann Ell3's

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