The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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Jonas Humphrey died <strong>in</strong> Dorchester, 19 Mch., 1662.* His will is recorded f and dated<br />

12 Mch., 1662, only seven days before his death. It was proved 17 Apr. follow<strong>in</strong>g,! and mentions<br />

wife, sons Jonas and James, grand-child Elizabeth Foye, and daughter Susanna, wife of Nicholas<br />

White. He makes his son Jonas his executor. William Sumner and Edward Clapp were witnesses<br />

to the <strong>in</strong>strument.**<br />

Children (by 1st marriage; had no issue by 2d marriage):<br />

I. James,' b. <strong>in</strong> Wendover, England, about 1608. Family 2.<br />

n. Jonas, = b. <strong>in</strong> Wendover, England, about 1620. Family 3.<br />

HI. Elizabeth =; married Frye.tt<br />

5. IV. Si'SANNA'; married Nicholas White.<br />

6. V. Sarah -; buried <strong>in</strong> Dorchester, September, 1638.<br />

FAMILY 2.<br />

7. Elder JaiTieS'' Humphrey, [2] (Jonas' )h.\i\ Wendover, England, about 1608; came<br />

with his father to Dorchester, <strong>in</strong> New England, <strong>in</strong> 1637. He was also a tanner and followed that<br />

call<strong>in</strong>g. He was a lead<strong>in</strong>g man <strong>in</strong> the town, J J and one of the most useful, prom<strong>in</strong>ent m every<br />

good cause. He was made a freeman <strong>in</strong> 1645. He died <strong>in</strong> Dorchester on the 12 ]May, 1686, <strong>in</strong><br />

the 78th year of his age.<br />

He was, <strong>in</strong> 1650, Bailiff of Dorchester, and for many years Rul<strong>in</strong>g Elder <strong>in</strong> the Church.<br />

On 14th Feb. of the year 1686 he "moved the Church that they would look out and provide<br />

themselves another Elder, because he had long been lame and did look at himself near his<br />

departure out of this world." He also desired that he might be buried <strong>in</strong> the same tomb with<br />

Rev. Richard Mather, his early friend and Pastor; but it be<strong>in</strong>g stoned up and so small as to hold<br />

only one coff<strong>in</strong>, his request could not be complied with, and he was buried near him. <strong>The</strong><br />

tomb-stone to his memory <strong>in</strong> the North Burial Ground, at Dorchester, is now <strong>in</strong> good order,<br />

hav<strong>in</strong>g been repaired by his grand-son, Mr. Jonas <strong>Humphreys</strong>. <strong>The</strong> <strong>in</strong>scription tiiereon is as<br />

follows:<br />

* Dorchester Rcc. say: "9 (i), 1661-3." I Sn^olk Probate Book i. p. 383. \ Idem i, 3^1.<br />

<strong>The</strong> last Will and Testament of Jonas Humphrey be<strong>in</strong>g weake <strong>in</strong> body by reason of old age and other <strong>in</strong>firmities, but of perfect<br />

understand<strong>in</strong>g and memory. Blessed be God therefor, I dispose of my outward Estate as followeth.<br />

First, \ give to my beloved wife all yi good that is now <strong>in</strong> be<strong>in</strong>g which she brought with her, Also I give my wife a third part<br />

o! yt four acres of land that lyeth <strong>in</strong> the great lott, & a third part of seven acres & a half <strong>in</strong> the 20 acre lott. & a third part of 2 acres<br />

at y« 8 acre lott, dur<strong>in</strong>g- her life, and after her decease all these parcells of land to return to my son James <strong>Humphreys</strong>,<br />

Also I give my wife one cow, one new chest, one blanket, one pair of Sheets, and halt the hemp. Also, I give my son Jonas<br />

Humfrey one Bed. one coverlid, one flock Bolster, also my cloake and my great coat,—Also I give to my grand child Elizabeth Price<br />

four pounds & yt chest yt was her grand mothers. Also I give my daughter Susanna White wife to Nicholas White ten shill<strong>in</strong>gs. All<br />

the rest of my Estate both land and goods I give to my lov<strong>in</strong>g son James Humfrey whom I make my whole Executor.<br />


Witnesses<br />

Thomas Joane.i<br />

William Sumner<br />

ft <strong>The</strong>re has been a little doubt as to whether this name is Foye or Ffrie (Fry). Savage's Gen. Diet, N. E. gives it as Foye; but<br />

the copy of Jonas' will <strong>in</strong> possession of the Family at Dorchester, says Frie: and this is also the op<strong>in</strong>ion of the experienced genealogist.<br />

Mr. Trask, of Boston (A^. E. Hist, and Gen'l Reg., xi, 37, 38) who also says " there are many errors as recorded <strong>in</strong> Suffolk Probate Fee., i, 382."<br />

it James Humfrey & \Vm Weekes stand bound <strong>in</strong> 20 I. apiece to ye Treasurer "on this condition that Francis Crablrce shall be of<br />

good behaviour until y» next County court &c." [Wrillcn on L.ick of a wiU prob.ilfj Nov. ,5, j606.] Abstrjct fr,.nl early SjffM Co.<br />

James Humfrey, one of the appraizers of yo Estate of Thomas Eird, senr. of Dorchester, who departtJ this lift ye 811" day of June,<br />

1667. Idem, 161.<br />

James Humfrey, one appraiser Nicolas Clay's estate, of Dorchester, l6y().—/'ist. Dor, p. 442.<br />

James Humphery, appraiser of est. Dec. 11, 1667.—Mm, p. 326.<br />

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