The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


60 The English Ancestry of payde unto ye churche wardyns of ye same towne w l after my deth in won monyth Item I doo geve & bequethe unto tomas marven my godsonn the howsse y l I now dwel yn w* all & syngular th aportynances and gardyn that now doth belong unto ye said howse And he to geve unto hys suster Anne marven when the howse shall cume into ye forsayd tomas my godsuns handes xx 11 of good & laffull mony of yngland Allso I do geve unto tomas marven my sune my howsse & garden y' I now dwel yn w* all and synguler th apportynancys ther unto belongyn for terme of hys naturall lyffe upon thys condecyon y l the aforsayde tomas my sune doth kepe y e sayde howsse In good laullull and suffycente Reperasyons bothe for wynde & whether and after hys dyssersse I wyll yt shall Remayne unto tomas marven my godson my suns sun as yt [is] above wretyn Allso I do geve unto tomas marven my sune the newe best Chyste y' standyth now at my bedes fette And my to beste fether bedes and the ij bolsters that doth long to them iiij blankettes ij payer of shettes my ij best coverlettes of tapstery bothe ye bed- stedylles & the staynyd hangyns over the bedes w* the hedclothys vj cosshens of tapstery worke fyfe chayers All the staynyd hangyns y l now doth belong unto ye halle & parler And the curtayns to ye wyn- dows And allso ij long tabulles in ye hall a Rownd tabull & ij forms a Rownd tabull in the parler w l a forme A selond beme iiij halffe hundrydes a quarter of a hundryd & halffe a quarter of a hundryd and other small wayghts ij Chystes in the shope a coberd In ye Hall and an other cobard in the parler a bason & an ewer the best brasse pott & a letyll brasse pott vj pewter platters vj pewter dyches vj sawssers & ij Coper Ketylles all these passelles I do geve unto tomas my sune Allso I do geve unto elezabeth marven my sunes wyffe my best gowne & my best petycotte Allso I do geve unto my Dowghter Causstons iij chyldren to eche of them xx s to be payde unto them at the daye & days of ther

Reinold and Matthew Marvin 61 mareg And yf yt shall fortayne anny of thesse iij chyldryn to deye be fore they be of yers to be maryid and be not maryid then I wyll y' tomas marven my sune shall have and in Jhoye ther parte & partes y' be departyd towardes ye paying of hys dettes Allso I do gyve unto my dowghter Haukyns vj Chyldryn John Roger Henry tomas Rosse and Elezabeth Haukyn to every one of them at the daye & days of ther marege xx s a pece to be payde by the handes of myne executors or the executors and assyners of them And yf yt shall fortayne anny of these vj chyldryn to deye before they be maryid then I wyll that tomas marven my sune shall have and in Jhoye ther parte And partes y l the paying of hys dettes shalbe departyd towardes Allso I do geve unto my dowghter lams ij Chyldryn adorn & Rychard to eche of them xxs. to be payde also at the day of ther mareg and [if] anny of them do deye be fore they be maryid then I wyll y l my sune tomas marven have hys parte y' ys departyd to ward the paying of hys dettes Allso I do geve unto my dowghter barkers chyldryn to every won of them xx s a pece to be payde also at y e daye & days of ther mareg And yf anny of them do deye be fore they be maryid then I wyll y* my sune tomas have hys or ther parttes y l ward y e paying of hys dettes ys departyd to Allso I do geve unto tomas Rychemans ij Chyldryn anne & angnys Rycheman to every won of them xx.r. to be payde unto them at y e daye of ther maryeg And yf they fortayne to deye be fore they be maryid then I wyll my sune have ther parte or partes that shalbe departyd to paye his dettes as ys a bove wretyn Also I wyll that and yf y l myne executors Cannot Recayve & recover All suche dettes as ther ys owyng unto me a shall appere upon the baksyde of thys my testamente & last wyll then I wyll that all such geuyftys & legaces & bebuestes that I have gevyn And be quethyd unto my Chyldryns chyldryn stand voyde & of none offecte anny thyng a bove wretyn to y e countrary natt w'stand-

60 <strong>The</strong> <strong>English</strong> Ancestry <strong>of</strong><br />

payde unto ye churche wardyns <strong>of</strong> ye same towne w l<br />

after my deth<br />

in won monyth<br />

Item I doo geve & bequethe unto tomas marven my godsonn the<br />

howsse y l<br />

I now dwel yn w* all & syngular th aportynances <strong>and</strong><br />

gardyn that now doth belong unto ye said howse And he to geve<br />

unto hys suster Anne marven when the howse shall cume into ye<br />

forsayd tomas my godsuns h<strong>and</strong>es xx 11 <strong>of</strong> good & laffull mony <strong>of</strong><br />

yngl<strong>and</strong> Allso I do geve unto tomas marven my sune my howsse &<br />

garden y' I now dwel yn w* all <strong>and</strong> synguler th apportynancys ther<br />

unto belongyn for terme <strong>of</strong> hys naturall lyffe upon thys condecyon<br />

y l<br />

the aforsayde tomas my sune doth kepe y e sayde howsse In good<br />

laullull <strong>and</strong> suffycente Reperasyons bothe for wynde & whether <strong>and</strong><br />

after hys dyssersse I wyll yt shall Remayne unto tomas marven my<br />

godson my suns sun as yt [is] above wretyn<br />

Allso I do geve unto tomas marven my sune the newe best<br />

Chyste y' st<strong>and</strong>yth now at my bedes fette And my to beste fether<br />

bedes <strong>and</strong> the ij bolsters that doth long to them iiij blankettes ij<br />

payer <strong>of</strong> shettes my ij best coverlettes <strong>of</strong> tapstery bothe ye bed-<br />

stedylles & the staynyd hangyns over the bedes w* the hedclothys vj<br />

cosshens <strong>of</strong> tapstery worke fyfe chayers All the staynyd hangyns y l<br />

now doth belong unto ye halle & parler And the curtayns to ye wyn-<br />

dows And allso ij long tabulles in ye hall a Rownd tabull & ij forms<br />

a Rownd tabull in the parler w l<br />

a forme A selond beme iiij halffe<br />

hundrydes a quarter <strong>of</strong> a hundryd & halffe a quarter <strong>of</strong> a hundryd<br />

<strong>and</strong> other small wayghts ij Chystes in the shope a coberd In ye<br />

Hall <strong>and</strong> an other cobard in the parler a bason & an ewer the best<br />

brasse pott & a letyll brasse pott vj pewter platters vj pewter dyches<br />

vj sawssers & ij Coper Ketylles all these passelles I do geve unto<br />

tomas my sune<br />

Allso I do geve unto elezabeth marven my sunes wyffe my best<br />

gowne & my best petycotte<br />

Allso I do geve unto my Dowghter Causstons iij chyldren to<br />

eche <strong>of</strong> them xx s to be payde unto them at the daye & days <strong>of</strong> ther

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