The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


g6 The English Ancestry of he hathe by my Cozen barberry his Wyff ffortye Poundes of lawfull monney of England to be Delyvered vnto them parte and parte lyke Item I geve thereof to Margaret Marvyn the Dawghter of Roger Marvyn ffortye Poundes of good and lawfull monney of England Likewyse I geve thereof vnto my Aunte Maryon Swattocke v 11 of lawfull monney of Englande ffurthermore I geve thereof vnto her Children v 1 ' of lawfull monney of England parte and parte lyke I bequeathe more thereof unto the pore folcke of Ramsey Dover- courte and muche Ockley xx ]i of lawfull monney of England That ys to saye vj !i xiij s iiij d to Eache paryshe Likewyse yf yt so happen that god call my Children owte of this World as ys before wrytten Then I wyll that John Clarcke my Sus- ter Margarettes Sonne shall have ffyrson Marshe lyenge and beynge in Ramsey and Dovercourte to him and to his heyors forever Likewise then I geve vnto John Marvyn my brother Roger's Sonne my howse and landes called mellers withall the appurtenances thereto belonginge lyenge and beynge in muche Ockley to him and to his heyors forever Also then I geve unto John Hayle of Ramsey the elder or vnto his Assignes x 1J of lawfull monney of Englande Also I wyll geve and bequeathe and yf yt happen as is before Re- membred that bothe my children depart this world before they be at th' age of xxj 4i yeares or withowte issue of their bodyes lawfully begotten Then I wyll that all the monney & moveable goodes be sold with the Rest of my ffearme of my howses and landes that I have geven vnto my Children that my Executors shuld have ben countable for be layd togeather and so made A Summe of Monney The w ch monney I wyll to be ordered by my Executors or there Assignes and three honest men of Eache paryshe of Ramsey Dovercourt and Muche Ockley to buy some land or howse and land with the sayd Monney the which landes or howse and landes that may happen so to be bought within as shorte tyme as may be after the Deathe of my said Children I Wyll geve and bequeathe vnto

Rcinold and MattJietv Marvin 97 the pore of the paryshes of Ramsey Dovercourte and Muche Ock- ley forever and the yearely ffarme of the sayd landes or howse and landes that maye happen to be so bought to be Dystrybuted equally to the pore as theye have neede of the sayd paryshes Item I wyll that John Hayle th'elder of Ramsey shall be gardyner to my Children and shall have alowde him owte of the profight of my landes to the bringing upp of my Children v 1 ' And x s to eache of them yearely tyll they come to the Age of xiiij yeare and to bring them vpp in the ffeare of god and w th learninge to sett them to scoole till they canne Wright and Reade Englishe Well And to kepe them with meate Dryncke and Clothes suffycyent Item I wyll That my Executors shall lett owte my howses and my landes as they be worthe to the proffytt of my Children and so to kepe them in good and suffycient Reparacions and so they to be countable to my Children my Dettes payd my legacyes fulfylled and my Children brought vpp The Rest of all my goods moveables and onmoveables I wyll to be parted part and part lyke amonges my sayd Children And of this my last will and Testament I do ordeyne and make John Hayle of Ramsey th'elder and John Wade of the same Towne th'elder Executors of this my last Wyll and testament to se yt fulfylled observed and kept as they wyll annswer before god at the Dredfull Daye of Judgement to whome for there paynes therin over and above theyre Reasonable Charges I doe wyll and geve the Somme of xxx s A pece And I desyer my ffreynd Thomas Hurre to be my supervysor of this my last wyll to see yt observed and kept to whome for his paynes therein over and above his reasonable Charges I doe wyll and geve Thirtene Shillinges and ffowre pence Wytnesses to this my last wyll John Smythe Thomas Hearde John Allen John Harvey Thomas Sharpe Scriptor with others Appended to the Will is the following acknowledgment, which has no date:—

g6<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>English</strong> Ancestry <strong>of</strong><br />

he hathe by my Cozen barberry his Wyff ffortye Poundes <strong>of</strong> lawfull<br />

monney <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> to be Delyvered vnto them parte <strong>and</strong> parte<br />

lyke<br />

Item I geve there<strong>of</strong> to Margaret Marvyn the Dawghter <strong>of</strong> Roger<br />

Marvyn ffortye Poundes <strong>of</strong> good <strong>and</strong> lawfull monney <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Likewyse I geve there<strong>of</strong> vnto my Aunte Maryon Swattocke v 11 <strong>of</strong><br />

lawfull monney <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong>e ffurthermore I geve there<strong>of</strong> vnto her<br />

Children v 1 ' <strong>of</strong> lawfull monney <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> parte <strong>and</strong> parte lyke I<br />

bequeathe more there<strong>of</strong> unto the pore folcke <strong>of</strong> Ramsey Dover-<br />

courte <strong>and</strong> muche Ockley xx ]i <strong>of</strong> lawfull monney <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> That<br />

ys to saye vj !i xiij s iiij d to Eache paryshe<br />

Likewyse yf yt so happen that god call my Children owte <strong>of</strong> this<br />

World as ys before wrytten <strong>The</strong>n I wyll that John Clarcke my Sus-<br />

ter Margarettes Sonne shall have ffyrson Marshe lyenge <strong>and</strong> beynge<br />

in Ramsey <strong>and</strong> Dovercourte to him <strong>and</strong> to his heyors forever Likewise<br />

then I geve vnto John Marvyn my brother Roger's Sonne my<br />

howse <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>es called mellers withall the appurtenances thereto<br />

belonginge lyenge <strong>and</strong> beynge in muche Ockley to him <strong>and</strong> to his<br />

heyors forever Also then I geve unto John Hayle <strong>of</strong> Ramsey the<br />

elder or vnto his Assignes x 1J <strong>of</strong> lawfull monney <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong>e<br />

Also I wyll geve <strong>and</strong> bequeathe <strong>and</strong> yf yt happen as is before Re-<br />

membred that bothe my children depart this world before they be<br />

at th' age <strong>of</strong> xxj 4i yeares or withowte issue <strong>of</strong> their bodyes lawfully<br />

begotten <strong>The</strong>n I wyll that all the monney & moveable goodes be<br />

sold with the Rest <strong>of</strong> my ffearme <strong>of</strong> my howses <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>es that I<br />

have geven vnto my Children that my Executors shuld have ben<br />

countable for be layd togeather <strong>and</strong> so made A Summe <strong>of</strong> Monney<br />

<strong>The</strong> w ch monney I wyll to be ordered by my Executors or there<br />

Assignes <strong>and</strong> three honest men <strong>of</strong> Eache paryshe <strong>of</strong> Ramsey<br />

Dovercourt <strong>and</strong> Muche Ockley to buy some l<strong>and</strong> or howse <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong><br />

with the sayd Monney the which l<strong>and</strong>es or howse <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>es that<br />

may happen so to be bought within as shorte tyme as may be after<br />

the Deathe <strong>of</strong> my said Children I Wyll geve <strong>and</strong> bequeathe vnto

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