The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


2,6 The English Ancestry of fully begotyn my tenement w l the appertenaunces lately callyd Smythys leyeng in grete Belsted and all my Copy Londys wych I haue by Copy of the priorasse and Covent of Dertford to be be- twexe the seyd Robert and John egally and yff the seyd Robert and John schall Deye w* owt ysseu of ther bodyes laufully begotyn that then the seyd tenement w l the appertenaunces and the seyd copy Londe to remayne to the other brother and to hys yssue of hys body laufully begotyn and yff the seyd Robert and John fortune to deye w* owt yssue then I wyll the seyd tenement and Copy londe shall remayne to Alyce and Elyzabeth my dowghters and to ther heyres aftyr the forme aforseyd and yff yt happen the seyd Robert John Alyce and Elizabeth to deye w l owt yssue of ther bodys laufully begotyn Then I wyll the seyd tenement w* the appertenaunces schall be solde and don for my sovvle and all Crysten sowlys Also I wyll that Robert John Alyce and Elysabeth or ther heyres for the tenement aforeseyd schall kepe or doo to be kepte my yere mynde yn the parysch Cherch of Waschebrooke for the terme of xx li yere next immedyatly aftyr my naturall dethe Item I wyll that they schall kepe my xxx*i day yn the seyd cherch Item I wyll that my executors schall paye or doo to be payd to Elizabeth my wyff and to her executors and assynges x marke of laufully mony of Englond undyr thys manor foluynge That ys to sey in the feste of Alhalowes next comynge vj s viij d and yn the feste of Estyr next comynge vj s viijd and so yerly in the feste of Estyr payenge to the seyd Elizabeth her executors and assyngnes xiij s iiij d onto the forseyd Summ of x marke be payd and yff the seyd Elizabeth my wyff troobyll or cause to be trobyllyd the forseyd Robert Marvyn and John Marvyn myn executors then I wyll that sche nor her executors her assignes schall never have the forseyd x marke Item I wyll that Elizabeth my wyff schall have all sweche stuffe of Howswold as sche brought w* her to me Item I wyll that sche schall have iiij keys a stere boloke and a Cowe boloke and a Calffe a sowe iiij pyggys a Coke vj Hennys and vj Chekyns Item I wyll that the seyd Elyzabeth

Reinold and Matthew Marvin 37 schall have xiij chepe iiij lambys and viij 1 ' wooll Item I wyll that my executors schall delyver to the seyd Elyzabeth my wyff viij bushelles whete and iiij busshelles malte Item I wyll the seyd Elizabeth shall have all her apparell Item I bequeth to Elyzabeth my dowghter her mothers gyrdell The Resydevve of all my goodys not bequethyd I geve to my sonys Robert Marvyn and John Marvyn whom I make my executors to fulfyll thys my last wyll Item I wyll John Benet and William Warde delyver astate to my sonys acordynge to thys my wyll wytnesse of thys premyss Syr Amy Lecke vicar of Waschebrook John Woode of Lytyll Wenham Stephyn Pascall of the same John Coppynge of Brantham Raffe Pulford and John Bury of Waschebrooke Proved at Ipswich 2 August, 15 15* A few of the expressions in the above Will may receive explanation: — "All Hallows" is the feast of All Saints, or 1 November ; Easter always occurs about five months later. " Keys " is a provincial English plural of cow, from the Anglo-Saxon cy, having the same meaning (equivalent to kine) ; a " Cowe-boloke " was also a provincial term for a young cow or heifer. The " chepe " (sheep) and other farm stock disposed of, show that he was a farmer, while his direc- tions to "John Benet and William Warde" prove that he was a landlord as well, leasing portions of his estate. From these items, and from the bequest of ten marks to his wife, it is evident that he was a man of fair estate for the period. A mark was 13^., 4^., and ten marks was therefore J~6, 13s., 4a 7 . The relative value of money was not as great as in the Recorded at Ipswich, Suffolk Wills, Book VII (1513-18), fo. 94. There is no punctuation in these Wills. The spelling has been closely followed.

<strong>Reinold</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong> <strong>Marvin</strong> 37<br />

schall have xiij chepe iiij lambys <strong>and</strong> viij 1 ' wooll Item I wyll that<br />

my executors schall delyver to the seyd Elyzabeth my wyff viij<br />

bushelles whete <strong>and</strong> iiij busshelles malte Item I wyll the seyd<br />

Elizabeth shall have all her apparell Item I bequeth to Elyzabeth<br />

my dowghter her mothers gyrdell <strong>The</strong> Resydevve <strong>of</strong> all my<br />

goodys not bequethyd I geve to my sonys Robert Marvyn <strong>and</strong> John<br />

Marvyn whom I make my executors to fulfyll thys my last wyll<br />

Item I wyll John Benet <strong>and</strong> William Warde delyver astate to my<br />

sonys acordynge to thys my wyll wytnesse <strong>of</strong> thys premyss Syr<br />

Amy Lecke vicar <strong>of</strong> Waschebrook John Woode <strong>of</strong> Lytyll Wenham<br />

Stephyn Pascall <strong>of</strong> the same John Coppynge <strong>of</strong> Brantham Raffe<br />

Pulford <strong>and</strong> John Bury <strong>of</strong> Waschebrooke<br />

Proved at Ipswich 2 August, 15 15*<br />

A few <strong>of</strong> the expressions in the above Will may receive<br />

explanation: — "All Hallows" is the feast <strong>of</strong> All Saints, or<br />

1 November ;<br />

Easter always occurs about five months later.<br />

" Keys " is a provincial <strong>English</strong> plural <strong>of</strong> cow, from the<br />

Anglo-Saxon cy, having the same meaning (equivalent to<br />

kine) ; a " Cowe-boloke " was also a provincial term for a<br />

young cow or heifer. <strong>The</strong> " chepe " (sheep) <strong>and</strong> other farm<br />

stock disposed <strong>of</strong>, show that he was a farmer, while his direc-<br />

tions to "John Benet <strong>and</strong> William Warde" prove that he<br />

was a l<strong>and</strong>lord as well, leasing portions <strong>of</strong> his estate. From<br />

these items, <strong>and</strong> from the bequest <strong>of</strong> ten marks to his wife,<br />

it is evident that he was a man <strong>of</strong> fair estate for the period.<br />

A mark was 13^., 4^., <strong>and</strong> ten marks was therefore J~6, 13s.,<br />

4a 7<br />

. <strong>The</strong> relative value <strong>of</strong> money was not as great as in the<br />

Recorded at Ipswich, Suffolk Wills, Book VII (1513-18), fo. 94. <strong>The</strong>re is no<br />

punctuation in these Wills. <strong>The</strong> spelling has been closely followed.

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