The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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very successful. At the time of his marriage he lived <strong>in</strong> Canton, Ct., and afterward cont<strong>in</strong>ued to<br />

reside there for a few years, on the homestead with his father. He then bought a farm <strong>in</strong><br />

Burl<strong>in</strong>gton, Ct., where he was likewise engaged <strong>in</strong> teach<strong>in</strong>g. He removed from thence to Coll<strong>in</strong>sville,<br />

and worked as a carpenter, and on his farm, until a long and severe illness unfitted him<br />

for hard labor.<br />

He was a man of good <strong>in</strong>tellect, modest and retir<strong>in</strong>g. Honest and upright himself, he<br />

looked upon all men as be<strong>in</strong>g the same, "believ<strong>in</strong>g every man honest until he was proved a rogue."<br />

Recently, one well acqua<strong>in</strong>ted with him remarked, "He was one of the most upright men I ever<br />

knew." He was gentle but firm, and his word was law <strong>in</strong> his <strong>family</strong>. Though slow to anger, he<br />

was capable of be<strong>in</strong>g aroused when occasion demanded. He was an earnest Christian, and patient<br />

<strong>in</strong> suffer<strong>in</strong>g. He died <strong>in</strong> Coll<strong>in</strong>sville, Ct, Aug. 5th, 1850, aged 49 years.<br />

Mrs. Humphrey resides (1884) with her daughter, Jvlrs. Wellon, <strong>in</strong> Northampton, Mass.<br />

Children:<br />

3256. I. flLizABETH Saterlee,^ b. 20 Apr., 1829, <strong>in</strong> Canton, Ct.; married (i) <strong>in</strong> that town,<br />

I INIch., 1S50, Elizur Thomas (son of Ralph and Climera Phelps) Rice, a native<br />

and resident of Granby, Ct., where his parents were born and resided. When<br />

about eighteen years of age, he removed to Canton (Coll<strong>in</strong>sville), Ct., and, until<br />

his health failed, was <strong>in</strong> the employ of the Coll<strong>in</strong>s Company, be<strong>in</strong>g most of the<br />

time Foreman <strong>in</strong> the department of a.xes. He then engaged <strong>in</strong> farm<strong>in</strong>g for about<br />

two years, at Coll<strong>in</strong>sville, where he died 7 Mch., 1857.<br />

Mrs. Rice married (2) <strong>in</strong> Northampton, Mass., 10 Nov., 1868, Walter Benoni<br />

(son of Horatio Nelson* and Anna Arna Treat) Welton, b. 26 Apr., 1825,<br />

Bridgewater, Ct., where his parents resided. He was a teacher for about fifteen<br />

years; served <strong>in</strong> the war for the Union from January, 1863, to its close, as a<br />

private soldier, but was employed as a clerk <strong>in</strong> the Quartermaster's Department<br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g the whole period. He is now (1884) one of the six E.xecutive Officers<br />

of the Northampton Lunatic Hospital. P. O. address. No. 75 Elm St., North-<br />

ampton, Mass. Children (by 1st marriage; born and died <strong>in</strong> Coll<strong>in</strong>sville, Ct.):<br />

3257. i. Mary Luella' (Rice), b. 26 May, 1851; d. 11 Apr. 1854, a:. 2 years, and 10 months.<br />

3258. ii. Emma Almira' (Rice), b. 15 June, 1S53; d. 24 Apr. 1S56, a-. 2 years, and 10 months.<br />

3259. iii. Dwight Elizur ^ (Rice), b. 9 Nov. 1856; d. 20 Apr. 1S57, ce. 5 months.<br />

3260. n. Henrietta Susan,^ b. 8 Feb., 1831, Canton, Ct.; married, <strong>in</strong> Northfield, Mass., at<br />

the residence of Judge Charles Mattoon, 14 Oct., 1850, Ephraim Bradford (son<br />

of Calv<strong>in</strong> and Sarah Crittenden) Hill, b. 15 Jan., 1822, Williamsburgh, Mass.,<br />

where his parents resided. He died <strong>in</strong> Southampton, Mass., 19 Sept., 1881,<br />

£e. 59 years. He was a farmer; resided <strong>in</strong> Coll<strong>in</strong>sville and Burl<strong>in</strong>gton, Ct. ; removed<br />

to Leeds, Mass., and, <strong>in</strong> 1866, to Southampton, Mass., where his widow<br />

resides (1884). Children:<br />

3261. i. Orr<strong>in</strong> Gilbert,' b. 14 Sept. 1851, Burl<strong>in</strong>gton, Ct.; married, <strong>in</strong> Granville, Mass., iS Dec.<br />

1S77, Sarah (dau. of Harlow and Mary Scoville) Coe, of Granville, Mass. Farmer.<br />

Res. Avon, Ct., and (1884) on his father's homestead, <strong>in</strong> Southampton, Mass. Child:<br />

(I) Frederic Ephraim," b. 24 May, 1880, Avon, Ct.<br />

3262. ii. Orson Jerome," b. 27 Feb. 1854, Burl<strong>in</strong>gton, Ct.; married, at De Land, Fla., <strong>in</strong> July,<br />

1881, Addie H<strong>in</strong>kle, of I^uisville, Ky. Farmer. He is a large land-owner <strong>in</strong> Florida.<br />

Kcs. (18S4) Bcresford, Fla. Child: (i) Orson William," b. 26 June, 1884. South<br />

ampton, Mass; d. <strong>in</strong> Feb., 1886, at Berestord, Fla.<br />

• Gcorsc Wtlton. the father of IKir.iiio Nelson Wdlon, w;.- a KLVoluiionary soldier.

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