The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


Index of Names 181 Spennele, , 138, 142 Waller, William, 151 Squyer, Richard, 55 Wallys, , 69-7 1 , 93 Starlyng, Alles, 48 Walter, William, 136 Stedds, William, 109 Warde, William, 37 Stokesley, Bp., 17 Waters, H. F., 6 Swallow, Margaret, 131- 133 Swatock (Swattocke), Maryon, 40, 83, Richard, 167 Wates, Robert, 121 93.96 Watkins, W. K., 5, 131, 159 Talmache, Anne, 130 Wennington (Withington), Thomas, John, 130 157 Tayler, Jhefferey, 64 Were (Weare), John, 93, 98 Taylor, Brian, 141 West, Stephen, 160 J. E., 24 White, C. H. Evelyn, 57, 65, 68 Richard, 17 John, 17, 1 10 Thome, William, 157 Sir Thomas 12, 75 Thurlthorpe, John, 48 Whitman, Hannah, 169 Widow, 48 Whitmore, Sir George, 13, 102 Timperleys, , 123 Wicks, Elizabeth, 169 Tiptot, Sir Robert, 28 Wilder, James, 156 Todd, John, 157 Willis, Daniel, 171 Townsend, Elizabeth, 169 Oliver, 170 Richard, 169 Phebe, 171 Ruth, 169 Sarah, 170, 171 Townshend, Sir Horatio, 152 Wingfield, Sir Anthony, 131 Sir John, 152 Elizabeth, 130 Sir Roger, 152 Sir Humfrey, 23, 130, 131, Tye, Thomas, 156, 157 Jane, 129, 130 Valence, , 140 Sir John, 139, 131 Vaughan, Win., 17, 79, 80, 106 Robert, 130 Vesey, , 108 Thomas, 23 Wade, Barbara, 74, 77, 91, 92, 96, 116 William, 109 John, 74, 77, 78, 92, 95, 97, 115, Wiseman, Anne, 130 1 16, 118 Simon, 130 Wake, Rob., 121 Wither, , 17 Wales, Mary, 79 Wodderspoon, John, 22, 27-29 Walford, Emma M., 19, 119 Wood, Wm. Hugh, 16 Walker, Henry A., 68 Woode, John, 37 Ralph, 17 Worte, Maryan, 48 Waller, John, 1 51 Wright, Joseph, 121 Matthew, 151 Wyxe, Bese, 79 Samuel, 151 John, 93

Abberton, 85 Abingdon, 155 Akron, O., 5 Albany, N. Y., 5 Ardley, 129 Bedfield, 11 INDEX OF PLACES. PLACES ARE IN ENGLAND UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Belstead (Great), 32, 36, 65, 67-69, 119, 165 Belstead (Little), 34, 67, 68, 72, 119, 122, 126, 132, 165 Bentley, Suffolk, 72, 126, 130 Bentley, Great, 6, 7, 10, 17, 76, 77, 89, 107, 110-112, 116, 128, 131, i37> I39-M4. 146-151, 157- i59> 163 Bentley Green, Great, 6, 1 53 Bentley, Little, 10, 107, 138 Bergholt, East, 103 Bilston, Staffordshire, 57 Boston, Mass., 159 Bradfield, 138 Brantham, 37, 130 Bylston (Bildeston), Suffolk, 56, 63, 65 Cambridge, Mass., 5, 18 Chattisham, 34, 40, 67-70, 72, 108, 1 19, 122, 165, 167 Churches: — All-Hallows, See All Saints', Dover- court All-Hallows-the-Wall, London, 54 All Saints', Dovercourt, 52, 53, 55, 64, 101-103, 166, 168 All Saints', Great Oakley, 88, 89 All Saints', Stanwey, 85 All Saints', Wrabness, 76, 105 All Saints' and St. Margaret's, Chat- tisham, 68 Dartford Priory, 33, 36, 65 Earl's Colne Priory, 54, 103, 155, 168 Grey Friars' Monastery, 28, 29, 125 St. Albright's, Stanwey, 85 St. George's, Hempstead, L. I., 169, 170 St. Leonard's, Bilston, 57 St. Leonard's, Bylston, 56 St. Martin's, Trimley, 57, 167 St. Mary's, Belstead, 32, 67,68, 165 St. Mary's, Great Bentley, 6, 110- 112, 131,137,141,147,148, 150, 153,156, 158 St. Mary's, Little Oakley, 82, 116

Index <strong>of</strong> Names 181<br />

Spennele, , 138, 142 Waller, William, 151<br />

Squyer, Richard, 55 Wallys, , 69-7 1 , 93<br />

Starlyng, Alles, 48 Walter, William, 136<br />

Stedds, William, 109 Warde, William, 37<br />

Stokesley, Bp., 17 Waters, H. F., 6<br />

Swallow, Margaret, 131- 133<br />

Swatock (Swattocke), Maryon, 40, 83,<br />

Richard, 167<br />

Wates, Robert, 121<br />

93.96 Watkins, W. K., 5, 131, 159<br />

Talmache, Anne, 130 Wennington (Withington), Thomas,<br />

John, 130 157<br />

Tayler, Jhefferey, 64 Were (Weare), John, 93, 98<br />

Taylor, Brian, 141 West, Stephen, 160<br />

J. E., 24 White, C. H. Evelyn, 57, 65, 68<br />

Richard, 17 John, 17, 1 10<br />

Thome, William, 157 Sir Thomas 12, 75<br />

Thurlthorpe, John, 48<br />

Whitman, Hannah, 169<br />

Widow, 48 Whitmore, Sir George, 13, 102<br />

Timperleys, , 123 Wicks, Elizabeth, 169<br />

Tiptot, Sir Robert, 28 Wilder, James, 156<br />

Todd, John, 157<br />

Willis, Daniel, 171<br />

Townsend, Elizabeth, 169 Oliver, 170<br />

Richard, 169 Phebe, 171<br />

Ruth, 169 Sarah, 170, 171<br />

Townshend, Sir Horatio, 152 Wingfield, Sir Anthony, 131<br />

Sir John, 152<br />

Elizabeth, 130<br />

Sir Roger, 152 Sir Humfrey, 23, 130, 131,<br />

Tye, Thomas, 156, 157 Jane, 129, 130<br />

Valence, , 140 Sir John, 139, 131<br />

Vaughan, Win., 17, 79, 80, 106 Robert, 130<br />

Vesey, , 108 Thomas, 23<br />

Wade, Barbara, 74, 77, 91, 92, 96, 116 William, 109<br />

John, 74, 77, 78, 92, 95, 97, 115, Wiseman, Anne, 130<br />

1 16, 118 Simon, 130<br />

Wake, Rob., 121 Wither, , 17<br />

Wales, Mary, 79<br />

Wodderspoon, John, 22, 27-29<br />

Walford, Emma M., 19, 119 Wood, Wm. Hugh, 16<br />

Walker, Henry A., 68 Woode, John, 37<br />

Ralph, 17<br />

Worte, Maryan, 48<br />

Waller, John, 1 51 Wright, Joseph, 121<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong>, 151<br />

Wyxe, Bese, 79<br />

Samuel, 151 John, 93

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