The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Humphreys family in America - citizen hylbom blog


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582<br />

character and <strong>in</strong>fluence. She is a member of the Protestant Methodist Church.<br />

ChilJren<br />

:<br />

3066. i. Rufus Carvoso,' b. 9 June, 1859, Tipton, Iowa.<br />

3067. ii. Mary L.', b. 20 Nov. i860, Tipton, Iowa.<br />

3068. iii. Emma Luc<strong>in</strong>da,' b. 7 Feb. 1S63.<br />

3069. X. L.\UKA,* b. 16 Feb., 1842, Libert}-, O. ; graduated from the Normal Department of<br />

Iowa State University, <strong>in</strong> 1867; and taught four years <strong>in</strong> the graded school of<br />

Sioux Cit)', Iowa, and, <strong>in</strong> all, eight years <strong>in</strong> the public schools of that State.<br />

She was married, 15 Feb., 1872, to George W. (son of R. H. and Almira)<br />

Randall, who w-as born 8 Mch., 1839. He was for thirteen years engaged <strong>in</strong><br />

m<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> California and the Rocky Mounta<strong>in</strong>s, but s<strong>in</strong>ce his marriage has been<br />

settled as a farmer at Big Rock, Scott Co., Iowa,—their present residence (1883).<br />

ChMren:<br />

3070. i. Emma J.', b. 20 Jan. 1S73.<br />

3071. ii. Jessie Inez,' b. II Aug. 1874; was drowned near Big Kock, Iowa, 13 Oct. 187S,<br />

£e. 4 years.<br />

3072. iii. Lurenda May,' b. i Feb. 1876.<br />

3073. iv. Zoe Almira,' b. 18 Mch. 1879.<br />

3074. V. Esther Joy,« b. 27 Sept. 1881.<br />

3075. XI. Mary Emma,^ b. 9 Jan., 1844, near Tipton, Iowa. Of her childhood she writes:<br />

"My father taught his children that the one great secret of success <strong>in</strong> life was to<br />

help themselves,—rely upon themselves. I do not know how it impressed the<br />

others, but to me ,it was the first and most last<strong>in</strong>g impression I have of all my<br />

dead father's teach<strong>in</strong>gs." So, hav<strong>in</strong>g improved the opportunities of home school<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

at the early age of fourteen she started out, not shr<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g from hardship and<br />

privation, to atta<strong>in</strong> the one aim of her life,—an education. Her father's will and<br />

perseverance were repeated <strong>in</strong> his child, and at the age of si.xteen she was qualified<br />

for teach<strong>in</strong>g. By that means she supported herself, and, at the age of twenty,<br />

graduated <strong>in</strong> the State Normal School of Iowa. Shortly afterward, August 2d,<br />

1865, she was married to Judge William J. Haddock, who was of old Scotch<br />

Covenanter stock, b. 28 Feb., 1835, <strong>in</strong> County Antrim, Ireland. He was the<br />

oldest child of John and El<strong>in</strong>or (McBride) Haddock, and, when fifteen years<br />

old, came with his parents to Philadelphia; subsequently, <strong>in</strong> 1855, settled at<br />

Iowa City. He graduated from the Normal Department of the Iowa State<br />

University, <strong>in</strong> June, 1861; studied law with Hon. Rush Clark, and became his<br />

partner <strong>in</strong> 1866. He was appo<strong>in</strong>ted Judge of the Circuit Court <strong>in</strong> 1872; and<br />

has been Secretary of the Board of Regents of Iowa University s<strong>in</strong>ce 1865.<br />

Mrs. Haddock cont<strong>in</strong>ued to pursue the avocation of teach<strong>in</strong>g for two years<br />

after her marriage, and then settled down to domestic life. At the expiration of<br />

ten years, at her husband's suggestion, she took up the study of law, which<br />

greatly fasc<strong>in</strong>ated her, and graduated, <strong>in</strong> June, 1875, from the Law Department<br />

of Iowa State University and, <strong>in</strong> 1877, received from the same <strong>in</strong>stitution a<br />

certificate for special proficiency <strong>in</strong> the law, after an advanced course of post-<br />

graduate study. She is constantly occupied <strong>in</strong> her husband's law oflSce, do<strong>in</strong>g<br />

much of the office work, and enjoy<strong>in</strong>g it, but avoid<strong>in</strong>g publicity. She has never<br />

connected herself with any Woman's Rights Society, but believes that woman's<br />

advancement depends more upon what she does than what she petitions. Res. (18S3)<br />

<strong>in</strong> Iowa Cilv, Iowa. No children.

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