The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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CMldrcn:<br />

I. John, h. 13 Apr., 1807; d. 12 Feb., 1863.<br />

II. Henry, b. 4 Oct., 1808; d. 13 Feb., 1852.<br />

III. Thomas, b. 9 Apr., 18 10.<br />

IV. Rebecca, b. 10 Dec, 181 1; d. <strong>in</strong> Sept., 18 13.<br />

V. Daniel L., b. 22 June, 1813; d. 28 June, 1855.<br />

VI. James G., b. 22 Apr., 1815; d. <strong>in</strong> 1877.<br />

VII. Elizabeth, b. 22 May, 18 17.<br />

VIII. Jane, b. i July, 1819.<br />

IX. Son , b. 15 May, 1S20.<br />

X. Hiram G., b. 22 June, 1823.<br />

XL Emel<strong>in</strong>e, b. 10 Aug., 1825; d. 5 Aug., 1854.<br />

XII. Eliza A., b. 10 Sept., 1827; d. 10 Aug., 1828.<br />

XIII. Carol<strong>in</strong>e, b. 15 Aug., 1830; d. 3 Feb., 1831.<br />

>o53<br />

XIV. Nancy, b. 22 Oct., 1832; m. 23 Aug., 1857, J. J. Van Matre, whose father was<br />

among the first settlers <strong>in</strong> Stephenson County, 111. Childivn:<br />

i. Mary C.<br />

ii. James Douglas.<br />

iii. Christie T.<br />

iv. Charles William.<br />

V. Thomas N.<br />

vi. Hiram G.<br />

"Colorado Spr<strong>in</strong>gs, Col., Oct. 31, 1883.<br />

"Otis M. Humphrey, M. D., M<strong>in</strong>neapolis, M<strong>in</strong>n.:<br />

"Dear Sir. —Vour favor of the 27th <strong>in</strong>st. duly received and contents noted. In reply, will<br />

say that I am like many others, 'know little or noth<strong>in</strong>g of my ancestry," and about all I do know<br />

relat<strong>in</strong>g to them is what I remember hear<strong>in</strong>g my grand-father say when I was a bo)'. If I remem-<br />

ber correctly, my great, great grand-father came to this country direct from the North of Ireland,<br />

hav<strong>in</strong>g gone to that country from Wales. He settled <strong>in</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia, from whence our branch of the<br />

<strong>family</strong> sprang. A brother of his came to this country from Wales about the same time, settl<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong> the East—Massachusetts, I th<strong>in</strong>k, and while they corresponded after com<strong>in</strong>g to this country,<br />

they never met. My grand-father's name was David; was born (I th<strong>in</strong>k) <strong>in</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia; married Miss<br />

Jane Young, and lived a number of years <strong>in</strong> Eastern Ohio— Jefferson and Harrison counties<br />

afterward moved to Logan county, where he lived until his death, at the age of 87 years. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

had six children (trust<strong>in</strong>g to memory and <strong>in</strong> the absence of records) and <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g order:<br />

Mary, Joseph A., Nancy, Robert Y., Martha and John W. My father is Robert Y., who still<br />

lives at Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>e, Logan Co., Ohio. All my uncles and aunts are still liv<strong>in</strong>g, e.xcept Aunt<br />

Mary. I have heard my uncle Joseph speak of an uncle of his—Thomas Humphrey, a brother<br />

of grand-father—who (I th<strong>in</strong>k) lived <strong>in</strong> Ross County, Ohio, and who had a large <strong>family</strong> of sons,<br />

nearly all of whom settled <strong>in</strong> various places <strong>in</strong> the West. We have only kept up an <strong>in</strong>timate<br />

acqua<strong>in</strong>tance with immediate relatives, and have not kept track of distant ones.<br />

"Wish<strong>in</strong>g you success <strong>in</strong> your undertak<strong>in</strong>g, and hop<strong>in</strong>g to hear from you aga<strong>in</strong>, I am<br />

" Yours truly,<br />

"J. F. Humphrey,<br />

"Mayor of Colorado Spr<strong>in</strong>gs, Col."<br />

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