The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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This journal slates lliat his regiment (ist R. 1.) was tomniandcd by Col. Israel Angell.<br />

Mrs. Kohr also has several pay-rolls of Capt. William Humphrey's company, the first be<strong>in</strong>g<br />

for the month of Aug., 1776. Mrs. Kohr says he was commissioned Capta<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> Oct., 1775. It is<br />

also said that he was a member of the "Society of the C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati "; for several years a Senator,<br />

and a Deacon <strong>in</strong> the Baptist Church.<br />

Childreti (all bom at Tiverton, R. I.):<br />

2. 1. William, = b. 26 Nov., 1784; m. (1) Eliphal Miller; m. (2) Margaret McMahon; m.<br />

(3) Elizabeth McMahon. Family 2.<br />

3. II. Sarah, = b. 23 Dec, 1792; m. 8 Dec, 1811, Oliver M. Rem<strong>in</strong>gton, a school-teacher.<br />

Removed to Ohio <strong>in</strong> 18 13. Children:<br />

4. i. Carol<strong>in</strong>e.3<br />

5. ii. Lydia Monroe.'<br />

6. iii. William. 3 Res. Nashville, Ohio.<br />

7. iv. John'; died.<br />

8. V. Thomas"; died.<br />

9. vi. Lyman. 3 Res. at Ganz, Ohio.<br />

10. III. Nathan, = b. 16 Feb., 1787; always resided at Tiverton, R. I.; unmarried; d. 13 Jan.,<br />

1874, DC. 86 yrs., 10 mos., 28 days.<br />

11. IV. Squire, = b. 20 (or 21) Sept., 1788: m. Sallie Sweet. Family 3.<br />

12. v. Harriet,^ b. 10 Oct., 1790; m. 3 July, 1814, Dr. Richard M. Weber, of Walpole,<br />

N. H. He died at Tiverton, R. I., <strong>in</strong> May, 1828, x£. 45 yrs.. She died at Fall<br />

River, Mass., 7 Feb., 1870. Children:<br />

13. i. Lucy R.3, b. 21 June, 1815: m. at Fall River, Mass., 14 Dec., 1840, William MonrOe<br />

(a nephew of Lydia, wife of Major William). Children: (i) Thomas,* b. <strong>in</strong> -Seakonk<br />

(now East Providence), Mass., 28 Apr., 1842; m. 29 Mch., 1874, Ruth W. Grant. He<br />

is a coal dealer. Res. (1885) Lonsdale, R. L Clii/d:<br />

(a) Hattie D.^ b. 13 May, 1877.<br />

(2) William Humphrey,'' b. 17 July, 1S48; d. 10 July, 1854. (3) Allen,' b. 14 Jan.,<br />

1853. Res. (1885) East Sag<strong>in</strong>aw, Mich.<br />

14. ii. Sarah H.3, b. 12 June, 1820; m. at Tiverton, R. L, 16 Feb., 1839, Joseph E. Dawley;<br />

d. at East Providence, Mass., 19 Oct., 1881. Children: (l) Hattie,* b. at Newport,<br />

R. L, <strong>in</strong> July, 1842; m. at Fall River, Mass., 17 Dec, 1868, George Humphrey<br />

(son of George and grand-son of Major William), of Tiverton, R. L; d. at Fall River,<br />

Mass., 4 Sept., 1875. (2) Edw<strong>in</strong>,* b. at Fall River, 17 Aug., 1851; d. I Dec, 1872.<br />

15. VI. Lydia,= b. 10 Oct., 1794; m. 8 Aug., 1836, William Boomer; d. <strong>in</strong> Rhode Island,<br />

19 Jan., 1881; no issue.<br />

16. VII. Cyrus,' b. 21 Nov., 1796; became a sailor at an early age. On a return voyage from<br />

England, the vessel sprang a leak; the passengers and crew were saved, but the<br />

labor he underwent <strong>in</strong> pump<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>duced a violent illness, from which he never<br />

recovered. He died at Tiverton, ^5 Sept., 1818, ae. 21 yrs., 10 mos.; unmarried.<br />

17. VIII. Hannah Monroe,' b. 11 Dec, 1798; m. 12 May, 1831, Dr. L. French; d. at Fall<br />

18.<br />

River, Mass., 13 June, 1836. Child:<br />

i. William.' Res. (at last accounts) Fall River, Mass.<br />

Thomas Jefferson,' b. 7 July, 1800 (or 1801); m. Carol<strong>in</strong>e Amelia Cooke. Family 4.<br />

'<br />

(Keokuk Wash<strong>in</strong>cton, b. 15 .Xpr. , 1804;<br />

m. Mary Durfce. Famii.v 5,

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