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1. REVIEWS<br />

1.1. FRESHWATER<br />

[Some of these publications have only short sections dealing<br />

with bottom sampling].<br />

Albrecht, M.L. (1959). Die quantitative Untersuchung der Bodenfauna<br />

fliessender Gewasser (Untersuchungsmethoden und Arbeitsergebnisse). (The<br />

quantitative study of the bottom fauna of flowing water) (In German).<br />

Z. Fisch. (N.F.) 8, 481-550.<br />

American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association,<br />

Water Pollution Control Federation (1976). Standard methods for<br />

the examination of water and wastewater. 14th edition. Washington.<br />

APHA. 1193 pp. [One short chapter describes a small number of bottom<br />

samplers]<br />

Birge, E.A. (1921). A second report on limnological apparatus. Trans.<br />

Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 20, 533-552.<br />

Brinkhurst, R.O. (1967). Sampling the benthos. Great Lakes Inst., Univ.<br />

Toronto. PR 32.<br />

Brinkhurst, R.O. (1974). The benthos of lakes. London. Macmillan, 190 pp.<br />

[One short chapter describes a small number of bottom samplers]<br />

Cummins, K.W. (1962). An evaluation of some techniques for the collection<br />

and analysis of benthic samples with special emphasis on lotic waters.<br />

Am. Midl. Nat. 67, 474-504. [Contains a very brief review of bottom<br />

samplers]<br />

Dittmar, H. (1955). Die quantitative Analyse des Fliegwasser-Benthos.<br />

(The quantitative analysis of flowing water benthos) (In German).<br />

Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl.) 22, 295-300.<br />

Edmondson, W.T. & Winberg, G.G. (1971). A manual on methods for the<br />

assessment of secondary productivity in fresh waters. IBP Handbook No.<br />

17. Oxford. Blackwell. 358 pp. [Two sections describe a wide range<br />

of samplers]<br />

Hellawell, J.M. (1977). Biological surveillance of rivers. Medmenham and<br />

Stevenage: Water Research Centre. [One chapter is a critical review<br />

of bottom samplers]<br />

Hess, A.D. (1941). New limnological sampling equipment. Spec. Pubis,<br />

limnol. Soc. Am., 6, 1-5.<br />

Hynes, H.B.N. (1970). The ecology of running waters. Liverpool, University<br />

Press. 555 pp. [Brief review of samplers in chapter on the<br />

quantitative study of benthic invertebrates]<br />

Juday, C. (1926). A third report on limnological apparatus. Trans. Wis.<br />

Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 22, 299-314.<br />

Macan, T.T. (1958). Methods of sampling the bottom fauna in stony streams.<br />

Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 8, 1-21. [Limited to shallow,<br />

stony streams]<br />

Mason, C.F. (1977). A bibliography of biological surveillance methodology<br />

for macro-invertebrates in running waters. Tech. Memo. Wat. Data Unit<br />

No. 14.<br />


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