The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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FAMILY 24<br />

327. Josiah ^ Humphrey, [143] (Hon. fames, ^ James, "> Jonas," Jonas ) born <strong>in</strong> Weymouth,<br />

^<br />

Mass., 19 June, 1748; was a wealthy farmer, resid<strong>in</strong>g on the corner of Middle Street and Bar-<br />

berry Lane, on the farm which he received by <strong>in</strong>heritance from his father. He was held <strong>in</strong> high<br />

repute by his fellow-townsmen, by whom he was elected town treasurer, which office he held for<br />

a long period, as well as other important offices.* He married (published 30 Nov., 1771) Mary,<br />

daughter of Benjam<strong>in</strong> and Mary (K<strong>in</strong>gman), Bicknell, born <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 2 Dec, 1752, and died<br />

9 Mch., 1S25. He died 7 May, 1835, aged 86 years.<br />

Children:<br />

328. L Silence,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 30 Jan., 1773; d. 19 Jan., 1822; unmarried.<br />

329. H. Rebecca,'' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, i June, 1776; m. 4 Oct., 1796, Jared, son of Col. Asa<br />

and Lucy (Humphrey), White, her cous<strong>in</strong> [see p. 19], b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 10 Mch.,<br />

1769; resided <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, where he died 18 Dec, 1805. She survived him for<br />

about fifty-seven years, and died 18 Aug., 1862, at the age of 86 years. Children:<br />

330. i. Josiah,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 22 June, 1797; m. <strong>in</strong> 1826, Charlotte Evel<strong>in</strong>e Fowler, of New<br />

York City, b. 4 Feb., 1805, daughter of Drake and Charlotte Penelope Olkis.<br />

331. ii. Oliver," b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 27 Aug., 1799; m. Betsey, daughter of Deacon Abiel and<br />

Betsey (Babcock), White, his cous<strong>in</strong>, b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 21 July, 1801.<br />

332. iii. Benjam<strong>in</strong>,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 28 Feb., 1802; d. 19 Aug., 1802.<br />

333. iv. Jared," b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, 15 Dec, 1804; died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy.<br />

334. V. Benjam<strong>in</strong>,' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, <strong>in</strong> 1806 (not on record); d. i Feb., 1827, aged 21 years.<br />

335. HL Benjam<strong>in</strong>,'' b. <strong>in</strong> Weymouth, iS Feb., 1781; m. Oriens Turner. Fa.milv 30.<br />

337-<br />

FAMILY 25.<br />

''<br />

336. John <strong>Humphreys</strong>, [if'3] (Mn,^ John,'^ HopestiU,^ Eider Jwies,^ Jonas') m. .<br />

Children:<br />

Sarah. 7<br />

SiSANNA. 7<br />

J0HN.7<br />

1<br />

\ tw<strong>in</strong>s.<br />

Joshua. 7<br />

)<br />

Susanna. '<br />

FAMILY 26.<br />

342. Joseph^ Humphrey, ['77] (Cupl. William,'^ John,*- HopestUl,^ Elder James,'' Jonas^)<br />

was born 17 Mch., 1769. Left \\'<strong>in</strong>chester <strong>in</strong> May, 1784, when only fifteen years old, with an<br />

axe on his shoulder, barefoot, and <strong>in</strong> his shirt sleeves, and went on foot to Rutland, Vt., about<br />

eighty miles. He married <strong>in</strong> 1795, Hannah (dau. of Simeon) Parmelee, of Pittsford, formerly of<br />

Stockbridge, Mass. She was born 23 Oct., 1776, and died 7 Apr., 1863, a?. 86 years.<br />

Mr. Humphrey located on sixty acres of land, bought <strong>in</strong> 1793, for $60 lawful money, <strong>in</strong><br />

Otter Creek valley, near the north l<strong>in</strong>e of the town of Rutland, Vt. Here they endured all the<br />

privations and hardships of the early settlers. At one time, dur<strong>in</strong>g the contest for titles to land<br />

between the New York Government and the New Hampshire Grants, he made the journey to<br />

Vergenncs, about fifty miles, <strong>in</strong> mid-w<strong>in</strong>ter, on snow-shoes, to secure his title to the land bought.<br />

He died 30 Nov., 1852, ;i'. S3 years. Mr. and Mrs. <strong>Humphreys</strong> were both for many years mem-<br />

bers of the Congregational Church, <strong>in</strong> West Rutland, Vt.<br />

* On II Mch 1816, Josi.ih Huiiiplircy decl<strong>in</strong>ed further service as trcisurcr, nnd the town passed .1 vote of th.-<strong>in</strong>ks for thirty yo.irs

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