The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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(p. 100, 1. 4.) This statement that no trace exists <strong>in</strong> the registers of Lvme Regis of the<br />

name of Flumphrey is not quite correct, as Mrs. M<strong>in</strong>ima (Anw\-1) Harmon, who has made<br />

subsequent extensive researches <strong>in</strong> regard to the matter, sends us the follow<strong>in</strong>g excerpt from the<br />

Parish Church Registers of that town: "5 July, 1655, Thomas Wise and Susanna Humphry, of<br />

Lime, were published three several Lord's days, and were married by Mr. John Davy, P., <strong>in</strong><br />

J.<br />

presence of Thomas Wise, William Courtney and Francis Wells. Reg."<br />

If this Susanna was the wife of Samuel Humphrey, it proves that she was still at Lyme<br />

Regis <strong>in</strong> 1655, and that Samuel must have died betw^een 1648 and the date of her second marriage;<br />

and, therefore, that they could not have gone to live at St. Malo, as conjectured by Col. Chester.<br />

"It is, however, somewhat remarkable," remarks Mrs. Harmon, "that the marriage of<br />

Susanna Humphrey should be the only entry of the name found from earliest date i:p to 1700."<br />

(Page 97, and note; pages 106, 199, et al.) Land Grants, etc., to Michael Humphrey, from<br />

the old "Red Book" <strong>in</strong> the Simsbury (Conn.) Town Records:<br />

Michall Humphry of W<strong>in</strong>dsor on Conecticutt who with some othei's now divers years past were encoraged<br />

by the Court to set- about mak<strong>in</strong>g tarr out of candlle wood as likely to redound to a publique Benefite as well as<br />

their owne privat that should put it <strong>in</strong> practice and after they had tranesenaded <strong>in</strong> their worke to the lay<strong>in</strong>g out of<br />

manny pounds <strong>in</strong> labour and cost that went with it. some ill disposed Indians fire<strong>in</strong>g their candle wood and be<strong>in</strong>g<br />

persued to make satisfaction; and hav<strong>in</strong>g no better way <strong>in</strong> their hands, resigned up all their Indian right <strong>in</strong> the<br />

land with<strong>in</strong> the limmits of Masaco and after the Court had taken the matter <strong>in</strong>to consideration did alow the sd<br />

Michall free liberty to tak up fiftie Accres of medow land for his part with<strong>in</strong> the aforesd Masacos MTiere it might<br />

be beneficial to him and now have got upon the bound<strong>in</strong>g of-it & beg<strong>in</strong>s at the lower end of a slipp of meadow<br />

that lyes next below that called mantoes meadow and where he beg<strong>in</strong>s it is <strong>in</strong> breadth from the side of a swamp to<br />

the river Twentie four rods and runnes away a straight l<strong>in</strong>e South Southwest eighty rodds to a p<strong>in</strong>ne Tree &<br />

bounds on the East by the Swamp <strong>in</strong> part and <strong>in</strong> part by a k<strong>in</strong>d of upland and takes <strong>in</strong> all fair meadow bettween<br />

the said lyne and the river that bounds it West <strong>in</strong> account of Sixten accres and at the foresd p<strong>in</strong>ne it is <strong>in</strong> breadth<br />

thirtie foure rodds and from the p<strong>in</strong>ne he turnnes and goeth South South East to an ocke then from the ocke<br />

Southeast by east to an other ocke marked by a swamp side that heads that nouk aga<strong>in</strong>st south east by east. In<br />

this parcell he takes <strong>in</strong> all the land between the sd marked trees & the swamp next to mantoe meadow and bounds<br />

by the river, at the higher end of the slipp to where it jo<strong>in</strong>es to the first sixteen accres—then is accomited fifteen<br />

accres—then passeth over <strong>in</strong>to Mantoe meadow, and beg<strong>in</strong>s at his first entter<strong>in</strong>g and runnes southward up the<br />

meadow one hundred and two rods and there turned a head lyne across the Meadow from the poynt of a swamp<br />

that runnes from the uper end of the meadow near to the river unto an other swamp neare to the Mounta<strong>in</strong>e<br />

bounded South by the remaynder of tlie meadow or Josiah Hull west by the river east by the swamp <strong>in</strong> (juantitie<br />

N<strong>in</strong>ten accres this meassured and bounded out.<br />

March 23, 55 Mathew Grant<br />

60<br />

<strong>The</strong>s Presants testifie that I Michall Humphries of W<strong>in</strong>dsor <strong>in</strong> tlie country of hartford do hereby allienat<br />

assigne and set over all my right tittle & Interest which I have heitherto had <strong>in</strong> the parcell of land at Massaco as<br />

is exprest on the other sid with all the appurt<strong>in</strong>ances thereunto belongmg I say I Michall Humphries do hereby<br />

mak it over to Mr. Henery Rose his heirs and assignes for ever upon the account of the Agreement made <strong>in</strong> Court<br />

may the 8th 68 bettween me Michall Humphries and Mr. Henery Rose, <strong>in</strong> Wittnesse hereof I have hereunto set my<br />

hand this year 166S Juen 18 delvired <strong>in</strong> the presence and witness of us<br />

Michall Hc.mphkie<br />

Mathew Grant—recorder<br />

John ffyller<br />

I Benjam<strong>in</strong> Newbery Agent and Attorney for Mr. Henery Rose do allienate assigne and hereby passe over<br />

for ever to John Moore Junr of W<strong>in</strong>dsor his heirs and assignes all the right tittle & Interest that Mr. Henery Rose<br />

hath had or might have to the lands and all the appurtenances spesified and Intended <strong>in</strong> this coppy of records on<br />

the other side and <strong>in</strong> this assignement above Written and Signed by Michall Humphries as Witnesse my hand this<br />

28ih of December 1668<br />

Signed and delivered <strong>in</strong> the<br />

presence of us<br />

Daniel Clarke<br />

JnllN D l-FOLI.EV<br />

his mark<br />

Benjam<strong>in</strong> Newbery

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