The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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(R 938.) Zadoc" Humphrey |Fam. 29 (335)1.<br />

Children:<br />

•L Horace," b. at North Yarmouth, Mc, ii Apr., 1820; m. Susan M. Hathaway, of<br />

Fairhaven, Mass.; removed to New Bedford, Mass., where he resided about twenty<br />

years. She died 23 Mch., i860. He removed to Boston <strong>in</strong> 1866, and died there<br />

14 Nov., 1883. Child:<br />

i. Horace,' b. at New Bedford, Mass., <strong>in</strong> Nov., 1852; m. 26 Jan., 1881, Emma Hask<strong>in</strong>s, of<br />

Myricksville, Mass.; removed to Colorado, where they now (1886) reside. Child: (I)<br />

Mildred Hask<strong>in</strong>s,8 b. 26 Feb., 1882.<br />

n. Isaac Bailey,^ b. at North Yarmouth, Me., 18 Oct., 1821; moved to Waldoborough,<br />

Me., <strong>in</strong> early life, and there m., 30 Oct., 1845, Cordelia Ann Leighton; removed to<br />

New Bedford <strong>in</strong> 1847. He died 9 Jan., 1875. She died 10 Aug., 1877. Children:<br />

i. Clara Ann," b. 30 July, 1846; m. 25 Feb., 1869, Thomas Ward, of New Bedford, Mass.<br />

Children: (i) Mabel Thomas.e b. 29 May, 1870. (2) David.B b. 25 Oct., 1S71. (3) John<br />

Byram,8 b. 28 Nov., 1873. (4) Ralph Leighton,8 b. 8 Mch., 1878.<br />

ii. Mary Elizabeth," b. 3 Nov., 184S; m. at New Bedford, 24 Oct., 1872, George Foster<br />

Maxfield. CkUd: (i) George Frederick,' b. 6 July, 1875.<br />

iii. John Byram," b. 17 Nov., 1851; d. 4 Mch., 1878.<br />

iv. Ella Matthes," b. 4 Mch., 1858; d. 23 July, 1S80.<br />

HI. Stephen Chap<strong>in</strong>,* b. at North Yarmouth, Me., 27 Sept., 1823; removed to Bangor,<br />

Me., <strong>in</strong> early life; m. Lucy Lovisa Harris, of Spr<strong>in</strong>gfield, Mass., and died suddenly,<br />

at Bangor, 30 Nov., 1874.<br />

IV. Dana Boardman,'^ b. at Yarmouth, Me., 25 July, 1825; removed to New Bedford.<br />

Mass., <strong>in</strong> 1857; m. 9 Feb., 1871, Olivia Howard, of New Bedford.<br />

V. Marcia,* b. 16 Feb., 1828. Res. (1886) Boston, Mass.; unmarried.<br />

VI. Angelia,'' b. at Yarmouth, Me., i Aug., 1831; m. <strong>in</strong> 1856, Thomas Baldw<strong>in</strong> Pratt,<br />

of Yarmouth; removed to Fairhaven, Mass., and d. there, 11 July, 1868. Children:<br />

i. Dana Baldw<strong>in</strong>,' b. <strong>in</strong> Yarmouth, Me., 24 Aug., 1858; m. 30 July, 1885, Kate Landfeld,<br />

of New York City.<br />

ii. Elizabeth Byram,' b. <strong>in</strong> Portland, Mc, 16 Feb., 1861; m. 12 Nov., 1885, James L.<br />

Cill<strong>in</strong>gham, Esq., of Fairhaven, Mass., where they now reside.<br />

(P. 987.) William R.'^ Humphrey (40) has been always prom<strong>in</strong>ently associated with the<br />

social and <strong>in</strong>dustrial progress of his native place. A gentleman of f<strong>in</strong>e taste and reserved habits,<br />

he has felt unwill<strong>in</strong>g to place a sketch of his life and public services at the disposal of the editor<br />

of this genealogy; and we must, therefore, content ourselves with a brief tribute to his worth and<br />

social position. For many years he has been identified with the railroad <strong>in</strong>terests of his city, and,<br />

<strong>in</strong>deed, of the country; and <strong>in</strong> all the relations of life has proven himself an esteemed <strong>citizen</strong> and<br />

most worthy member of society.<br />

George S.* Humphrey (43) (son 0/ William R^) was for several years connected with the<br />

iron works at Oxford, N. J. He m. <strong>in</strong> 1883, Carol<strong>in</strong>e Scranton, of Oxford. Res. Ithaca, N. Y,<br />

Charles* Hi'mphrev (44) (son of William i?.5j was graduated at Cornell University <strong>in</strong> 1880.<br />

He is now (1886) <strong>in</strong> Grant County, N. M., with the Carlisle M<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Company.<br />

Charles D.s Humphrey (36) (brother of William R.^) served dur<strong>in</strong>g the Civil war, and was<br />

honorably discharged at its close. He was stationed for some time <strong>in</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia, and afterward<br />

jo<strong>in</strong>ed the fleet under Admiral Farragut. He was at the storm<strong>in</strong>g of Vicksburg, where he received<br />

a serious wound, from which he fully recovered. He died <strong>in</strong> 1870.

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