The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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while listen<strong>in</strong>g to Henry Riiffner—who had then just entered the University, but who afterwards<br />

became a D. D., and was for many years President of Wash<strong>in</strong>gton College—after repeatedly call<strong>in</strong>g<br />

attention by cry<strong>in</strong>g out "hear," he confused the young m<strong>in</strong>ister not a little by ris<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> his place<br />

and say<strong>in</strong>g, so all could hear, "I pronounce you an <strong>in</strong>side workman." This anecdote is told to<br />

illustrate the discrim<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g judgment of the old man.<br />

His memory was good, his judgment sound, and his character irreproachable. He was very<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustrious, always busy at someth<strong>in</strong>g. Was not a speedy workman, but steady and sure.<br />

^largaret F<strong>in</strong>ley, his wife, was the daughter, by his third wife (he hav<strong>in</strong>g had four), of<br />

William F<strong>in</strong>ley, a brother of the celebrated Samuel F<strong>in</strong>ley, D. D., for many years President of<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton (N. J.) College (and grand-father of Prof. Morse, <strong>in</strong>ventor of the telegraph), and of Rev.<br />

James F<strong>in</strong>ley, of Western Pennsylvania, an em<strong>in</strong>ent m<strong>in</strong>ister, and projenitor of a numerous -race<br />

(see Dr. Joseph Smith's Old Redstone), and of Michael F<strong>in</strong>ley, one of whose grand-sons was lately<br />

Governor of Pennsylvania. She was <strong>in</strong> many respects a remarkable person. She was born <strong>in</strong><br />

Chester County, Pa., <strong>in</strong> 1751; removed, when very young, to Adams Co.; lost her mother at the<br />

age of twelve, and at seventeen became a member of the Presbyterian Church; married at the age<br />

of n<strong>in</strong>eteen, and was a member of the Bethel Church from the time of its organization. She lived<br />

twenty-two years a widow; at the age of n<strong>in</strong>ety-five was able to walk a distance of half a mile;<br />

resided <strong>in</strong> the same place, near Greenville, Augusta County, Va. , for seventy-seven years. She lived<br />

to the age of n<strong>in</strong>ety-six, lett<strong>in</strong>g her light sh<strong>in</strong>e to the last with a dist<strong>in</strong>ct, though mild and charm<strong>in</strong>g<br />

brilliancy, that made her society agreeable to all classes and ages, and eagerly sought by many.<br />

When young she must have been very pretty, sprightly and attractive. As a housekeeper,<br />

it could not be said that she was a Martha, but a Mary who chose the "better part." In fact,<br />

it is doubtful whether one so <strong>in</strong>telligent, and with such a taste for literature, could avoid look<strong>in</strong>g<br />

upon the rout<strong>in</strong>e duties of housekeep<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> any other light than secondary.<br />

In many respects her m<strong>in</strong>d was much above mediocrity, and had it been highly cultivated<br />

she might have been em<strong>in</strong>ent. While her children were young and the cares of her <strong>family</strong> great,<br />

she always kept a book at hand to read whenever she had a leisure moment. In this way she<br />

read and re-read many books, and hav<strong>in</strong>g a wonderfully retentive memory, her <strong>in</strong>telligence, especially<br />

on religious subjects, was surpris<strong>in</strong>g to all who knew her. To her the bible was the book of<br />

books. It was her constant companion, and as a consequence her familiarity w-ith it was great.<br />

She could at once tell where to f<strong>in</strong>d any passage that might be quoted—often the chapter and<br />

verse—and could repeat whole chapters from memory. She was remarkably fond of poetry, and<br />

could repeat it by the hour. Among her favorite authors were Watts, Young, Steele, Newton,<br />

Milton, Hannah, Moore, and Allen Ramsey.<br />

She had committed much fugitive poetry of her younger days, both "grave and gay, lively<br />

and severe," and often enterta<strong>in</strong>ed her young friends by repeat<strong>in</strong>g it. She enjoyed herself much,<br />

even to the last, <strong>in</strong> the company of young ladies, with whom she was very popular. Though she<br />

often amused and always <strong>in</strong>terested, she never failed to <strong>in</strong>struct and edify. She recollected a great<br />

many amus<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>structive anecdotes, for her memory was a perfect storehouse.<br />

She remembered te.xts and subjects from which she heard sermons when she was eight years old,<br />

the first sermon which impressed her be<strong>in</strong>g at that time.<br />

For years her memory was impaired by age, except<strong>in</strong>g on religious subjects, which had long<br />

been, <strong>in</strong> her estimation, "the one th<strong>in</strong>g needful." Religion not only never seemed to be absent<br />

from her m<strong>in</strong>d, but for years was always uppermost. She looked forward to the future life often<br />

with extascy, for example, when the hymn commenc<strong>in</strong>g, "I would not live always," first made its<br />

appearance, she committed it to memory, and afterwards, when a friend, by her request, was<br />

smg<strong>in</strong>g and came to the words, "Where the Sa<strong>in</strong>ts of all ages," Ac, she raised herself up, her<br />

countenance brightened with enthusiasm, and said, "Can it be possible that I shall so soon be<br />

with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with David, the Prophets, the .Apostles and Martys, and the

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