The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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Nordheimer;" Philadelphia, New Englander, 1S74. "John Neill and his Descend-<br />

ants;" Philadelphia, 1875. Children.<br />

2735. i- I'^ev. Heman Humphrey," b. 28 Aug. 1842, Hatfield, Mass.; became a member of the<br />

557<br />

church, at Detroit, Mich., <strong>in</strong> 1858. He graduated at Amherst College, <strong>in</strong> 1866, and at<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton Sem<strong>in</strong>ary, <strong>in</strong> 1S69; was <strong>in</strong>stalled pastor of the church at Fort Edward, New<br />

York, June 19th, 1869, and there cont<strong>in</strong>ued until 1874, hav<strong>in</strong>g been elected Professor<br />

of Rhetoric, English Literature and Oratory, at Amherst College, November 3d, of<br />

that year. He married, <strong>in</strong> Pittsfield, Mass., 22 Dec. 1875, Abby Wilcox (dau. of<br />

Charles B.) Redfidd, of Pittsfield, born <strong>in</strong> 1850, at Albany, N. Y. Res. {1884) Am-<br />

herst, Mas?.<br />

2736. ii. Rev. Henry, f b. 20 Jan. 1845, Amherst, Mass.; entered Centre College, at Danville, Ky.,<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1864, and Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton Sem<strong>in</strong>ary, <strong>in</strong> 1866, where he graduated <strong>in</strong> 1868. He was <strong>in</strong>stalled<br />

pastor of the church <strong>in</strong> Schaghticoke, N. Y., June 4th, 1872, cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g there until<br />

September, 1880. In February, 1881, he became pastor of the Church of Christ<br />

(Congregational) <strong>in</strong> Westfield, New Jersey, where he still rema<strong>in</strong>s (1884). He married<br />

(I) <strong>in</strong> Amherst, Mass., 13 June, 1872, Cather<strong>in</strong>e (dau. of Frederick and Fanny Hosmer)<br />

Hast<strong>in</strong>gs, of Bra<strong>in</strong>ard, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Mrs. Neill died <strong>in</strong> Amherst, Mass. He<br />

married (2) <strong>in</strong> Schaghticoke, N. Y., Eliza Congdon, of that town, who died, Monday,<br />

19 June, 1882, at Westfield, N. J. Children (by ist marriage}: (i) Henry,' b. 11<br />

Aug. 1874, Schaghticoke, N. Y, (2) Cather<strong>in</strong>e Hast<strong>in</strong>gs,' b. 16 Sept. 1875, Amherst,<br />

Mass. (By 2d marriage): (3) Mather Humphrey,' born <strong>in</strong> May, 1882, Westfield, N. J.<br />

2737. iii. Albert Barnes,* b. 13 Apr. 1847, Lenox, Mass.; united with the Presbyterian church <strong>in</strong><br />

1863; received his academical education <strong>in</strong> the Synodical Sem<strong>in</strong>ary at Geneseo, N. Y.<br />

He entered the freight ofiice of the New York Central Railroad, <strong>in</strong> 1S65, and became<br />

assistant cashier; <strong>in</strong> 1882, was cashier of the Gilbert Car Works at Buffalo, N. Y.<br />

Res. (1884) at Buffalo, N. Y.;—unmarried.<br />

2738. iv. Lucy Humphrey, 8 b. 5 May, 1854, Pittsfield, Mass.; was baptized at Lenox, Mass., <strong>in</strong><br />

September, 1854. Res. (1884) at Buffalo, N. Y.;—unmarried.<br />

2739. v. John," b. 30 June, 1856, Detroit, Mich.; died 7 Sept. 1857, x. I year, and 2 months.<br />

He was buried at Pittsfield, Mass.<br />

2740. VI. Mary,7 b. 6 Oct., 1S20, Pittsfield, Mass.; died <strong>in</strong> Amherst, Mass., 27 Feb., 1825,<br />

te. "4 3'ears, and was there buried.<br />

2741. VII. Henry Martyn,' b. 21 Sept., 1822, Pittsfield, Mass.; died <strong>in</strong> Amherst, Mass., 4<br />

July, 1840, a;. 17 years, and was there buried.<br />

2742. VIII. Zephaniah Moore,? b. 30 Aug., 1S24; d. 13 Nov., i88i, oc. 57; married Harriclta<br />

L. Sykes. Family 398.<br />

2743. IX. Mary Elizabeth,' b. 6 Sept., 1826, Amherst, Mass.; pursued her studies at INIount<br />

Ilolyoke Female Sem<strong>in</strong>ary two years, but did not graduate on account of ill<br />

health. She married, <strong>in</strong> Pittsfield, I\Iass., 3 Oct., 1848, Rev. David (son of Jason*<br />

• Jason Torrey was bom 20 June, 1772, at Williamstown, Mass. He went, <strong>in</strong> 1793, at the age of twenty, to the wilderness of<br />

North-liastern Pennsylvania, and was very prom<strong>in</strong>ent <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g the country. After the death of his first wife, he married, <strong>in</strong> 1S16,<br />

Achsah Tyler.<br />

His earliest ancestor <strong>in</strong> this country was William Torrey, from Combe St. Nicholas, Somersetshire, England, who was settled at<br />

Weymouth, Mass., about 1640. Mary, the niece of this William, after the death, at Scituate, Mass., of her father James Torrey, (who<br />

was progenitor of Charles T. Torrey, the "martyr,") became his ward. She married Samuel (son of Jonas) Humphrey. [See the genealogy<br />

of the <strong>Humphreys</strong> of Weymouth, Mass.]<br />

Samuel Torrey, (son of William,) born <strong>in</strong> 1632, <strong>in</strong> England, was pastor <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, <strong>in</strong> 1664, and onward. He three times<br />

preached the annual election sermon, and was twice offered the presidency of Harvard College, where he graduated <strong>in</strong> very nearly, if<br />

not quite, the first college class. He died 21 April, 1707, aged about 75 years. He had been <strong>in</strong> the m<strong>in</strong>istry fifty years, and was an<br />

able and faithful preacher. His predecessor <strong>in</strong> the Weymouth pastorate was Rev. Thomas Thacher, who removed from thence to the

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