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103 CARR FAMILY RECORDS— SIXTH GENERATION. died Dec. 31, 1859. Their children were, 1487x1. Judith Ann Kimball, b. April 8, 1795. 1488x2. William Carr Kimball, b. Oct. 26, 1797. 1489x3. Leonard Woods Kinl)all, b. Feb. 25, 1800. 1490 4. Emma Carr Kimball, b. June 13, 1802, d. June 24, 1862. 1491x5. Caleb Kimball, b. Oct. 19, 1803. 1492x6. Samuel Carr Kimball, b. March 9. 1806. 1493x7. Thomas Noyes Kimball, b. May 2, 1808. 1494x8. Moses Warren Kimball, b. Dec. 31, 1810. 1495 9. Joseph Horace Kimball, April 26, 1813, d. Mar. 11, 1838 1496 10. Charles Kimball, b. Sept. 14, 1815, d. March 17. 1816. 1497x11. Kufus Emory Kimball, b. Jan. 3, 1820. VI. William Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) b(n-n in New- bury, Mass., Jan. 19, 1781, married Mar^^ Greenlief, in Newbury, May 31, 1805.'she was born July 15, 1786, and died Feb. 28, 1868. He died in West Ne\vbur3^, JuH' 17, 1855. Their children were, 1498x1. Mary G. Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1806. 1499x2. William Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1808. 1500x3. Mehitable G. Carr, 1). June 18, 1812. 1501 4. Caroline Carr, b. March 20, 1815. 1.502 5. Luther 1). Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1820, d. Oct. 30, 1849, in Cal. 1503x6. Eliza Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1822. 1504 7. Robert Josiah Carr, b. March 4, 1830, d. Sept. 7, 1830, VI. Dr. Kobert Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) liorn in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 24, 1783, married Polly Chase, in Newbury, Jan. 20, 1813. She was born Au^i^. 5, 1785. "He early removed from Newd^ury to the district of Maine, then a portion of Massachusetts, and established himself in the town of He- bron, where he successfully pursued the business of his profession, and won for himself a confidence and reputation that his friends and relatives may well delio;ht to cherish." He died in West Minot, Me., July 14, 1852. Their children were, 1505x1. Josiah Carr, b. Fel>. 6, 1814. 1.506x2. Ann Kimball Carr, 1). March 29, 1816. 1.507x3. Mehitable Fr^^e Carr, b. April 5, 1818. 1.508 4. Samuel Carr, b. July 30, 1823, ni. Harriet C. Hanks. 1.509 .5. Kol)ert William Carr, 1). Feb. 1, 182(5. VI. Mary Carr (of Samuel ruid Emma, 4.56) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 27, 1786, married Enoch Chase, in 1806. He died Fel). 1S42, and she died April 4, 1845. '1 hey ( uly had,

CAK'K I'AMILY KMHOK'DS— SIXTH GliMEKATION. 103 1510x1 WarrcMi K. Cliaso, b. Oct. 12, IHOP). VI. Am)K'i;\v C.\KK'(7i)!)) born in I )


1510x1 WarrcMi K. Cliaso, b. Oct. 12, IHOP).<br />

VI. Am)K'i;\v C.\KK'(7i)!)) born in I )

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