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, CARR<br />


VI. vSoiMiiA Carr (813) 1)01-11 in Haverhill, Mass., Juno 1(»,<br />

1787, married Joini iJaker, of IJaii^or, Me.<br />

\'I I^'^KWNc'is Cak'K (815) horn in JIaverhill, Mass., Jan. 17,<br />

179l}, went west and died when ahont 30 3'ears old.<br />

\'l. JosiHA WrxGATK Cakk (81(5) horn in Haverhill, Mass.,<br />

Dee. 2, 17J)(i He settled in Bangor, Me., and ludd ol'lice most<br />

of liis life, having heen sheriff of Penohscot eounty, mayor of<br />

Hangor, and also postmaster in J?angor under president Taylor<br />

in 1845).<br />

\'l. [osHUA \ViXGATi«: (817) horn in Haverhill, Mass., married<br />

a daughter of Gen. Hem-y Dearhorn, of (iardiner. Me. He<br />

held an office in Wasliington when (ren. Dearhorn was secre-<br />

tary of war, in Jefferscni's cahinet. He returned to Portlatid,<br />

Me., and was postmaster there for a time. He died when ahout<br />

80 years of age.<br />

Yl. Jamhs Wixgatk (81f)) horn in Haverhill, Mass,, married<br />

Miss Pope, of Ipswnch. Mass. He succeeded his hrother Joshua<br />

in the ])ostoffiee in Portland, Me., aiul afterwards retired to<br />

a farm in Kennehec county.<br />

VI. Joseph Wixgate (820) horn in Haverhill, Mass., and married<br />

a lad}' from the south. He was ap}>ointed collector of the<br />

custom house of Path, Me., and afterwards represented Bath<br />

in the general court of Massachusetts, and T^incoln district in<br />

congress.<br />

V[. Thomas Hoyt Cakr (829) horn in Haverhill, Mass., ahout<br />

1785, married I5ethiah vScott, of Machias, Me., Dec. 20,<br />

1812. She was horn June 28, 1798, and died in Jackson, Mich.,<br />

Dee. 18, 1858. He died in Belfast, Me., April 14, 1854, while on<br />

a visit, hut was huried in Jackson. Their children were,<br />

1.541x1. Sarah Bethiah Carr, h. Oct. 26, 1813.<br />

1542x2. George Wales Carr, h. July 6, 1815.<br />

1513x3. Francis Warren Carr, h. Jan. 30. 1818.<br />

11544x4. Ahigail Weld Carr, h. Jan. (5, 1820.<br />

1545x5. Solomon Thayer Carr, h. July 22, 1823.<br />

1.540 o. \ Daniel Hoyt Carr, h. April 5, 1820.<br />

1.547 7. ( Thomas Wingate Carr. h. ,, ,. d. in infancy.<br />

1548x8. Caroline Wehster Carr, h. May 26, 1828.<br />

1519x0. Adelaide Wingate Carr, h. April 11, 1832.<br />

VI. Sarah Carr (830) horn in Haverhill, Mass., vSept. 1787,

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