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, CARR FAMILY RKCOKDS—SIXTH GKNERATloX. 10." VI. vSoiMiiA Carr (813) 1)01-11 in Haverhill, Mass., Juno 1(», 1787, married Joini iJaker, of IJaii^or, Me. \'I I^'^KWNc'is Cak'K (815) horn in JIaverhill, Mass., Jan. 17, 179l}, went west and died when ahont 30 3'ears old. \'l. JosiHA WrxGATK Cakk (81(5) horn in Haverhill, Mass., Dee. 2, 17J)(i He settled in Bangor, Me., and ludd ol'lice most of liis life, having heen sheriff of Penohscot eounty, mayor of Hangor, and also postmaster in J?angor under president Taylor in 1845). \'l. [osHUA \ViXGATi«: (817) horn in Haverhill, Mass., married a daughter of Gen. Hem-y Dearhorn, of (iardiner. Me. He held an office in Wasliington when (ren. Dearhorn was secre- tary of war, in Jefferscni's cahinet. He returned to Portlatid, Me., and was postmaster there for a time. He died when ahout 80 years of age. Yl. Jamhs Wixgatk (81f)) horn in Haverhill, Mass,, married Miss Pope, of Ipswnch. Mass. He succeeded his hrother Joshua in the ])ostoffiee in Portland, Me., aiul afterwards retired to a farm in Kennehec county. VI. Joseph Wixgate (820) horn in Haverhill, Mass., and married a lad}' from the south. He was ap}>ointed collector of the custom house of Path, Me., and afterwards represented Bath in the general court of Massachusetts, and T^incoln district in congress. V[. Thomas Hoyt Cakr (829) horn in Haverhill, Mass., ahout 1785, married I5ethiah vScott, of Machias, Me., Dec. 20, 1812. She was horn June 28, 1798, and died in Jackson, Mich., Dee. 18, 1858. He died in Belfast, Me., April 14, 1854, while on a visit, hut was huried in Jackson. Their children were, 1.541x1. Sarah Bethiah Carr, h. Oct. 26, 1813. 1542x2. George Wales Carr, h. July 6, 1815. 1513x3. Francis Warren Carr, h. Jan. 30. 1818. 11544x4. Ahigail Weld Carr, h. Jan. (5, 1820. 1545x5. Solomon Thayer Carr, h. July 22, 1823. 1.540 o. \ Daniel Hoyt Carr, h. April 5, 1820. 1.547 7. ( Thomas Wingate Carr. h. ,, ,. d. in infancy. 1548x8. Caroline Wehster Carr, h. May 26, 1828. 1519x0. Adelaide Wingate Carr, h. April 11, 1832. VI. Sarah Carr (830) horn in Haverhill, Mass., vSept. 1787,


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