The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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SIS- >• Hannah II. % b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 20 Nov., 1S15; m. (i) 9 Apr., 1834, George, son of Asa<br />

and Sarah (Ciishhig), Dyer, b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 13 Apr., 1810; d. 12 Oct., 1849; m.<br />

(2) Rev. Edmund S. Potter, of East Weymouth.<br />

516. ii. Elizabeth Ann,« b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 24 Mch., 1818; m. 23 Nov., 1836, N.ith.<strong>in</strong> P., son of<br />

Silas and Hannah (Peakes), Canterbury, b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, i Aus;., 1S09. She died<br />

3 Nov., 1838.<br />

517. iii. Cylenda II.', b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 5 Oct., 1820; ni. 29 Dec., 1839, Nathan P. Canterbury,<br />

who had married her sister, Elizabeth Ann, for his first wife.<br />

51S. iv. Josiah,8 b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 24 Oct., 1822; unmarried. Res. <strong>in</strong> East Weymouth.<br />

519. III. Hannah,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 2 Dec, 1796; m. 15 Nov., 1818, Josiah, son of David<br />

and Elizabeth (L<strong>in</strong>coln), Waterman. She died 9 Dec, 1879. Full record has<br />

not come to hand.<br />

520. IV. Anna,? b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 6 Dec, 1801; m. 3 Oct., 1831, Ezra, son of Richard and<br />

Susanna (Pratt), V<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, b. <strong>in</strong> Ab<strong>in</strong>gton, Mass., 16 May, 1798. He was a shoe-<br />

manufacturer, and resided <strong>in</strong> East Weymouth, where he died, 27 Feb., 1871. She<br />

is yet liv<strong>in</strong>g at East Weymouth. Chihlren:<br />

521. i. Elizabeth Tyler,'' b. <strong>in</strong> East Weymouth, 23 Apr., 1823; m. S Feb., 1845, David PowerS.<br />

522. ii. James Humphrey,^ b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 25 Mch., 1825; m. I June, 1847, Mary Ann Porter,<br />

dau. of Nathaniel and Harriet (Porter), Richards, b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 28 Jan., 1827.<br />

523. iii. Ezra Webster,^ b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 28 May, 1833; m. 29 May, 1853, Martha B. Williamson.<br />

He died 29 Oct., i860.<br />

FAINHLY 37.<br />

524. Joseph* Humphrey, [323] ( James, ^ James,^ James, 'i Jnnas,^ Jonas ^ ) was born <strong>in</strong><br />

^^'eymouth, INIass., 2 Mch., 1766. He was a farmer, and resided <strong>in</strong> his native town, where he<br />

died, 8 Oct., 1S25. He married 7 Jan., 1790, Rebecca, daughter of Moses and Rebecca (Tirrell),<br />

Nash, born <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 3 Oct., 1768, and died 10 Nov., 1825.<br />

525-<br />

Children:<br />

Warre.\,7 b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 10 Jan., 1791; d. unmarried 5 Sept., 1822.<br />

Hervev,7 b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 31 Jan., 1793; d. unmarried 27 Apr., 1822.<br />

Clarissa,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, <strong>in</strong> 1795; d. 2 Aug., 1802.<br />

Rebecca,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 19 July, 1797; m. 30 Nov., 1815, Thomas, son of Asa<br />

and Hannah (Wade), French, b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 25 June, 1790. He was a shoemaker<br />

and farmer, resid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, where he died, 26 Sept., 1871. She<br />

died 16 May, 1865. Children:<br />

529. i. Clarissa Humphrey,^ b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 11 Sept., 1816, where she now res. unmarried.<br />

530. ii. Hannah Wade,* b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 3 Aug., 1818; m. 12 Sept., 1839, William Otis, son of<br />

John and Hannah (Pratt), Nash, b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 29 Sept., 1812. She died 24<br />

Apr., 1870.<br />

531. iii. Joseph Humphrey," b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 6 Dec, 1820; m. 17 June, 1856, Meriel, daughter<br />

of Mart<strong>in</strong> and Aurelia (Feai<strong>in</strong>g), Fear<strong>in</strong>g, b, <strong>in</strong> H<strong>in</strong>gham, 3 July, 1826.<br />

532. iv. Thomas Warren, s b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 26 Aug., 1823; m. 23 May, 1850, Mary Louise.<br />

dau. of Samuel and Cather<strong>in</strong>e Ann (Palmer), Deveau, b. <strong>in</strong> N. Y. City, 15 Nov., 1S28.<br />

533. V. George Hervcy," b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 19 May, 1826; m. 15 July, 1851, Henrietta Amanda,<br />

dau. of Dr. William and Martha (Merrett) Gordak, of South Boston, b. <strong>in</strong> 1828, <strong>in</strong><br />

Weston, Mass. He d. 21 Feb., 1869.<br />

534. vi. Eliza," b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 30 Sept., 1828; unmarried. Res. <strong>in</strong> Weynionth.

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