The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


134 Tke English Ancestry of Ramsaye in the Countye of Essex yeoman beinge sicke in bodye but of good & perfytt Remembrance thankes be to Almightie god Doe ordaine & make this my last will & Testament in mannor & fforme ffolowinge ffirste I Commyte my Sowle into the truition of almyghtie god my Creator savioure & Redemer And my bodye to be buryed in the parish Chirtch of Ramsaye aforesaid And as touchinge my worldly Landes & Goodes I geve & disposse them in manner & forme ffolowing Item I geve unto the poore people of the parish of Ramsaye the summe of xl s. to be distrib- uted by y e Churtch wardens of the said parish Item I geve unto my sonne John Marvine the elder & to his heires All that my mes- wage wharein I nowe dwell with all the Landes Thareunto belong- inge both ffree & Copye Together with my twoe acres of wood lyenge in Sturwood Item I geve to Edward Marvine my Sunne and to his heires for ever my Tenement in the said Towen of Ramsaye whare- in Thomas Rumbould doeth nowe dwell with y e Landes thareunto belonginge boeth ffree & Coppye with a parcell of Lande with the Bearne thareon standinge called Cratchers lyenge in Ramsaye & Dovercort Also I geve unto the said Edward Marvine my Sunne & to his heires for ever all that my Marsh called ffurssen Marsh lyenge in Ramsaye & Dovercort aforesaid Item I geve unto my said sunns John the elder & Edward to eyther of them xx Ji of Lawfull money to be payed them at thare severall ages of xxj yeares Item I geve unto John Marvine my sunne the yonger the summe of one Hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be payed to him at his age of xxj tie yeares Allso I geve unto Edmonde Mar- vine my sunne one Hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England to be payed unto the said Edmonde at his age of xxj yeares And yf it shall happen eyther of my said Sunnes John the yonger or Edmond to departe this world before thaye or eyther of them doe accumplish thare severall ages of xxj tie yeares then I will that his

Remold and Matthew Marvin 135 or thare portion shalbe equally devided amongest the rest of my Children w ch shalbe then lyvinge part and part lyke Item I will that yf Edward Marvine my Sunne shall happen to depart this world withowt heires of his Bodye Lawfullye begotten or before he cumith to the age of xxj tie yeares Then I will that my said Tenement with the landes thareunto belonginge together w th the said parcell of Land Called Cratches shall goe & discende unto my sunne John the yonger & to his heires for ever And then I will that my said Marsh called ffurssen Marsh shall discende & goe unto my sunne Edmonde Marvine & to his heires for ever Item I will that yf John Marvine my Sunne the elder doe depart this worlde before he doe accumplish his age of xxj tie yeares Then I will that Edwarde Marvine my sunne shall have my said meswage w th all the Landes thareunto belonginge as thaye are before by me geven to my sunne John the elder to have & to houlde unto my said sunne Edward & to his heires for ever uppon Condicion he the said Edward his heires or assignes shall pave owt of the said mes- wage & Landes to eyther of his Bretheren John & Edmonde to eyther of them one Annuite of ffyve poundes by the yeare to be payed to them everie haulfe yeare duringe thare naturall lyves Item my will & true meaninge is that such person or persons a shall have the bringinge up of my twoe Sunnes John the elder & Edwarde shall have the Custody & possession of all the meswage Landes & Tenementes before by me geven to them tell thaye cume to thare severall ages of xx tie yeares And then I will that he or thaye thare Executors or Assignes shall yeald a true accounte unto eyther of my said sunnes of the proffyttes of thare Landes And uppon the paym 4 of the said proffyttes to my said sunnes if shalbe lawfull for him or them to deducke owt of the said proffyttes the summe of xxiiij 1 ' by the yeare for finding & bringinge up of my said ffower Children That is to save I will thare shal be yearlye allowed for the bringing up of my sunne John the elder & Edward vj'i a pece by the yeare till thaye cume to thare ages of xxj tie yeares

134<br />

Tke <strong>English</strong> Ancestry <strong>of</strong><br />

Ramsaye in the Countye <strong>of</strong> Essex yeoman beinge sicke in bodye<br />

but <strong>of</strong> good & perfytt Remembrance thankes be to Almightie god<br />

Doe ordaine & make this my last will & Testament in mannor &<br />

fforme ffolowinge<br />

ffirste I Commyte my Sowle into the truition <strong>of</strong> almyghtie god<br />

my Creator savioure & Redemer And my bodye to be buryed in the<br />

parish Chirtch <strong>of</strong> Ramsaye aforesaid<br />

And as touchinge my worldly L<strong>and</strong>es & Goodes I geve & disposse<br />

them in manner & forme ffolowing Item I geve unto the poore<br />

people <strong>of</strong> the parish <strong>of</strong> Ramsaye the summe <strong>of</strong> xl s. to be distrib-<br />

uted by y e Churtch wardens <strong>of</strong> the said parish Item I geve unto<br />

my sonne John <strong>Marvin</strong>e the elder & to his heires All that my mes-<br />

wage wharein I nowe dwell with all the L<strong>and</strong>es Thareunto belong-<br />

inge both ffree & Copye Together with my twoe acres <strong>of</strong> wood lyenge<br />

in Sturwood Item I geve to Edward <strong>Marvin</strong>e my Sunne <strong>and</strong> to his<br />

heires for ever my Tenement in the said Towen <strong>of</strong> Ramsaye whare-<br />

in Thomas Rumbould doeth nowe dwell with y e L<strong>and</strong>es thareunto<br />

belonginge boeth ffree & Coppye with a parcell <strong>of</strong> L<strong>and</strong>e with the<br />

Bearne thareon st<strong>and</strong>inge called Cratchers lyenge in Ramsaye &<br />

Dovercort Also I geve unto the said Edward <strong>Marvin</strong>e my Sunne<br />

& to his heires for ever all that my Marsh called ffurssen Marsh<br />

lyenge in Ramsaye & Dovercort aforesaid<br />

Item I geve unto my said sunns John the elder & Edward to<br />

eyther <strong>of</strong> them xx Ji <strong>of</strong> Lawfull money to be payed them at thare<br />

severall ages <strong>of</strong> xxj yeares<br />

Item I geve unto John <strong>Marvin</strong>e my sunne the yonger the summe<br />

<strong>of</strong> one Hundred poundes <strong>of</strong> lawfull money <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> to be payed<br />

to him at his age <strong>of</strong> xxj tie yeares Allso I geve unto Edmonde Mar-<br />

vine my sunne one Hundred poundes <strong>of</strong> Lawfull money <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

to be payed unto the said Edmonde at his age <strong>of</strong> xxj yeares And<br />

yf it shall happen eyther <strong>of</strong> my said Sunnes John the yonger or<br />

Edmond to departe this world before thaye or eyther <strong>of</strong> them doe<br />

accumplish thare severall ages <strong>of</strong> xxj tie yeares then I will that his

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