The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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67S<br />

FAMILY 391.<br />

4173- Henry Perry' <strong>Humphreys</strong>, [2693] (Hiram,'' Capi. Ashei-;^ Esq. Oliver^<br />

Jonalhan,^^ Lieut. Samue/,- A/tc/iae/' J \\a.s born 20 Oct., 1S37, <strong>in</strong> Indiana. He married at ^M<strong>in</strong>eral,<br />

Bureau Co., Ill, 30 I\Ich., 1858, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of David and Elizabeth (Hank<strong>in</strong>s) Fisher,<br />

of Virg<strong>in</strong>ia,, b. 11 Oct., 184.0, <strong>in</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia.<br />

He enlisted at Sheffield, Bureau Co., 111., as a private <strong>in</strong> Company C ("Western Sharp-<br />

shooters"), 66th Regt. 111. Vol. Infantry, i Sept., 1862; took part <strong>in</strong> the battle of Cor<strong>in</strong>th, Oct.<br />

3d and 4th, 1862, and was slightly wounded; and participated <strong>in</strong> nearly all the campaigns of the<br />

Army of the Tennessee until after the fall of Atlanta. He was detailed at headquarters i6th<br />

Army Corps, Major-General Grenville ]\I. Dodge command<strong>in</strong>g, and rema<strong>in</strong>ed with General Dodge,<br />

as clerk, until he v%-as commissioned, 5 April, 1864, as First Lieutenant, and mustered <strong>in</strong> as<br />

Adjutant of the 5th U. S. Infantry Vols., Colonel Henry Maynadier command<strong>in</strong>g. Just before<br />

receiv<strong>in</strong>g his commission, he accompanied Major-General James Pope down the ]\Iississippi as far<br />

as the mouth of the White River on an <strong>in</strong>spection tour of the military posts m the Military<br />

Division of the Mississippi, do<strong>in</strong>g duty as his clerk.<br />

After be<strong>in</strong>g mustered <strong>in</strong> as an officer, he proceeded with the regiment to Fort Riley, Kan.,<br />

where he served as Adjutant and Post Adjutant; thence to Fort Kearney, Neb., and thence to<br />

Fort Laramie, Wyom<strong>in</strong>g, where he rema<strong>in</strong>ed about one year and a half, perform<strong>in</strong>g the duties of<br />

an Adjutant and Act<strong>in</strong>g-Assistant Adjutant-General, District of the Platte. He was honorably dis-<br />

charged from the service <strong>in</strong> the fall of 1866, and returned to his home.<br />

While at Fort Laramie, <strong>in</strong> 1866, he was presented with a sword, sash and belt, and a<br />

series of very complimentary resolutions, by the officers of the nth Ohio Vol. Cavalry.<br />

Lieut. <strong>Humphreys</strong> had applied, <strong>in</strong> August, 1866, for a capta<strong>in</strong>cy m one of the new<br />

regiments about to be organized under the "Army Bill" passed by Congress, with a view to the<br />

enlargement of the regular U. S. Armv. This application was favorably endorsed by Maj.<br />

James Van Voast, Maj. iSth U. S. A.; Brevet-Col. and A. Q. IM. G. B. Danby, U. S. A.; Maj.<br />

Elmer Otis, ist U. S. Cavalry, Brevet-Col. U. S. A. and Special Inspector; and forwarded with a<br />

letter from his Col., Henry E. Maynadier, <strong>in</strong> which he speaks of Adj. <strong>Humphreys</strong> thus: "As<br />

an officer, he is diligent, <strong>in</strong>telligent and active, thoroughly acqua<strong>in</strong>ted with the details of an Adj.<br />

or Adj. -Gen. He is also competent to perform these duties with his own hands, and has done<br />

most of the office work of his regiment and district. He was well versed <strong>in</strong> the other duties of<br />

an Infantry officer, and has age and experience sufficient for the position of capta<strong>in</strong>. His moral<br />

character is above reproach, and he has uniformly conducted himself so as to w<strong>in</strong> the esteem and<br />

friendship of his brother officers, and my own warm personal attachment," etc. <strong>The</strong>se documents<br />

were approved and recommended by W. T. Sherman, Lieut. -Gen. Command<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Mr. <strong>Humphreys</strong> has been elected police magistrate of the village of Sheffield for three<br />

terms of four years each; has also been commissioned notary public for the same number of terms<br />

and years; and was, <strong>in</strong> 1883, serv<strong>in</strong>g his third term <strong>in</strong> both capacities. He is a merchant, and<br />

agent of the U. S. Express Company; also a farmer. P. O. address, Sheffield, III.<br />

Children (born at, or near, Sheffield, III):<br />

4174. I. Mary Maud Adelaide," b. 23 Sept., 1859; unmarried. P. O. address (1883) Sheffield,<br />

111., where she is teach<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the High School for a second term of eight months.<br />

4173. II. David Frankl<strong>in</strong>,^ b. 15 Mch., i860; unmarried; is <strong>in</strong> partnership with his father,<br />

76.<br />

P. O. address (1883) Sheffield, 111.<br />

Charles IIenry.^ b. 25 Dec, 1S62: unmarried. Res. (1883) Sheffield, 111.<br />

Chloe Bertha Irene," b. 7 Jan., 1S69.<br />

KvA BlaiN-che," b. 7 June, 1^74.

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