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120 CARR FAMILY RECORDS— SIXTH GENERATIOX. 1807 9. Margaret Carr, b. 1807, ni. Emmons Burdett. 1808 10. Levi Shackford Carr, was in U. S. navy, d. 1837, unm. VI. David Carr (967) born in Litchfield, N. H., married Susan Gardiner, of New Bedford, Mass. In 1811 he settled in Holderness, N. H., and died there in 1848. Their children were, 1809 1. Thomas Carr, b. 1795, m. Marian Blanchard. 1810 2. Amos Carr, b. 1798, ni. Lucy Woodbury. 1811 3. David Carr, b. 1801, m. twice and died in 1873. 1812 4. Jacob Carr, b. 1802, m. Harriet Beder, died in 1845. 1813x5. Samuel Carr, 1). 1808. VI. John Carr (968) born in Ireland, came to this countr}^ and was a professor in a college in South Carolina. He had a son, John Carr, \vho was appointed to some government position under president Jackson, and was reputed ^vealth3' but left no children. VI. James Carr (969) born in Ireland, came to this country and took part in the revolutoinar}" war, dying in nia soon after its close, He left live children, Pennsylva- 1814 1. John Carr taken prisoner at Detroit in w^ar oi 1812. 1815 2. James Carr, left one son Samuel Carr. 1816 3. Samuel Carr, went insane. 1817 4. Abigail Carr, m. J(3hn Sanders. 1818 5. Libby Carr, never m. VI. Thomas Carr (971) b;>rn in Ireland about 17J2, came to this countr}" with his parents \vhen about eight years old. Tliej" settled near Yorktown, Pa. He married Ann Gates, a cousin of Gen. Gates, and located in Butler Co., Ohio, where he died about 1838. His wife died in Sept. 1860, at the age of 95 years. Their children were, 1819x1. Jacob Carr, 1). 1783. 1820x2. James Carr, b. 1785. 1821 3. Mary Carr, 1). 1788, m. John Wilkinson. 1822 4. Jane Carr. b. 1791, ni. Jeremy Munson. 1823 5. John Carr, 1). 1794, ni. Kate Bell, Ottumwa, Iowa. 1824 6. Thomas Carr, 1). 1797, in. Betsey Craig. 1825 7. William Carr, b. 1799, m. Jane Page, Oct. 17, 1863. 1826 8. Ivnoch Carr. 1). 1801, d. 1821. 1S27X9. Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1805. 1828 10. ICbjah Carr. b. 1807.

CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 121 1829 11. Joshua Can-, h. 1812. Vr. iMaj. Thomas Cakk (975) boni in Maryland, June 23, 1755, married Hannah Combs, in Pennsylvania, Nvliere they lived a number of years. She was l)orn July 15, 17(56. They moved to Indiana territor^- in 1806 with a family of ei


1807 9. Margaret Carr, b. 1807, ni. Emmons Burdett.<br />

1808 10. Levi Shackford Carr, was in U. S. navy, d. 1837, unm.<br />

VI. David Carr (967) born in Litchfield, N. H., married Susan<br />

Gardiner, of New Bedford, Mass. In 1811 he settled in<br />

Holderness, N. H., and died there in 1848. Their children were,<br />

1809 1. Thomas Carr, b. 1795, m. Marian Blanchard.<br />

1810 2. Amos Carr, b. 1798, ni. Lucy Woodbury.<br />

1811 3. David Carr, b. 1801, m. twice and died in 1873.<br />

1812 4. Jacob Carr, b. 1802, m. Harriet Beder, died in 1845.<br />

1813x5. Samuel Carr,<br />

1). 1808.<br />

VI. John Carr (968) born in Ireland, came to this countr}^<br />

and was a professor in a college in South Carolina. He had a<br />

son, John Carr, \vho was appointed to some government position<br />

under president Jackson, and was reputed ^vealth3' but<br />

left no children.<br />

VI. James Carr (969) born in Ireland, came to this country<br />

and took part in the revolutoinar}" war, dying in nia soon after its close, He left live children,<br />

Pennsylva-<br />

1814 1. John Carr taken prisoner at Detroit in w^ar oi 1812.<br />

1815 2. James Carr, left one son Samuel Carr.<br />

1816 3. Samuel Carr, went insane.<br />

1817 4. Abigail Carr, m. J(3hn Sanders.<br />

1818 5. Libby Carr, never m.<br />

VI. Thomas Carr (971) b;>rn in Ireland about 17J2, came to<br />

this countr}" with his parents \vhen about eight years old. Tliej"<br />

settled near Yorktown, Pa. He married Ann Gates, a cousin<br />

of Gen. Gates, and located in Butler Co., Ohio, where he died<br />

about 1838. His wife died in Sept. 1860, at the age of 95 years.<br />

Their children were,<br />

1819x1. Jacob Carr, 1). 1783.<br />

1820x2. James Carr, b. 1785.<br />

1821 3. Mary Carr, 1). 1788, m. John Wilkinson.<br />

1822 4. Jane Carr. b. 1791, ni. Jeremy Munson.<br />

1823 5. John Carr, 1). 1794, ni. Kate Bell, Ottumwa, Iowa.<br />

1824 6. Thomas Carr, 1). 1797, in. Betsey Craig.<br />

1825 7. William Carr, b. 1799, m. Jane Page, Oct. 17, 1863.<br />

1826 8. Ivnoch Carr. 1). 1801, d. 1821.<br />

1S27X9. Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1805.<br />

1828 10. ICbjah Carr. b. 1807.

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