The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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532<br />

"Thus matters rema<strong>in</strong>ed until about two weeks after the affair with Col. <strong>Humphreys</strong>, when old Hicks, a graver<br />

if not a wiser man, was seen on his pony alone approach<strong>in</strong>g the house of the agent. Dismount<strong>in</strong>g at the gate, he<br />

entered the enclosure and walked quietly up on the piazza fiom which he had so recently taken his headlong flight.<br />

As Col. <strong>Humphreys</strong> issued from the door, Hicks, with a serious and subdued look, extended his hand <strong>in</strong> token of<br />

friendship. It was promptly grasped by Col. <strong>Humphreys</strong>, who was about to speak, when Hicks <strong>in</strong>terrupted him.<br />

'* 'Col. <strong>Humphreys</strong>, how do! how do!'<br />

"After the usual response from the Colonel,"' Hicks cont<strong>in</strong>ued, without chang<strong>in</strong>g the demure and serious ex-<br />

pression of his face:<br />

" 'Col. <strong>Humphreys</strong>, me big Ing<strong>in</strong> heap— got sense plenty— get drunk, damn fool too much. Your house, my<br />

land— your land, my house!'<br />

" <strong>The</strong> Colonel, laugh<strong>in</strong>g, gave the old chief a hearty shake of the hand and <strong>in</strong>vited him to take a seat <strong>in</strong> his<br />

arm-chair, which honor he promptly decl<strong>in</strong>ed, preferr<strong>in</strong>g a less elevated seat, on a cowhide-bottomed chair which<br />

stood near.<br />

"A long conversation ensued over a friendly glass and pipes, dur<strong>in</strong>g which Hicks e.\pressed his deep con-<br />

trition for his uncivil conduct, for which he confessed that he had been justly punished, and took much pa<strong>in</strong>s to<br />

conv<strong>in</strong>ce the Colonel of his perfect understand<strong>in</strong>g of the nature of their jo<strong>in</strong>t occujiancy of the Reservation. As he<br />

shook hands at part<strong>in</strong>g he repeated, with marked emphasis —'Col. <strong>Humphreys</strong>— your house, my land— your land—<br />

my house !<br />

'<br />

" Hicks lived to be a very old man, his health be<strong>in</strong>g very feeble dur<strong>in</strong>g his latter years. To the day of his<br />

death he reta<strong>in</strong>ed his friendship for Col. Gad <strong>Humphreys</strong>, a feel<strong>in</strong>g which was warmly reciprocated by the Colonel,<br />

and which found expression <strong>in</strong> many acts of k<strong>in</strong>dness to the old chief of the Sem<strong>in</strong>oles."*<br />

Children:<br />

2585. I. Mary Jane,? b. 11 May, 1818, Bridgeport, Vt. ; died <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D. C, 5 Jan.,<br />

1876, ce. 57 3-ears. She married, <strong>in</strong> Detroit, Mich., 10 Nov., 1841, Thomas<br />

Jefferson Hulbert, of Detroit, b. 8 Nov., 1801, <strong>in</strong> the State of New York; died<br />

<strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D. C, 23 Mch., 1883, ?p. 81 years. Children:<br />

2586. i. Frances Allen, » b. 23 .Sept. 1842, St. August<strong>in</strong>e, Fla.; married, <strong>in</strong> Detroit, Mich., I June,<br />

1863, Henry Prentice (third child of Henry Kirklandf and Carol<strong>in</strong>e Prentice) Sanger,<br />

b. 21 Nov. 1832, Utica, N. Y. P. O. address (1884) No. 234 East Woodbridge St.,<br />

Detroit, Mich. Children (born <strong>in</strong> Detroit, Mich., except<strong>in</strong>g the fifth) : (i) May Larned"<br />

(Sanger), b. I May, 1864. (2) Henry Hubbell » (Sanger), b. 21 Sept. 1866. (3) Louise<br />

Annie' (Sanger), b. 28 Aug. 1870; died <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D. C, 5 Mch., 1873, x.<br />

2 years, and six months. (4) Carol<strong>in</strong>e Frances ' (Sanger), b. 28 Dec. 1872. (5) Annie<br />

Hulbert' (Sanger), b. 27 Feb. 1875, Cleveland, O.; d. 14 May, 1875, x. 2 months.<br />

(6) Hulbert Macrae' (Sanger), b. 28 June, 1878. (7) Kate <strong>Humphreys</strong>' (Sanger), b.<br />

I Aug. 1880; d. 16 Sept. 1881, a;. I year, and I month.<br />

2587. ii. Kellogg <strong>Humphreys</strong>,^ b. 26 Feb. 1847, Detroit, Mich.; died there, <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy.<br />

2588. iii. Annie <strong>Humphreys</strong>,* b. 22 Aug. 1848, Detroit, Mich.; married, <strong>in</strong> Cleveland, O., 18 Jime,<br />

1874, Nathaniel Mason Macrae, b. 28 Apr. 1834, at Jefferson Barracks. No children.<br />

P. O. address (1884) No. 1745 F St., N. \V., Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D. C.<br />

2589. iv. May Larned,' b. 26 June, 1853, Kalamazoo, Mich.; died <strong>in</strong> Detroit, Mich., <strong>in</strong> the<br />

summer of 1854.<br />

2590. II. Anna Eliza, 7 b. 25 Jan., 1821, Pittsfield, Mass.;—unmarried. Res. (1884) on her<br />

fttlier's homestead <strong>in</strong> St. August<strong>in</strong>e, Florida.<br />

2591. III. Frederick Cl<strong>in</strong>ton, ' b. 6 Oct., 1822; married Sarah Gates Drysdale. Family 379.<br />

• Savannah News.<br />

t Richard Sanger, b. 26 Dec. 1769; d. 8 Aug. 1843. He married, at Whiteslown, Oneida Co., N. V., 31 Dec. 1797, Rach.iel Hutler,<br />

b. 10 Apr. 1774; d. 2 Mch. 1854. <strong>The</strong>ir second child, Henry Kirkbnd Sanger, was born 11 Nov. 1799, New H.artford, Oneida Co.. N. Y.;<br />

married, 15 Oct. 1826, Carol<strong>in</strong>e Prentice. <strong>The</strong>y had eight children. He died at Detroit, Mich,, 14 June, 1864, x. 63 years. His widow<br />

is (1884) with her oldest daughter, Mrs. Benjam<strong>in</strong> H. Paddock, who is the wife of the Rl. Rev. Bishop of Massachusetts, resid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

Boston. Mrs. Carol<strong>in</strong>e P. Sanger was the oldest child of Rev. Joseph Prentice, who married at Preston, Ct., <strong>in</strong> 1815, Sally Morgan.<br />

He died at Coxsackie, N. Y., <strong>in</strong> 1836. She died at Charlestown, Mass., 10 May, 1865.<br />


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