History of Swansea, Massachusetts, 1667-1917; - citizen hylbom blog

History of Swansea, Massachusetts, 1667-1917; - citizen hylbom blog

History of Swansea, Massachusetts, 1667-1917; - citizen hylbom blog


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196 <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Swansea</strong><br />

Capt. Willett executed his duties there to the entire satisfaction <strong>of</strong> all concerned.<br />

His services rendered him so popular with the people that, after the<br />

organization <strong>of</strong> the government, he was chosen the first English Mayor <strong>of</strong><br />

New York; and he was re-elected. Mr. Baylies, in his "<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Plymouth<br />

Colony," says: "But even this first <strong>of</strong> city distinctions conferred by<br />

that proud metropohs did not impart more real honor to his character than<br />

the address and good feeling manifested by him in effecting the practical<br />

settlement <strong>of</strong> the humble town <strong>of</strong> <strong>Swansea</strong>.<br />

The Dutch had so much confidence in Capt. Willett that he was<br />

selected as umpire to determine the controverted boundary between New<br />

York and New Haven colonies. He was a Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Delegates <strong>of</strong><br />

the United Colonies several years.<br />

After the settlement <strong>of</strong> Rehoboth Capt. Willett removed to Wannamoisett,<br />

now <strong>Swansea</strong>. He owned a quarter <strong>of</strong> a township, and there associated<br />

with him was Mr. Myles, the first Baptist minister in <strong>Massachusetts</strong>.<br />

He married Mary Brown, daughter <strong>of</strong> John Brown 1., on July 6, 1636. They<br />

had several children. One son was killed in King Phihp's war, and one <strong>of</strong><br />

his descendants, Col. Willett, a distinguished <strong>of</strong>ficer in the Revolutionary<br />

war, was also Mayor <strong>of</strong> New York. After a residence <strong>of</strong> a few years in<br />

New York, Capt. Willett returned to <strong>Swansea</strong>, and there died, August 4,<br />

1674, aged sixty-three years. Mrs. Willett died in 1669, and is buried<br />

beside her husband.<br />

"<br />

Thomas Willett<br />

1671, June 15.<br />

From the Journal <strong>of</strong> William Jefferay, Gentleman.<br />

"Set <strong>of</strong>f for Mr. Willett's today, upon my horse, as far as the north<br />

shore <strong>of</strong> Portsmouth, which reaching by noon, after pledging in Mr.<br />

Baulstone's claret, and leaving my horse to be returned, went on in a<br />

shallop, which, unlaiding at Mr. Willett's will, in a few days, return me to<br />

Newport.<br />

"Arrived this evening at Mr. Willett's, and was made most welcome,<br />

by himself and youngest daughter, who keepeth his house, his wife having<br />

died these two years since.<br />

"We had at our supper some exceeding fine oysters, both roasted in<br />

the shell, and stewed out <strong>of</strong> it, they abounding here in a mixture <strong>of</strong> fresh<br />

and salt water, which they require. After supper we had much discourse,<br />

such as old men like, he calling himseff aged, though I his elder by near a<br />

score <strong>of</strong> years. He hath had employment in weighty affairs <strong>of</strong> State, and<br />

wide venturing in trade on his own behalf, having had valuable leases to<br />

trade upon the Kenebec, by which he hath advantaged so that his estate<br />

is ample and sufficient for his later years. We talked <strong>of</strong> his early days at<br />

Leyden in Holland, where he learned his Dutch, so valued later at Manhattan.<br />

"June 17. Mr. Willett setteth forth his table with more silver than<br />

I have mostly seen, in these parts, having, as he telleth one, over fourteen<br />

pounds weight there<strong>of</strong>. There is a large fruit dish, tankard, wine bowl,<br />

mustard pot, porringer, spoons, snuffers, tobacco box, etc.<br />

"He hath shown me his books, by which he setteth much store: more<br />

especially, 'Smith's Voyages,' 'Pilgrimage in Holland,' 'Holy War,*<br />

*Heber's Episcopal Policy,' 'Calvin's Harmony,' and, for use upon<br />

occasion, 'General Practice <strong>of</strong> Physick,' being not near to any other<br />

Physician.<br />

"He hath cattle, sheep, and horses in plenty, and large amount <strong>of</strong><br />

land here, at Rehoboth, and at Narragansett, with dwelling houses, ware-<br />

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