The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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F.UriLY 392.<br />

4179- Charles Edw<strong>in</strong>' <strong>Humphreys</strong>, [2699] (Hiram,^ Capi. Ashcr,^ e^. oifvo-,*<br />

Jonathan,^ Lieut. Samuel," Michael^) was born 27 Sept., 1847, <strong>in</strong> Kentucky. He married <strong>in</strong><br />

]\I<strong>in</strong>eral, 111., 25 Nov., 1869, Lydia Fellows, b. 7 Apr., 1S46, at Andover, N. H., daughter of<br />

William Fessenden and Eliza Jane (Rowqll) Fellows, of A<strong>in</strong>lo\er, N. H., afterward of M<strong>in</strong>eral,<br />

111. Farmer. Res. (1SS3) M<strong>in</strong>eral, 111.; P. O. address Sheflield, 111.<br />

Chililren:<br />

41S0. I. IIiK.\.-\i Clyde.^<br />

4 181. II. LoL.v Jane.8<br />

4 1 82. III. ' Macey Veits.s<br />

4 1 S3. IV. Fessexdex Ray.^<br />

FAIMILY 393.<br />

41S4. Hubert Asher' <strong>Humphreys</strong>, [2725] (Truman,'^ Capi. Asher,^ Esq. oiwer,*<br />

Jonathan^ Lieut. Samuel,- Michael') was born 14 Nov., 1S49, at Elmwood, Peoria Co., 111. He<br />

married <strong>in</strong> Granby, Esse.x Co., Vt., 17 Nov., 1870, Ellen Betsey (dau. of Loomis and Adel<strong>in</strong>e)<br />

Wells, of G., born 5 IMch., 1846, at Granby, Vt. <strong>The</strong>y settled <strong>in</strong>" Elmwood, 111., where he was<br />

a farmer. He died <strong>in</strong> that town i July, 1873, tc. 23 years. His widow res. (1884) <strong>in</strong> Galva, 111.<br />

Child (born <strong>in</strong> EhtmonJ, III.):<br />

4185. I. Hubert Wells,^ b. 24 Sept., 1S72.<br />

FA.AIILY 394<br />

4186. William Joshua' <strong>Humphreys</strong>, [2726] (Truman,^ Capt. Asher,^ Esq. onver,*<br />

Jonathan,^ Lieut, Samuel," Michael^) was born 19 May, 1S55, at Elmwood, Peoria Co., 111. He<br />

married <strong>in</strong> that town 3 Aug., 1882, Julia Anna Bandy, of Sparta, White Co., Tenn. He was<br />

(1883) proprietor of the Elmwood Creamery, wholesale dealer and shipper of butter and eggs.<br />

Res. Elmwood, III.<br />

Child (born <strong>in</strong> Ehmvood,. Ill):<br />

4187. I. Florence Olivia, « b. Wednesday, 16 May, 1883.<br />

FAMILY 395.<br />

4188. Rev. Edward Porter' Humphrey, D- D-. ll- r>., [2730] {Rev. Neman,<br />

D. D^, Solomon,^ T: Solomon,'' Jonathan, Lieut. Samuel,- Michael') was born at Fau-field, Ct., 28 Jan.,<br />

1809. He married (i) 3 Mch., 1841, at Louisville, Ky., Carol<strong>in</strong>e Cather<strong>in</strong>e (d.uL of Thomas)<br />

Prather, who was born 28 Sept., 1816, and died 28 Sept., 1844. He married (2) at Louisville,<br />

Ky., 13 (or 3d) Apr., 1847, Martha (daughter of Alexander) Pope.<br />

He was prepared for college at the academy <strong>in</strong> Amherst, Mass., and was graduated with<br />

honor at Amherst College <strong>in</strong> 1828. In 1831-32 he was Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal of the Academy <strong>in</strong> Pla<strong>in</strong>field,<br />

Ct. Dur<strong>in</strong>g this time he was also pursu<strong>in</strong>g his theological studies, and <strong>in</strong> 1833 was graduated at<br />

Andover <strong>The</strong>ological Sem<strong>in</strong>ary. His <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ations led him to beg<strong>in</strong> his m<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>in</strong> the southwest,<br />

and dur<strong>in</strong>g the year 1834 he labored <strong>in</strong> connection with the Presbyterian Church <strong>in</strong> JofTcrsonville,<br />

Ind. In 1835 he became the Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church <strong>in</strong> Louisville, K}-. For<br />

eighteen years he gave himself to the <strong>in</strong>terests of this church, and his <strong>in</strong>fluence was felt not only<br />

<strong>in</strong> its rapid and iK-rmanent growth, but also, <strong>in</strong> a marked degree, throughout the city <strong>in</strong> wliich<br />

he lived, and <strong>in</strong> liic denom<strong>in</strong>ation to \vhii.h he belonged. So early as 1S52 he was elected<br />


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