The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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63S<br />

fa:\iily 20s.<br />

3696. Esquire JameS Kent' Humphrey, [2029] (Hon. Van Rcnsschw^ haiah^<br />

David,* Ensig?i Sa?nuel,^ Lieut. Siwiuel,'' Michael^) was born 28 Apr., 1S25, <strong>in</strong> Hudson, Ohio.<br />

He married at St. Paul, M<strong>in</strong>n., 16 June, 1857, Arabella Gertrude (dau. of ^Michael * and Harriet<br />

Eloise Dorn<strong>in</strong>) Jones, b. 11 Nov., 1838, <strong>in</strong> C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati, O.<br />

James Kent Humphrey was educated at Western Reserve College; was admitted to the bar<br />

of the Supreme Court of Ohio, at Canton, O., at the December term, 1846, but never practiced law.<br />

He studied medic<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> the office of Dr. George Ashmun, a practic<strong>in</strong>g physician of Hud-<br />

son, O., dur<strong>in</strong>g the years 1847 and 1848. He went to St. Paul <strong>in</strong> 1849, where he has s<strong>in</strong>ce<br />

resided. He was appo<strong>in</strong>ted Clerk of the District Court for the County of Ramsey, <strong>in</strong> November,<br />

1849, ^iid Clerk of the Supreme Court of M<strong>in</strong>nesota Territory <strong>in</strong> January follow<strong>in</strong>g; was <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Revenue service from 1861 to 1877, s<strong>in</strong>ce which he has been deal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> real estate, and is esteemed<br />

a wealthy man. Res. (1885) St. Paul, M<strong>in</strong>n.<br />

Children (born <strong>in</strong> St. Paul, Mit<strong>in</strong>.):<br />

3697. I. Stella Beach, ^ b. 25 Dec, 1S59: d. at St. Paul, M<strong>in</strong>n., 22 July, 1800, at. 7 months.<br />

3698. II. Vax Renssklaer,^ b. 14 Oct., 1862. In 18S4, was assistant Inspector of Build<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

<strong>in</strong> St. Paul, M<strong>in</strong>n.<br />

3699. III. Gertrude Dorn<strong>in</strong>," b. 3 Aug., 1864; died at St. Paul, M<strong>in</strong>n., 6 June, 1867,<br />

;v. 2 years.<br />

3700. IV. Laura Eloise,^ b. 23 July, 1868.<br />

3701. V. Omar Conger,^ b. 29 Jan., 1875.<br />

FA:\nLY 299.<br />

Van Rensse/aer,° Isaiah,^ David,<br />

3702. Van Rensselaer' Humphrey, [2031] (Ho,<br />

Ensign Samuel,^ Lieut. Samuel,'^ Michael'^J born 30 Apr., 1831, <strong>in</strong> Hudson, O. ; died at St. Louis,<br />

Mo., 8 Jan., 1857, se. 25 years. He married at Calvy, Frankl<strong>in</strong> Co., Mo., <strong>in</strong> 1855, Eliza A.<br />

Music, of C, where her parents resided. She married (2) . She died <strong>in</strong> 1884, or not<br />

long before.<br />

He was for several 3'ears engaged as a civil eng<strong>in</strong>eer upon the Missouri Pacific R. R.,<br />

probably dur<strong>in</strong>g the years 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855.<br />

Oiild:<br />

3703. I. Charles.^<br />

FAMILY 300.<br />

3704. Esquire Calv<strong>in</strong> PeaSe' Humphrey, [2032] (Hm. Van. Rensselaer," Isaiah.i<br />

David,* Ensign Samuel,^ Lieut. Samuel,' Michael^ J born 21 June, 1840, <strong>in</strong> Hudson, O. ; married<br />

at Hudson, O., 20 Sept., 1864, Delia Chrissa (dau.<br />

Whedon, of Hudson, O., born there 29 Aug., 18—<br />

of Harvey and Harriet Elizabeth Clark)<br />

He graduated at Western Reserve College, and "is a man of more than ord<strong>in</strong>ary ability."<br />

Lawyer, firm of Humphrey and Stuart, Attorneys at Law and Patent Solicitors, Akron, O. Res.<br />

(1869) Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Co., O.; (1SS5) Akron, Summit Co., O.<br />

Children (born <strong>in</strong> Cuyahoga Falls, O. )<br />

:<br />

3705. I. Calv<strong>in</strong> Pease,» b. 20 Feb., 1868; died at Cuyahoga Falls, O., 22 Feb., 186S.<br />

3706. II. Clarence Edw<strong>in</strong>,* b. 9 Sept., 1870. .<br />

3707. III. Helen Whedon,* b. 24 Feb., 1872.<br />

* Michael Jones was a member of the dry goods house of "Jones Bros.," of C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati, O, where lie died <strong>in</strong> 1862. His wile w.-is<br />

the only sister of Commodore Thomas A. Dorn<strong>in</strong> of the U. S. Navy. She died at Newport, Ky , «i 1849.<br />


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