The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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Ill llic DoRCHF.sTKR AMI Wkvmoutii (M.iss.) Families dip. 841 908), (.Il'sccihIcJ from Jonas, of Dorchester, we<br />

have a record of 281 males and 279 females, born l>y the name of Iliiiiiphrey, viz: second generation, two sons and<br />

three daughters; third, seven sons and two daughters; fourlh, 14 sons and 17 daughters; fifth, 17 sons and 25 daughters;<br />

sixth, 35 sons and 43 daughters; seventh, 63 sons and 75 daughters; eighth, 61 sons an(l 52 daughters; n<strong>in</strong>th, 59 sons<br />

and 44 daughters; tenth, 22 sons and 18 daughters; eleventh, one son. Total, 560.<br />

Of these, five were Graduates of Harvard College; two were Clergymen; one a Rul<strong>in</strong>g Elder; n<strong>in</strong>e Deacons;<br />

two Doctors; one Lawyer; one Justice of the Peace; one Town Clerk; one Major; two Capta<strong>in</strong>s; one served <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Indian Wars; one (as Capta<strong>in</strong>) <strong>in</strong> the Revolutionary War; two <strong>in</strong> the War of 1812; three <strong>in</strong> the Civil War; 13 were<br />

Manufacturers; 10 Merchants; one a Consul-General.<br />

Uf the descendants of Humphrey daughters, and born by other names, there were 185 males and 203 females,<br />

y'u: fifth generation, n<strong>in</strong>e sons and 13 daughters; sixth, 15 sons and 19 daughters; seventh, 46 sons and 39 daughters;<br />

eighth, 69 sons and 62 daughters; 7i<strong>in</strong>th, 35 sons and 49 daughters; tenth, n<strong>in</strong>e sons and 12 daughters; eleventh, n<strong>in</strong>e<br />

sons and n<strong>in</strong>e daughters. Toi'AL, 388. {Daughters predom<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g.)<br />

Of these, three were Clergymen; five Graduates of College; one Soldier of the Revolution; one Capta<strong>in</strong>; one<br />

Town Clerk; one Bank President.<br />

In the HiNGHAM (Mas-;.) ANn Nnuiii ^"\l nmi mi (Mi.) Families (pp. 925-947), we have a record of 133 males<br />

and 133 females, born by the name m1 //v / . / 'generation, four sons and three daughters; third, n<strong>in</strong>e<br />

sons and 15 daughters; /owr//;, 13 mmi^ ami •<br />

\<br />

•'<br />

• n: I.; ; fifth, 34 sons and 36 daughters; si.xth, 35 sons and 35<br />

daughters; seventh, 29 sons and 31 daughters .,,;'/, mm mjus and six daughters. TOTAL, 266.<br />

Of these, one was a Member of the State Legislature; four were Merchants; one a Capta<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Civil War;<br />

one a Clergyman; eight Ship-masters.-<br />

Of the descendants of Humphrey daughters, and iorn by other names, there were 93 males and 85 females, viz:<br />

fifth generation, four sons and three daughters; sixth, 17 sons and 20 daughters; seventh, 51 sons and 43 daughters;<br />

eighth, 21 sons and 19 daughters. TulAL, 178.<br />

<strong>The</strong> preponderat<strong>in</strong>g occupation of this l<strong>in</strong>e is that of Seafar<strong>in</strong>g, as Sailors and Ship-masters.<br />

Major William HuMriluEV, head of the Tiverton, R. I., Family (pp. 957-972), had 65 male and 64 female<br />

descendants, born by the name of Humphrey, viz: second generation, six sons and four daughters; third, 22 sons and<br />

18 daughters; fourlh, 32 sons and 35 daughters; fifth, five sons and seven daughters. Toial, 129.<br />

Of these, three were College Graduates; one a State Representative; one Lieut. -Col.; two Capta<strong>in</strong>s; one Major;<br />

one M<strong>in</strong>ister; one Deacon; one Sheriff; one Lawyer; one Journalist; two served <strong>in</strong> the War of Civil Rebellion.<br />

Of the descendants of Humphrey daughters, and born by other names, there were 51 males and 41 females, viz: third<br />

generation, five sons and four daughters; fourth, 25 sons and 22 daughters; fifth, 21 sons and 15 daughters. Total, 92.<br />

Of these, one was a Clergyman, and one a Lieutenant <strong>in</strong> the War of Civil Rebellion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> record of descendants of James Hu.mi'Iirev, of Rhode Island (pp. 972-4), comprises 22 males and II females,<br />

born by the name of Humphrey, viz: second generation, seven sons and four daughters; third, 12 sons and six daughters;<br />

fourth, three sons and one daughter. Total, 33. This little <strong>family</strong> embraced two physicians; one Judge; one Soldier<br />

of 1812, while the Ancestor was a brave Soldier of the Revolution.<br />

Of the Londonderry (N. H.) Family (pp. 977-983), there were 22 males and 14 females, born by the name of<br />

Humphrey, viz: second generation, two sons and one daughter; third, four sons and n<strong>in</strong>e daughters; fourth, 10 sons<br />

and two daughters; fijth, six sons and two daughters. ToiAL, 36.<br />

Of these, one served <strong>in</strong> the Revolutionary War; one <strong>in</strong> War of Civil Rebellion; one was a State Representative;<br />

one a Rul<strong>in</strong>g Elder; one a Deacon; two Clergymen; one a Doctor of Div<strong>in</strong>ity; four College Graduates; one Editor;<br />

one Lawyer and Judge; one Teacher.<br />

Of the descendants of Humphrey daughters, and born by other names, there were 12 sons and 24 daughters, viz:<br />

fourth generation, five sons and 12 daughters; fifth, seven sons and 12 daughters. Total, 36. <strong>The</strong>re were two<br />

teachers <strong>in</strong> this <strong>family</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> little <strong>family</strong> of 29 (<strong>in</strong> 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th generations) descended from John Humphrey, of Little<br />

Brita<strong>in</strong>, N. Y., shows a roll of three Capta<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> the Revolutionary and 1812 Wars; one Lieut.; one County Surrogate;<br />

one Lawyer, and a Teacher—all born by the name of Humphrey.<br />

•'<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chester Colntv (Pa.) Family (pp. 989-1011) of 40 born by the name of Humph r. iH 11<br />

;.• by<br />

'<br />

other names, shows a most <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g example of <strong>in</strong>tellectual heredity <strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>es of < ni i:Mic<br />

;<br />

service, viz: two U. S. Naval-ship Builders and Contractors; one Midshipman; one Graduate U. S M , \ ii my.<br />

West Po<strong>in</strong>t; one General; one Major; one Capta<strong>in</strong>; three Lieutenants; three served <strong>in</strong> War of Re<strong>in</strong> In n; i, li ,. _;.ite<br />

to Cont<strong>in</strong>ental Congress; one <strong>in</strong> the Prov<strong>in</strong>cial Assembly; one Lawyer; one Doctor; two Civil Eng<strong>in</strong>eers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> John Humphrey Family, of Pennsylvania and Virg<strong>in</strong>ia (pp. 1012 13), among 15 recorded names, comprises<br />

two (one a High) Sheriffs; one Lawyer; one Lieut. U. S. Army; one Soldier of 1812.<br />

Of the II recorded sons of the Virg<strong>in</strong>ia Family (p. 1014), .six served <strong>in</strong> the Revolution; one <strong>in</strong> the War of<br />

1812; two <strong>in</strong> Civil War; one was a Capta<strong>in</strong>; one a Lawyer; one a Clergyman.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 38 sons and the children of the 37 daughters, descendants of the CoUNTV Armagh (Ireland) <strong>Humphreys</strong><br />

(p. loi6), comprise two clergymen; four Elders (and three married to Elders) of the Presbyterian Church; one Judge;<br />

one Lawyer; four Physicians; one Surgeon; one Soldier of the Revolution; n<strong>in</strong>e of the Civil War; one of the War of<br />

l8i2; one Capta<strong>in</strong>; one Lieutenant; one College President; one Author; one College Professor; one College Graduate;<br />

one Civil Eng<strong>in</strong>eer; two Justices of the Peace.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Greenbrier County (Va.) Family (p. 1032) of 18 sons and 13 daughters, born by the name of Humphrey,<br />

comprises one Clergyman; two College Graduates; one College Professor; three Soldiers <strong>in</strong> Civil War.

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