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118 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GEXERATIOX. 1768x3. John Stanton Carr, b. Jul}^ 5. 1821. 1769x4. vSmith Carr. 1770 5. Marion Carr, 1771 6. Hannah Carr. 1772 7. Betsey Carr. VI. Timothy Carr (945) born in Londonderry, X. H., March 5, 1784, married and raised a faniih'. He died in Krie, Ills., Aug. 21, 18o0. Their children were, 1778x1. Samuel I). Carr, b. May 21, 1815. 1774 2. Elvira Carr, 1). 1820, m. and died Jan. 13, 1856. 1775 3. Dorothy Carr. 1776x4. Clarissa Carr, 1777 5. Clara E. Carr, 1778 (). (xeorge A. Carr. 1779x7. Merrill Pillsbury Carr, b. April 20, 1830. VI. William Carr (946) born in Xewbury, Vt., May 16, 17S7, married and left one son. He died March 16, 1825. 1780 1. Timothy Carr, b. Dec. 20, 1823. VI. Keddixg Carr (952) born in Hridgewater, Mass., Oct. 4, 1767, married Mere}' West, Jan. 19, 1795. \'r. Elizabeth Carr (953) born in Dridgewater, Mass., vSept, 30, 1770, married Asa Pettingill, son of Daniel, in 1789. He was born J uly 14, 17()5. \l. William Carr (954) boni in Bridgewater, Mass.. May 4, 1773, married Rhoda French, of Ca[)t. William and Mar\'. of Stoughton, Mass., Nov. 30, 1796. He settled in Eastern, Mass., soon after marriage, but later in life moved to vStoughton, where he died June 6, 1852. His wife was born in vStoughton, Oct. 5, 1774, and died in the same place, Dec. 29, 1853. They were both buried in b^aston. Their children were, 1781x1. William Carr, b. April 20, 1798. 1782x2. Azel Carr, 1). Oct. 2 5, 179:). 1783x3. Simeon Carr, 1). Feb. 1, 1801. 1781x4. Alpheus Carr. b. Aug. 23. 1805. 1785x5. kMioda Carr, b. Fel). 22, 1808. 178i) (i. Mary Carr. b. Sept. (5. 1809. m. Merrill French, d. 1874. 1787 7. Xancy Carr. b. Feb. 13. 1819. \'I. Mkrcv C.vrr (95()) l)oni in Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 3, 1778, married Daniel Carr (962) Oct. 17. 1799. Xo further record

CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 11!) is fomid of this faiiiil}'. \'I. )ames Cakr (963) born in vSonlli Carolina, October, 1789. Ik' married and bad a family of cbildren. In 1781 he started to move his famil\' to Tennessee, bnt was killed b^' the Indians while on the journey. His wife and children and the company they were with, continued the journey and settled in the vicinity of Nashville. Of this family there was, 1788X 1. jobn Carr, b. Sept. 5, 1778, X\. joiix Cakk (964) born in vSouth Carolina, where he mar- rietl and had, 1789x1. John Carr, b. May 2. 1769. VI. Dea. James Cark (96o) born in Litchlield, N. H., in 1748, married Ann Patterson, of Goffstown, N. H., and settled in An'a-itn, N, H., in 1778. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church for 34 years. He died at the age of 86 3^ears. Their children were, 1790x1. Jesse Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1776. 1791 X 2. Robert Carr, b. July 11, 1779. 1792x3. Samuel Carr, b. Feb. 13, 1782. 1793 4. Hannah Carr, b. May 14, 1784, m. James Backett. 1794x5. James Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1786. 1795x6. Thomas Carr, b. April 12, 1789. 1796x7: Alexander Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1791. 1797 8. Silas Carr, b. Jtil}^ 17, 1794, m. Nancy Stuart. I7t8 9. Jonathan Carr, b. April 21, 1797, d. when 3 3'ears old. VI. John Carr (966) born in Litchfield, N. H., in 1759, married Sarah Shackford, of Newburyport, Mass., who died at the age of 27, leaving three children. He next married Chloe Hixon, of Sharon, Mass. He settled in Antrim. N. H., in 1780, where he died in 1822. ren were, His second wife died in 1856. His child- 1799 1. Hannah Carr, b. 1784, m. Otis Howe. 1800x2. John Carr, b. 1785. 1801 3. Sarah Carr, b. 1786, m. Ezekiel Flanders, d. 1810. children b}^ second w4fe, 1802 4. Isabella Carr, m. Enoch Roby. 1803 5. Naomi Carr, rn. Ezekiel Roby. 1804 (). Jane Carr, m. William Walker, d. 1830. 1805x7. Jonathan Carr, b. 1800. 1806 8. Tristam vS. Carr, d. unm. in 1834.


is fomid of this faiiiil}'.<br />

\'I. )ames Cakr (963) born in vSonlli Carolina, October, 1789.<br />

Ik' married and bad a family of cbildren. In 1781 he started<br />

to move his famil\' to Tennessee, bnt was killed b^' the Indians<br />

while on the journey. His wife and children and the company<br />

they were with, continued the journey and settled in the<br />

vicinity of Nashville. Of this family there was,<br />

1788X 1. jobn Carr, b. Sept. 5, 1778,<br />

X\. joiix Cakk (964) born in vSouth Carolina, where he mar-<br />

rietl and had,<br />

1789x1. John Carr, b. May 2. 1769.<br />

VI. Dea. James Cark (96o) born in Litchlield, N. H., in 1748,<br />

married Ann Patterson, of Goffstown, N. H., and settled in<br />

An'a-itn, N, H., in 1778. He was an elder in the Presbyterian<br />

church for 34 years. He died at the age of 86 3^ears. Their<br />

children were,<br />

1790x1. Jesse Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1776.<br />

1791 X 2. Robert Carr, b. July 11, 1779.<br />

1792x3. Samuel Carr, b. Feb. 13, 1782.<br />

1793 4. Hannah Carr, b. May 14, 1784, m. James Backett.<br />

1794x5. James Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1786.<br />

1795x6. Thomas Carr, b. April 12, 1789.<br />

1796x7: Alexander Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1791.<br />

1797 8. Silas Carr, b. Jtil}^ 17, 1794, m. Nancy Stuart.<br />

I7t8 9. Jonathan Carr, b. April 21, 1797, d. when 3 3'ears old.<br />

VI. John Carr (966) born in Litchfield, N. H., in 1759, married<br />

Sarah Shackford, of Newburyport, Mass., who died at the<br />

age of 27, leaving three children. He next married Chloe Hixon,<br />

of Sharon, Mass. He settled in Antrim. N. H., in 1780,<br />

where he died in 1822.<br />

ren were,<br />

His second wife died in 1856. His child-<br />

1799 1. Hannah Carr, b. 1784, m. Otis Howe.<br />

1800x2. John Carr, b. 1785.<br />

1801 3. Sarah Carr, b. 1786, m. Ezekiel Flanders, d. 1810.<br />

children b}^ second w4fe,<br />

1802 4. Isabella Carr, m. Enoch Roby.<br />

1803 5. Naomi Carr, rn. Ezekiel Roby.<br />

1804 (). Jane Carr, m. William Walker, d. 1830.<br />

1805x7. Jonathan Carr, b. 1800.<br />

1806 8. Tristam vS. Carr, d. unm. in 1834.

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