The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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7o6<br />

Capt. Humphrey lived on the paternal farm, attend<strong>in</strong>g public school, until about the close<br />

of i860, when he was sent to the Academy at Oswego, N. Y., where he rema<strong>in</strong>ed until 1862.<br />

He was then sent to the male department of the Seward Institute, at Florida, Orange Co., N. Y.,<br />

which school he subsequently left to enter the army, as he then supposed for the war only. But<br />

circumstances changed his m<strong>in</strong>d; his superiors thought him adapted to the profession of arms,<br />

which op<strong>in</strong>ion has been fully justified by his subsequent career.<br />

He was appo<strong>in</strong>ted from Army: Private, Corporal, Sergeant, and ist Sergeant, Battery E,<br />

5th U. S. Artillery, 17 Mch., 1S63, to 28 June, 1866; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Ardllery, 8 May;<br />

accepted 28 June; transferred to 4th U. S. Artillery, 23 Oct.; ist Lieut. 21 May, 186S; Capta<strong>in</strong><br />

and Assistant-Quartermaster 23 June; 1879; accepted 9 July, 1879.<br />

Was furloughed "for soldierly conduct" dur<strong>in</strong>g the campaign of 1864, of the Army of the<br />

Potomac, on recommendation of Brev. Maj. W. A. Horn, command<strong>in</strong>g Artillery Brigade; Brev.<br />

Maj. Gen. Command<strong>in</strong>g Geo. W. Getty, approved by Maj. Gen. Parke, headquarters Army of<br />

the Potomac; and was about' that time recommended, through the regular channels, for com-<br />

mission <strong>in</strong> the Artillery. Was slightly wounded at the battle of Sailors Creek, Va., 6 Apr., 1865;<br />

and was present, with his corps, at Appomattox Court House, at the surrender of General<br />

Lee, 9 Apr., 1865. On the disband<strong>in</strong>g of the Army of die Potomac, was <strong>in</strong> camp near Wash-<br />

<strong>in</strong>gton, D. C, with regular light artillery batteries of that army, to Aug., 1865; then ordered<br />

south, serv<strong>in</strong>g at Fort Moultrie, Port Royal, Beaufort, Key West and Barranca's Barracks, to<br />

May, 1866. Ordered, i Mch., 1866, to Annapolis, Md'., for exam<strong>in</strong>ation for commission; com-<br />

plied with order <strong>in</strong> May, and returned to Barranca's Barracks. Ordered to Fort Monroe, head-<br />

quarters 5th U. S. Artillery, <strong>in</strong> Jaly, and subsequently ordered back to Barranca's Barracks.<br />

Hav<strong>in</strong>g been transferred, by the War Department, to the 4th Regiment of Ardllery, jo<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

that regiment at Fort McHenry, Md., <strong>in</strong> Mch., 1867; ordered to Fort Whipple, Va.; on garrison<br />

duty at that place to May. Adjutant of the Sub-district of Alexandria, ist Military District, to<br />

July, 1 868; on duty with his regiment at Fort JilcHenry, Md., to Jan., 1869; at Fort Wayne,<br />

Mich., to Mch., 1870; at Fort Johnston, N. C, to July, 1870; at Fort IMonroe, Va. (Field<br />

Adjutant of the Artillery School), to May, 1871; at Fort Johnston, N. C, to Nov., 1S72; at Fort<br />

Po<strong>in</strong>t, San Jose, Cal., to Apr., 1873; at Artillery SctteSlj^Sbi-t Monroe, Va., to May, 1874; at<br />

Fort Po<strong>in</strong>t, San Jose, Cal., to June, 1876; at Sitka," Alaska, to October, 1876; at Fort Wrangel,<br />

Alaska, to June, 1877; with Gen. Howard's column, operat<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st hostile Nez Perces under<br />

Chief Joseph, <strong>in</strong> Idaho, Montana and Dakota Territories, to Oct., 1S77.<br />

Was engaged <strong>in</strong> the batde of Clear Water, Idaho Territorv, 11 and 12 July, be<strong>in</strong>g slightly<br />

wounded, and <strong>in</strong> the skirmish at Kamia, Idaho, 13 July; with the cavalry <strong>in</strong> tlie affair at Camas<br />

Meadows, Idaho, 20 Aug. Was specially commended <strong>in</strong> Gen. Howard's report of Nez Perces<br />

campaign.*<br />

1815, at Frederickstadt, Island of Santa Craz, Danish West Indies, (dau. of Joseph Da Costa, Jr., born <strong>in</strong> Aug., 1766, <strong>in</strong> Boston, Mass.,<br />

and died 8 Apr., 1837, at Frederickstadt, pnd Sarah Smith, bom <strong>in</strong> 1783. at Santa Cruz, Danish West Indies) and sister of John Da<br />

Costa, of Philadelphia, Pa., and died there 7 Apr., 1836. She was dau. of William and Mary Eliz.abeth (White) Smith, both natives of<br />

the Island of Santa Cruz. Joseph' Da Costa, Jr , was son of Joseph Da Costa, Sr., bom <strong>in</strong> Boston, Mass.: died <strong>in</strong> 1782: and his wife,<br />

Cather<strong>in</strong>e Andrews, of Nova Scotia.<br />

Edw.ard Shepard Foster was son of Edward Samuel Foster, bora on the Island of Santa Cruz, Dan. W. I., and Eliz.abeth Shepard,<br />

a native of London, Eng.; and grandson ot Edward Samuel Foster, bom <strong>in</strong> London, Eng., and Eliza Farr<strong>in</strong>gton Smith, bom on Island of<br />

Santa Cruz, D.an. W. I.<br />


Portland, Oregon, December ai, 1879.<br />

To the Assistant Adjutant-General, Military Division of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal.:<br />

Sir.—I wish to make special mention of the follow<strong>in</strong>g officers who served under my command dunng the late expedition aga<strong>in</strong>st<br />

hostile NezPerces.<br />

First Lieut. Charles F. Humphrey, 4th Artillerj'.—He commanded Co. E, 4th Artillery, at the battle of the Clear Water, on the<br />

'--<br />

iilh of July, and Company A on the 12th of July. His batt.allion commander says of him: "He exposed himself on so m<br />

that I will not attempt to enumerate them. A h<strong>in</strong>t 10 him was sufficient, no matter what the danger. He and his comprtu, »w.

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