The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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844<br />

Here lyes Interred ye Body<br />

of Mk James Humfkev Hereto(ore<br />

one of ye Rul<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Elders of Dorchester, who<br />

Departed this Life ye 12'''<br />

of May 1686 <strong>in</strong> ye<br />

78tt» year of his age<br />

I nclosed with<strong>in</strong> this shr<strong>in</strong>e is precious Dust<br />

A nd only waits for th' ris<strong>in</strong>g of ye Just<br />

M ost usefull while he liued adom'd his Station<br />

Euen to old age he Serued his Generation<br />

S <strong>in</strong>ce his Decease tho't of with Veneration<br />

H ow great a Bless<strong>in</strong>g this Rul<strong>in</strong>g Elder he.<br />

U nto this Church & Town & Pastors Three<br />

M ather he first did by him help Receiue<br />

F l<strong>in</strong>t did he next his burden mnch Relieue<br />

R enowned Danforth he did assist with skill<br />

Esteemed high by all; Bear fruit imtill<br />

Y ield<strong>in</strong>g to Death his Glorious seat did fill •<br />

His will bears date i6 Dec, 1685.! <strong>The</strong> date of his marriage is not known, nor the <strong>family</strong><br />

name of his wife. <strong>The</strong> records simply call her Mary, and her death stands on record 7 May, 1677.<br />

Children (born <strong>in</strong> Dorchester):<br />

S. I. HoPESTiLL,3 bap. 10 June, 1649; m. (i) Elizabeth Baker. He m. (2) 5 Jan., 1719,<br />

Hannah (wid. of John) Blake. Family 4.<br />

9. n. Isaac 3; m. Patience Atherton. Family 5.<br />

10. <strong>in</strong>. IMary3; m. Obadiah (son of Richard and Ann) Hawes, of Dorchester, born about<br />

• Hisl. Dtirchester, p. =52.<br />

1635. Mrs. Mary (Humphrey) Hawes died 21 Apr., 1676. Fur descendants, see<br />

Saragc's New Eng. Gcneal. Dictionary.<br />

t <strong>The</strong> last Will and Testament of Elder James Humphrey made the sixteenth day of December <strong>in</strong> the year of our Lord one thousand<br />

six hundred eighty & five, I bebg now aged and weak <strong>in</strong> Body, and therefore cannot expect to cont<strong>in</strong>ue long <strong>in</strong> this life but yet<br />

of perfect memory and good understand<strong>in</strong>g the good Lord be blessed and praised therefor. Do make this my last Will and Testament<br />

<strong>in</strong> manner end form as lolioweth. Imprimis, I commit my immortal Soul <strong>in</strong>to the hands of that Eternal God that made it, And my Body<br />

after Death 1 leave to my Dear Relations and Christian friends to be decently buried <strong>in</strong> hope of a joyfull Resurrection at the last Day.—<br />

My Will is that my Body be buried <strong>in</strong> the s.<strong>in</strong>ie Tomb with Mr. Mather deceased late of Dorchester and formerly the Rev'i teacher to<br />

that Church. Provided that the consent of the Rev.d Mr Increase Mather be first obta<strong>in</strong>ed if otherwise that my Body be buried as near<br />

unto it as conveniently as it may be; And also that my grave be dressed up with a Stone and my name and age and day of my Death<br />

engraved on it. And as for my outward Estate my funeral expehses be<strong>in</strong>g discharged and all just debts paid. 1 do give to my son <strong>in</strong><br />

law Obadiah Hawes and his chUdren Forty pounds to be divided <strong>in</strong>to six equal parts, one part of it I give to my son Obadiah Hawes.<br />

the other five parts to his children. Viz , to his son Obadiah Hawes one part, and to James Hawes one part, to Desire Hawes one part.<br />

to Rachel Hawes one part, to Sarah Hawes one part; to be paid unto them when they shall come to be of age of twenty one years.<br />

Also I give to Daniel Elders ten shill<strong>in</strong>gs. I give to Joseph Weeks ten shill<strong>in</strong>gs, all which legacies are to be paid <strong>in</strong> Com or Cattle, or<br />

goods or otherwise to their content. Also I give to my son Hopestill that Bed which he now makes use of, and also my bigger brass<br />

pot & lesser Brass kettle. I give to my son Isaac Ten acres of land <strong>in</strong> my Twenty acre lott, of that lott which lyeth next unto Robert<br />

Stiles his lott, beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g at the East end so run<strong>in</strong>g westerly eighty four rods which land I give & bequeath to my son Isaac forever:<br />

Also 1 give him my Bed on which I lye and my bigger brass kettle and my lesser brass pot, & all the rest of my Estate bouth <strong>in</strong><br />

House<strong>in</strong>g Land of all sorts. Goods Chattels whatever else, 1 do now poseess: all the rema<strong>in</strong>der of my Estate my will is that it shall be<br />

equally divided between my two sons Hopestill and Isaac <strong>Humphreys</strong> and <strong>in</strong> case my two sons should not agree about the divid<strong>in</strong>g<br />

ol the Estate they shall choose each of them a man to be helpfull to them, who together with themselves, shall divide the said estate as<br />

equally as they can which be<strong>in</strong>g done that son of m<strong>in</strong>e that will give most for toe choose he shall have it, that so all differences may<br />

be prevented.—Also my Will is that if my son Isaac be removed by Death before he hath any child then that share of the land which<br />

falleth to him by division after his Death shall be the <strong>in</strong>heritance ol my grand child James Humphrey the son of Hopestill <strong>Humphreys</strong>,<br />

and <strong>in</strong> case my grand child should die before my son Isaac then 1 give my said land unto my son Hopestill his ne.xt son if he have any.<br />

If otherwise, and if it so be that he have no more sons I give it unto his eldest daughter and my Will is that my son Hopestill shall<br />

have no more of my Estate than is expressed <strong>in</strong> this Will. Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g any writ<strong>in</strong>g that may appear formerly given under my hand<br />

not for any disrespect to my eldest son Hopestill or his wife Elisabeth, for they have earned as dutifully to me as any of my chUdren<br />

which I hope God will reward them for, but it is for some other reasons best known to myself of weight to me whereby I am moved<br />

thus to do: And do make and appo<strong>in</strong>t my two suns Executors of this my hist Will and Testament. And I do entreat my lov<strong>in</strong>g friends<br />

James Blake and Ob.adiah Hawes to bg the Overseers ol this roy Will to see that it be fultilkU and performed.<br />

In Witness here of I have here milo<br />

set my hand and Seal.<br />

In presence of Samuel CuiP<br />

John Blake<br />


Lxani'd per John Baodei-l Rrg,T<br />

A true copy as of record John Baci;£L1. Ri^,T

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