The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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576<br />

2933. III. Ann Maria.' b. 12 Feb., 1827; married, at Sugar Creek township, Walworth Co.,<br />

Wis., II Oct., 1849, George W. (.son of Strong* and Weed) Sturges,<br />

who was born 27 Mch., 1808, <strong>in</strong> Stamford, Ct., and resided <strong>in</strong> New York City.<br />

From thence he removed, <strong>in</strong> 1844, to Rac<strong>in</strong>e, Wis., and returned, <strong>in</strong> 185 1, to<br />

the State of New York. P. O. address (1884) Lake Geneva, Walworth Co.,<br />

Wis. Children:<br />

29S4. i. Sar,ih Barimrd,* b. 5 Aug. 1850- married, 26 Oct. 1S76, John 1'.. SimmonS. Lawyer.<br />

29S9.<br />

2990.<br />

2991<br />

Res. (1884) Geneva, Wis.<br />

ii. George Humphrey,'^ b. 25 Oct. 1851, Sugar Creek, Wis.<br />

iii. Walter Irv<strong>in</strong>g,* b. 18 Oct. 1853.<br />

iv. Alexander,* b. 12 Aug. 1855, Williamsburgh, L. I.; died 5 Sept. 1856, re. i year,<br />

V. Charles Strong,* b. 15 Sept. 1857, Williamsburgh, L. I.<br />

vi. Arthur,* b. 25 Aug. i860. Lake Geneva, Wis.<br />

vii. Mary Elizabeth,* b. 30 July, 1865, Geneva, Wis.<br />

viii. Benjam<strong>in</strong>,* b. 27 Nov. 1867, Geneva, Wis.<br />

FAMILY 221.<br />

2992. Aaron Norton' Humphrey, [1434] (Coi. Rosivdi^ Capt. Asaph.* dpi. Xoak,^<br />

Lieut. Samuel,' Michael.') was born 15 July, 1797, probably <strong>in</strong> Norfolk, Ct. He married .<br />

He died <strong>in</strong> Kentucky.<br />

Chihlreii:<br />

2993. I. Ann,' married (i) ; married (2) Walker, who is deceased.<br />

2994. II. Martha.'<br />

[Children, whose names have not been ascerta<strong>in</strong>ed.]<br />

2995. III. Mary,' married Down<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>The</strong>y resided at Madrid Bend.<br />

[Children: Seven sons and one ilaughter, whose records have not been obta<strong>in</strong>ed.]<br />

FAMILY 222.<br />

2996. Georo^e' Humphrey, ['436] fCol. Ros-well.^ Capt. Asaj>h,* Capl. Noah.^^ Lieut.<br />

Samuel,- Michael.') was born 29 August, 1801, at Norfolk, Ct. He married, <strong>in</strong> Ohio, 16 Dec,<br />

1830, Hannah Aldan Blodgett, b. 26 Dec, 1800, Randolph, Vt. ; died m Bloomfield, Wis., 8<br />

July, i860, vl: 59 years. He died at Sugar Creek, Wis., 7 Dec, 1848, ae. 47 years.<br />

Children<br />

:<br />

2997. I. Rebecca,' b. 18 Sept., 1832; d. 28 Apr., 1833, x. 7 months.<br />

2908. II. George Peaslev,' b, 5 Sept., 1834: d. 30 May, 1840, x. 5 years, and 8 months.<br />

29f,9. III. l-.LizABETH,' b. 10 Aug., 1837: d. 22 Sept., 1839, a'. 2 years, and i munth.<br />

3000. 1\'. F.LiZABETH,' b. 20 Apr., 1840; married, <strong>in</strong> Sugar Creek, Wis., 6 June, 1858, George<br />

W. Frost. Res. (1883) <strong>in</strong> Beloit, Wis. Child:<br />

3001. i. Ella,* b. 6 Apr. 1859, Spr<strong>in</strong>gfield, Wis.; married, <strong>in</strong> licloit. Wis., 23 Nov. 1S80, William<br />

B. Biddle. ChUd: (i) George William' (Bi'ldlc), b. 5 Dec. 1881, Emporia, Kansas:<br />

died <strong>in</strong> Albuquerque, New Mexico, 30 Jan. 1SS2, a;. 2 months.<br />

* Strone .Sturges, born <strong>in</strong> Ridgefield, Ct., was two ye.irs old when that town was burned dur<strong>in</strong>g the Revolutionary war. He dii-il<br />

17 Aug. 183s. t+is first wife, Elizabeth Weed, of Stamford, Ct., died early <strong>in</strong> life, and he then married Martha Weed, of Stamford, who<br />

died 17 Feb. iS6o, at lirooklyn, N. V.

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