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110 CAKR KAM[LY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. VI, Daniel Carr (870) born in Newburyport, Mass., June 29, 1789, married Mary Joy in Winthrop, Me., Feb. 16, 1816. She was born in Winthrop, June 5, 1794, and died Jan. 14, 1878. He settled in WintVirop where he kept the first temperance hotel in that j^art of the countr3\ He was a deacon in the Cont^re- gational church for about twent}' years. He died Feb. 1, 18fi2. Their children are, 1625 1. Mary Ann Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1816, d. Nov. 26, 1826. 1626 2. Daniel Noyes Carr, h. April 14, 1818, d. May 15, 1825. 1627 3. Hartford Joy Carr, 1). Sept. 13, 1820, d. July 13, 1822. 1628 4. George Whitetield Carr, b. April 17, 1824, d. May 4, '49. 1629x5. Sarah Burl)ank Carr, b. June 19, 1826. 1680 (). Daniel Holmes Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1827, d. July 1, 1831. 1631x7. Helen Ann Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1833. VI. Meiiitable Carr (871) born Oct. 5, 1785, married David Lovejoy, July 29, 1810. She died Jan. 18, 1854. They had, 1632 1, James C. Lovejoy, b. Nov. 27, 1811, d. Dec. 16, 1811. VI. Levi Carr (873) born in SalisburA^ Mass., Nov. 5, 1798. married Maryjane Irehmd, in Newburj^ Mass., June He died Sept. 27, 1879. She lives in Amesbury, Mass. children are, 1, 18-13. Their 1633x1. Caroline Marcellia Carr, b. March, 3, 1814. 1634x2. Charles Henry Carr, b. April, 6, 1848. VI. Mary Carr (874) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 3, 1800, married Daniel Norton, of Newburyport, Mass., March 22, 1822. She died Aug. 1, 1877. VI. Clarissa Carr (876) born in Newbury, Mass., June 6, 1805, married John Currier, Dec. 28, 1830. Fle was born in Newburyport, Mass., April 14, 1802, and died Sept. 2, 1887. She died Sept. 9, 1889. Their children were, 1635x1. John J. Currier, b. Oct. '>2, 1834. 1633 2. kary'Putman Currier, b. Aug. 14, 1837, d. Mar 26. 1845. VI. Esther Carr, (877) born in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1807, married Augustus Dacbelder, of Dan vers, Mass., Sej^t. 15, Ib'M. She died Feb. 5, 1813. \'I. Thomas Carr (878) born in Virginia, Nov. 25, 1735. He was called "Thomas the Hunter," a name he especially deserved by reason of ex.'haaging his patrimonial estate among the most fertile in the ct)unt^' of Albermarle, after he had killed

CAKR FAMILY WECOKDS—SIXTH GKMEKATION. Ill all the i:;anie upon il; for a barren niountain tract twenty miles away, where game was abundant. He married and had a family, one of whom was. HVAlxi. Samuel Carr, 1). about 17()0. \'I. Dahxey Cakk (882) l)orn in Viririnia, Oct. 20, 1743, married Martha Jefferson, a sister of Tliomas Jefferson, one of the presiilents of the United States. He was a meml)er of the house of Burgesses, and introduced and carried a bill of rights, \vhich was regarded as tlie entering wedge to the separation of the colonies from England. His speech on that occasion was regarded b}' Mr. Jefferson as a "master-piece of patriotic eh)(]uence," and he was considered the ablest man of his age in America. (See Wirt's life of Patrick Henr}', p. 108.) On this subject Mr. Jefferson writes: "I well remember the pleasure ex])ressed in the countenances and conversation of the meml)ers generall}' on this deJmt of Mr. Carr, and the hopes they conceived as well from the talent as the patriotism manifested. Htit he died within two months after, and in him we lost a ])owei ful fellow laborer. His character was of a high order. Of spotless integrit^^ sound judgment, handsome imagination, enriched 1>y education and reading; quicl-i and clear in his concej)tions, his correct and ready elocution impressed every hearer Avith the sincerity of the heart from which it flowed. His firmness was inflexible in whatever he thought Nvas right, but when no moral principle stood in the way, never had man more of the milk of human kindness, of indulgence of soft- ness, of pleasantry in conversation and conduct." He died at the age of thirty, in Charlottsville, \^a., Maj' 1(3, 1773, leaving a famil}' of six children as follows: 1038x1. Peter Carr, b. about 1764. 1(539x2. Samuel Carr, b. „ 17(i6. I(i40x3. Dabney Carr, b. „ 17(37. I(:41x4. Virginia Carr, 1). „ 17(;9. 1(:42 .'). Jane Carr, 1). about 1771, m. Cary. 1(!43 6. Mar}^ Carr, b. ,, 1773, d. unm. VI. JoHX Cakk (887) born in Virginia, July 17, 1853, married and had a family as follows: 1()44 1. Nellie Carr, m. her cousin, Samuel Carr, (1G39) 1(14.") 2. Betsey Carr, m. „ Dabney Carr, (1640) \'l. (iAKLAM) Cakr (888) l)orn in Virginia, July 10, 1754, mar-


all the i:;anie upon il; for a barren niountain tract twenty miles<br />

away, where game was abundant. He married and had a family,<br />

one of whom was.<br />

HVAlxi. Samuel Carr, 1). about 17()0.<br />

\'I. Dahxey Cakk (882) l)orn in Viririnia, Oct. 20, 1743, married<br />

Martha Jefferson, a sister of Tliomas Jefferson, one of the<br />

presiilents of the United States. He was a meml)er of the<br />

house of Burgesses, and introduced and carried a bill of rights,<br />

\vhich was regarded as tlie entering wedge to the separation<br />

of the colonies from England. His speech on that occasion<br />

was regarded b}' Mr. Jefferson as a "master-piece of patriotic<br />

eh)(]uence," and he was considered the ablest man of his age<br />

in America. (See Wirt's life of Patrick Henr}', p. 108.) On this<br />

subject Mr. Jefferson writes: "I well remember the pleasure<br />

ex])ressed in the countenances and conversation of the meml)ers<br />

generall}' on this deJmt of Mr. Carr, and the hopes they<br />

conceived as well from the talent as the patriotism manifested.<br />

Htit he died within two months after, and in him we lost a<br />

])owei ful fellow laborer. His character was of a high order.<br />

Of spotless integrit^^ sound judgment, handsome imagination,<br />

enriched 1>y education and reading; quicl-i and clear in his concej)tions,<br />

his correct and ready elocution impressed every hearer<br />

Avith the sincerity of the heart from which it flowed. His<br />

firmness was inflexible in whatever he thought Nvas right, but<br />

when no moral principle stood in the way, never had man<br />

more of the milk of human kindness, of indulgence of soft-<br />

ness, of pleasantry in conversation and conduct." He died at<br />

the age of thirty, in Charlottsville, \^a., Maj' 1(3, 1773, leaving a<br />

famil}' of six children as follows:<br />

1038x1. Peter Carr, b. about 1764.<br />

1(539x2. Samuel Carr, b. „ 17(i6.<br />

I(i40x3. Dabney Carr, b. „ 17(37.<br />

I(:41x4. Virginia Carr,<br />

1). „ 17(;9.<br />

1(:42 .'). Jane Carr, 1). about 1771, m. Cary.<br />

1(!43 6. Mar}^ Carr, b. ,, 1773, d. unm.<br />

VI. JoHX Cakk (887) born in Virginia, July 17, 1853, married<br />

and had a family as follows:<br />

1()44 1. Nellie Carr, m. her cousin, Samuel Carr, (1G39)<br />

1(14.") 2. Betsey Carr, m. „ Dabney Carr, (1640)<br />

\'l. (iAKLAM) Cakr (888) l)orn in Virginia, July 10, 1754, mar-

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