The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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FAIMILY 497.<br />

4747. George Hezekiah^ Humphrey, [3847!<br />

(Hezekiah,T Asahel,^ Ashbel.^ Ashbel,*<br />

Ensig?i Samuel,' Licul. Samuel,- Michael,^) was born ii Dec, 1851. He married Ida A. (dau.<br />

of James and Mary*) Sook, born <strong>in</strong> 1S51, at Rochester, N. Y. Travel<strong>in</strong>g agent. Res. (1S84)<br />

Rochester, N. Y.<br />

Children (born <strong>in</strong> Rochester, N. F.J:<br />

4748. I. Edith May, 9 b. <strong>in</strong> 1S73.<br />

4749. II. George Wash<strong>in</strong>gton,9 b. <strong>in</strong> 1876.<br />

FAMILY 498.<br />

4730- Wash<strong>in</strong>gton C Humphrey, [3848] (Hezekiah,-' Asahel,^ Ashbel,^ Ashbel.^<br />

Ensign Samuel,^ Lieut. Samuel,- 3Iichael') was born 2 Jan., 1854. He married <strong>in</strong> Rochester,<br />

N. Y., 16 Sept., iSSo, OHvia Augusta (dau. of Jabez and Mar)- Ward) Dake, born 27 Apr..<br />

1853, at Nunda, N. Y. Stair-case builder, with his father. Res. (1884) No. 12 Tyler Street,<br />

Rochester, N. Y.<br />

Ciull:<br />

4751. I. \Vard,9 b. 7 Oct., 1883, at Rochester, N. Y.<br />

FAMILY 499.<br />

4752- Jonathan Julian' Humphrey, [3954] (Harvey Julian,-' John Dowd,'' Jonathan,^<br />

Isaac,'' Ensign Samuel,^ Lieut. Samuel," Michael') was born m Cayuga Co., Ohio, 26 Aug., 1849.<br />

He married at Oilman, III, 27 Oct., 1869, Alice (dau. of William and Cather<strong>in</strong>e) Scott, born at<br />

Oilman, 111., <strong>in</strong> 1850. Conductor of a freight tra<strong>in</strong>. P. O. address (1884) Oilman, Iroquois Co., 111.<br />

Children (born at Gilman, III.):<br />

4753. I. Harry Jlliax,9 b. 15 Dec, 1S70,<br />

4754. II. Nellie Oertrude,' b. 25 July, 1872.<br />

FAMILY 500.<br />

4755- Guy' Humphrey, [3956] (Harvey JuUan,' John Dowd,'' Jonathan,^ Isaac.* Ensign<br />

Sa?)iuel,i Lieut. Samuel,- D/ichael') was born at Naperville, Du Page Co., 111., 24 July, 1857.<br />

He married at Crescent, Iroquois Co., 111., 15 Aug., 1880, Estella (dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth<br />

Oriffith) Salter, born at Lacon, Marshall Co., Ill, 19 Apr., 1S63. Works <strong>in</strong> marble shop. P. O.<br />

address (1S85) Melv<strong>in</strong>, Ford Co., 111.<br />

Children<br />

:<br />

4756. I. Mabel,9 b. 25 Sept., 1881, at Oilman, 111.; d. 11 Oct., 1881.<br />

4757. II. Madge, 9 b. i May, 1883, at Oilman, 111.<br />

4758. HI. Dave,9 b. II Feb., 1885, at Melv<strong>in</strong>, Ford Co., 111.<br />

FAMILY 501.<br />

4759- Aust<strong>in</strong>** Humphrey, [4102J (Korns,^ Oliver,^ Capi. Asher,^ Esq. Olwer,* Jonathan.<br />

Lieut. Samuel,- Michael'} was born 17 Feb., 1832. He married at Otoe Co., Nebraska, i May.<br />

1 86 1, S. Maria (dau. of James S. and Eliza Jane) Howell, born 6 June, 1844. i" Orange Co.,<br />

N. Y. Is a merchant. Res. (1882) L<strong>in</strong>coln, Neb.<br />

• James and iMnry Sook wt-re natives ol Rochester. N Y.<br />


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