Saving and loading games in Bundesliga Manager Professional

Saving and loading games in Bundesliga Manager Professional

Saving and loading games in Bundesliga Manager Professional


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<strong>Sav<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>load<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>games</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Bundesliga</strong> <strong>Manager</strong><br />

<strong>Professional</strong><br />

1 Introduction<br />

Rol<strong>and</strong> Kübert<br />

December 2010<br />

This document describes how Software 2000’s <strong>Bundesliga</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> <strong>Professional</strong><br />

(BMP), also known as The <strong>Manager</strong> <strong>in</strong> English, saves <strong>and</strong> loads <strong>games</strong>. The<br />

<strong>in</strong>-game data that is saved is encrypted <strong>and</strong> both the encryption <strong>and</strong> decryption<br />

process are described <strong>in</strong> this document.<br />

2 File format<br />

A save game <strong>in</strong> BMP is 34369 bytes long. Out of these, 37 bytes are non-payload<br />

data: the file header (34 bytes), a seed value (1 byte) <strong>and</strong> two checksums (1<br />

byte each). All the rest is payload data, that is the data used by the game itself<br />

<strong>and</strong> sav<strong>in</strong>g the player’s <strong>in</strong>formation.<br />

2.1 File header<br />

The file header consists of a 29 byte long text str<strong>in</strong>g (WeRnEr krahe & JeNs onnenBMP!),<br />

followed by 5 more bytes, of which byte 3 <strong>and</strong> 4 are always both zero. The significance<br />

of these values is yet unclear.<br />

2.2 Seed<br />

The seed value is a probably r<strong>and</strong>om value used <strong>in</strong> the encryption process. It is<br />

yet unclear how this value is determ<strong>in</strong>ed.<br />

2.3 Checksums<br />

The checksum bytes computed dur<strong>in</strong>g the encryption process <strong>and</strong> are stored at<br />

two times, once at offset 28006 <strong>and</strong> at offset 34368, the end of the file.<br />


2.4 Payload<br />

What the payload data conta<strong>in</strong>s is only partially known at this time. Look<br />

at https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/freebmp/<strong>in</strong>dex.php?title=<br />

MAN\_file\_format for up-to-date <strong>in</strong>formation.<br />

3 The sav<strong>in</strong>g process<br />

Savegame encryption is not overly complex, but nonetheless we firstly present<br />

an example before def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the algorithm.<br />

3.1 An example save game<br />

The save game process starts by obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the seed value. For this example,<br />

let the seed value be y = 0xC3 <strong>and</strong> let the first bytes be a0a1a2a3 =<br />

0x040x050x060x07.<br />

Initially, the checksum is set to be equal to the seed value, that is<br />

.<br />

3.1.1 Encrypt<strong>in</strong>g the first byte<br />

checksum = C3<br />

The encrypted value for our unencrypted byte a = 0x04 is computed like this:<br />

aienc = (ai ⊕ y) + y%0x100<br />

That is, the current value of y is xor’d with a <strong>and</strong> then y is added to the<br />

result aga<strong>in</strong>. The result is taken mod 256, which just means that any value that<br />

does not fit <strong>in</strong> one byt is discarded. For our example, this gives the follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

result:<br />

1<br />

a0enc = (0x04 ⊕ 0xC3) + 0xC3 = 0xC7 + 0xC3 = 0x8A<br />

As we have said, only the lowest byte of the result is used, therefore a0enc<br />

results to 0x8A.<br />

Another value, which we call z, comes <strong>in</strong>to play now. This value is a static<br />

value that is fixed to 0xD7 <strong>in</strong> BMP <strong>and</strong> that is used to compute the next value<br />

of y like this:<br />

y = y + z%100<br />

1 Obviously, the result overflows <strong>in</strong>to the next byte giv<strong>in</strong>g 0x18A as the result. However,<br />

the overflow value is never used <strong>and</strong> therefore we omit from here on.<br />


The new value of y is the result of the addition of the old value of y <strong>and</strong> the<br />

value of z. Once aga<strong>in</strong>, only the low byte of this computation is kept. In our<br />

case, this results <strong>in</strong> the new value of y be<strong>in</strong>g 0x9A:<br />

y + z = 0xC3 + 0XD7 = 0x9A<br />

The new checksum value is computed by add<strong>in</strong>g the unencrypted value of ai<br />

to the old checksum value (if the value exceeds one byte, only the lowest byte<br />

is reta<strong>in</strong>ed):<br />

checksum = checksum + ai = 0xC3 + 0x04 = 0xC7<br />

This concludes all computations for the first byte. As a result, the value of<br />

a0enc = 0x8A, is written to the save file.<br />

3.1.2 Encrypt<strong>in</strong>g the second byte<br />

The same process as before is now applied to the second byte, a1 = 0x05.<br />

We compute a1enc by xor<strong>in</strong>g with y, add<strong>in</strong>g y <strong>and</strong> keep<strong>in</strong>g the low byte (we<br />

omit mod 256 ):<br />

a1enc = (a1 ⊕ y) + y = (0x05 ⊕ 0x9A) + 0x9A = 0x9F + 0x9A = 0x39<br />

Therefore, a1enc = 0x39.<br />

For the new value of y, we <strong>in</strong>crease y by 0xD7, keep<strong>in</strong>g only the low byte:<br />

y = y + 0xD7 = 0x9A + 0xD7 = 0x71<br />

We <strong>in</strong>crease the checksum with the value of a1:<br />

checksum = checksum + a1 = 0xC7 + 0x05 = 0xCC<br />

This concludes all computations for the second byte. As a result, the value<br />

of a1enc = 0x39, is written to the save file.<br />

3.1.3 Encrypt<strong>in</strong>g the third byte<br />

The same process as before is now applied to the third byte, a1 = 0x06.<br />

We compute a2enc by xor<strong>in</strong>g with y, add<strong>in</strong>g y <strong>and</strong> keep<strong>in</strong>g the low byte (we<br />

omit mod 256 ):<br />

a2enc = (a2 ⊕ y) + y = (0x06 ⊕ 0x71) + 0x71 = 0x77 + 0x71 = 0xE8<br />

Therefore, a2enc = 0xE8.<br />

For the new value of y, we <strong>in</strong>crease y by 0xD7, keep<strong>in</strong>g only the low byte:<br />

y = y + 0xD7 = 0x71 + 0xD7 = 0x48<br />


We <strong>in</strong>crease the checksum with the value of a2:<br />

checksum = checksum + a2 = 0xCC + 0x06 = 0xD2<br />

This concludes all computations for the third byte. As a result, the value of<br />

a2enc = 0xE8, is written to the save file.<br />

3.1.4 Encrypt<strong>in</strong>g the fourth byte<br />

The same process as before is now applied to the fourth byte, a3 = 0x07.<br />

We compute a3enc by xor<strong>in</strong>g with y, add<strong>in</strong>g y <strong>and</strong> keep<strong>in</strong>g the low byte (we<br />

omit mod 256 ):<br />

a3enc = (a3 ⊕ y) + y = (0x07 ⊕ 0x48) + 0x48 = 0x4F + 0x48 = 0x97<br />

Therefore, a3enc = 0x97.<br />

For the new value of y, we <strong>in</strong>crease y by 0xD7, keep<strong>in</strong>g only the low byte:<br />

y = y + 0xD7 = 0x48 + 0xD7 = 0x1F<br />

We <strong>in</strong>crease the checksum with the value of a2:<br />

checksum = checksum + a3 = 0xD2 + 0x07 = 0xD9<br />

This concludes all computations for the third byte. As a result, the value of<br />

a3enc = 0xD9, is written to the save file.<br />

3.1.5 Encrypt<strong>in</strong>g the nth byte<br />

We refra<strong>in</strong> from giv<strong>in</strong>g more example as the process is quite clear from the 4<br />

examples above. The only special case is the first iteration, where the <strong>in</strong>itial<br />

values are set up. There are, however, two special occassions when the checksum<br />

byte is written: once at offset 28006 <strong>and</strong> once at offset 34368. The last offset is<br />

the last byte <strong>in</strong> the saved file, the other offset is some arbitrary value.<br />

3.2 The encryption algorithm<br />

The follow<strong>in</strong>g list<strong>in</strong>g shows the algorithm <strong>in</strong> k<strong>in</strong>d of pseudo-code.<br />

y = 0xC3 # Just use a f i x e d value f o r y<br />

z = 0xD7 # Use a f i x e d value f o r z as w e l l<br />

checksum = y<br />

f o r o f f s e t <strong>in</strong> range ( 0 , payload bytes ) :<br />

a dec = i n f i l e . read ( 1 )<br />

a enc = ( a dec ˆ y ) + y ) % 0x100<br />

y = ( y + z ) % 0 x100<br />


checksum = ( checksum + a dec ) % 0x100<br />

o u t f i l e . w r i t e ( a enc )<br />

# Write checksum bytes i f n e c e s s a r y<br />

i f o f f s e t == 27970 or o f f s e t == 34331:<br />

o u t f i l e . w r i t e ( checksum )<br />

checksum = checksum new<br />

4 The <strong>load<strong>in</strong>g</strong> process<br />

Given an encrypted game, how is the payload data extracted? This sections<br />

answers this problem by demonstrat<strong>in</strong>g how a given file is read. The file format<br />

is described <strong>in</strong> section 2, but table 4 summarizes the structure for your<br />

convenience:<br />

Offset Length Description<br />

0 34 Header<br />

34 1 Seed<br />

35 27972 Payload data, part 1<br />

28006 1 Checksum 1<br />

28007 6360 Payload data, part 2<br />

34368 1 Checksum 2<br />

The seed value, which will be labeled with the variable y <strong>in</strong> this section’s<br />

equations, is the first value that needs to be read (apart from the file header,<br />

which can be used to identify if the file is even a save game file <strong>in</strong> the correct<br />

format). Similar to section 3, we present how the algorithm works on the first<br />

four bytes of a save game.<br />

4.1 An example save game<br />

The save game process starts by obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the seed value from the file. For this<br />

example, let the seed value be y = 0xC3 <strong>and</strong> let the first bytes be a0a1a2a3 =<br />

0x8A0x390xE80xD9.<br />

Initially, the checksum is set to be equal to the seed value, that is<br />

.<br />

4.1.1 Decrypt<strong>in</strong>g the first byte<br />

checksum = C3<br />

The first byte is a0 = 0x8A. The decrypted value is obta<strong>in</strong>ed by the follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

computation:<br />


a0dec = (a0 − y) ⊕ y)<br />

As when encod<strong>in</strong>g, only the lower 8 bits of the result are used, which means<br />

that an implicit mod 256 is applied, which we omit for the sake of clarity from<br />

the equations. If y is greater than the value of the byte to decrypt, you can<br />

assume an implicit addition of 256. The unencrypted value is:<br />

a0dec = (0x8A−0xC3)⊕0xC3 = (0x18A−0xC3)⊕0xC3 = 0xC7⊕0xC3 = 0x04<br />

As before, the value of y is <strong>in</strong>creased by a fixed value (mod 256 ), called z,<br />

which is always z = 0xD7:<br />

y = y + z = 0xC3 + 0xD7 = 0x9A<br />

The checksum is <strong>in</strong>creased by the decrypted value of a0:<br />

checksum = checksum + a0dec = 0xC3 + 0x04 = 0xC7<br />

4.1.2 Decrypt<strong>in</strong>g the second byte<br />

The second byte is a1 = 0x39, which we decrypt us<strong>in</strong>g y = 0x9A:<br />

a1dec = (0x39−0x9A)⊕0x9A = (0x139−0x9A)⊕0x9A = 0x9F ⊕0x9A = 0x05<br />

As before, the value of y is <strong>in</strong>creased by a fixed value (mod 256 ), called z,<br />

which is always z = 0xD7:<br />

y = y + z = 0x9A + 0xD7 = 0x71<br />

The checksum is <strong>in</strong>creased by the decrypted value of a1:<br />

checksum = checksum + a1dec = 0xC7 + 0x05 = 0xCC<br />

4.1.3 Decrypt<strong>in</strong>g the third byte<br />

The third byte is a2 = 0xE8, which we decrypt us<strong>in</strong>g y = 0x71:<br />

a2dec = (0xEB − 0x71) ⊕ 0x71 = 0x7A ⊕ 0x71 = 0x06<br />

As before, the value of y is <strong>in</strong>creased by a fixed value (mod 256 ), called z,<br />

which is always z = 0xD7:<br />

y = y + z = 0x71 + 0xD7 = 0x48<br />

The checksum is <strong>in</strong>creased by the decrypted value of a2:<br />

checksum = checksum + a2dec = 0xCC + 0x06 = 0xD2<br />


4.1.4 Decrypt<strong>in</strong>g the fourth byte<br />

The fourth byte is a3 = 0x97, which we decrypt us<strong>in</strong>g y = 0x48:<br />

a3dec = (0x97 − 0x48) ⊕ 0x48 = 0x4F ⊕ 0x48 = 0x07<br />

As before, the value of y is <strong>in</strong>creased by a fixed value (mod 256 ), called z,<br />

which is always z = 0xD7:<br />

y = y + z = 0x48 + 0xD7 = 0x1F<br />

The checksum is <strong>in</strong>creased by the decrypted value of a3:<br />

checksum = checksum + a3dec = 0xD2 + 0x07 = 0xD9<br />

4.1.5 Decrypt<strong>in</strong>g the nth byte<br />

We refra<strong>in</strong> from giv<strong>in</strong>g more example as the process is quite clear from the 4<br />

examples above. The only special case is the first iteration, where the <strong>in</strong>itial<br />

values are set up. There are, however, two special occassions when the checksum<br />

byte is read: once at offset 28006 <strong>and</strong> once at offset 34368. The last offset is the<br />

last byte <strong>in</strong> the saved file, the other offset is some arbitrary value.<br />

If the checksum is not correct, that is the file has been manipulated, the<br />

game recognizes this through the checksum, pr<strong>in</strong>ts an error message <strong>and</strong> hangs.<br />

4.2 The decod<strong>in</strong>g algorithm<br />

The follow<strong>in</strong>g list<strong>in</strong>g shows the algorithm <strong>in</strong> k<strong>in</strong>d of pseudo-code.<br />

z = 0xD7 # Use a f i x e d value f o r z<br />

# Read i n i t i a l y ( i n f i l e i s at o f f s e t 34 already )<br />

y = i n f i l e . read ( 1 )<br />

checksum = y<br />

# I t e r a t e through a l l payload bytes<br />

f o r i <strong>in</strong> range ( 0 , payload bytes ) :<br />

a enc = i n f i l e . read ( 1 )<br />

# Ignore the f i r s t <strong>and</strong> l a s t checksum byte , that i s , do not decode i t<br />

i f o f f s e t == 27971 or o f f s e t == 34333:<br />

# Skip checksum bytes at o f f s e t s 27971 <strong>and</strong> 34333<br />

e l s e :<br />

a dec = ( a enc − y ) ˆ y ) % 0x100<br />

y = ( y + z ) % 256<br />

checksum = ( checksum + a dec ) % 0x100<br />

o u t f i l e . w r i t e ( a dec )<br />

o f f s e t = o f f s e t + 1<br />


5 Version<br />

This file is revision number 127 from 2010-12-21 20:01:56Z, committed by rkuebert.<br />


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