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By first author only. References are to sections: within each section<br />

references are arranged alphabetically by author.<br />

Author Section Author Section<br />

Aarefjord, F. 1972 6.6, 8 Bonomi, G. 1969 3.3<br />

Agassiz, A. 1888 5.2 Borley, J.O. 1923 3.3<br />

Albrecht, M-L. 1959 1.1 Borutskii, E.V. 1935 4.1<br />

Albrecht, M-L. 1961 8 Borutskii, E.V. 1952 4.6<br />

Allan, I.R.H. 1952 4.6 Bou, C. 1974 5.2<br />

Allen, D.M. & Hudson 1970 6.2 Bou, C. & Rouch 1967 5.2<br />

Allen, D.M. & Inglis 1958 3.3 Bouma, A.H. 1969 1.2<br />

Allen, K.R. 1940 3.2 Bouma, A.H. & Marshall 1964 5.3<br />

Alm, G. 1922 8 Bourcart, J. & Boillot 1960 3.3<br />

Alsterberg, G. 1922 4.1 Bowen, V.T. & Sachs 1964 5.2<br />

A.P.H.A. 1975 (1976) 1.1 Brett, C.E. 1964 6.5<br />

Andresen, A., Sollie & Briba, C. & Reys 1966 4.2<br />

Richards 1965 5.3 Brinkhurst, R.O. 1967 1.1<br />

Andrews, J.D. & Hasler 1944 2.1b Brinkhurst, R.O. 1974 1.1<br />

Arkel, M.A. van & Mulder Brinkhurst, R.O., Chua &<br />

1975 5.3 Batoosingh 1969 5.2, 8<br />

Armitage, P.D., MacHale & Brinkhurst, R.O. & Kennedy<br />

Crisp 1974 8 1965 5.2<br />

Auerbach, M. 1953 4.6 Brown, S.R. 1956 5.2<br />

Bryant, 1974 3.3<br />

Bacescu, M. 1957 4.1 Burke, J.C. 1968 5.3<br />

Baird, R.H. 1955 3.3 Burnett, B.R. 1977 5.3<br />

Baird, R.H. 1958 4.6 Burns, R.E. 1963 8<br />

Baird, R.H. 1959 8 Burton, W. & Flannagan 1973 4.1, 8<br />

Baker, J.H., Kimball & Bussche, H.K.J, van den &<br />

Bedinger 1977 8 Houbolt 1964 5.2<br />

Baker, J.H., Pugh & But, V.I. 1938 2.1b<br />

Kimball 1977 5.2, 8 Butler, T.H. & Sheldon, R.W.<br />

Barrett, P.R.O. 1969 5.3 1969 3.3<br />

Barrett, P.R.O. & Hardy Byrne, J.V. & Kulm 1962 5.2<br />

1967 6.6<br />

Bay, E.C. & Caton 1969 5.3 Calow, P. 1972 2.1a<br />

Bay, E.C. & Frommer 1965 4.6 Carey, A.G. & Hancock 1965 3.4<br />

Bayless, J.D. 1961 7 Carey, A.G. & Paul 1968 4.4<br />

Beauchamp, R.S.A. 1932 3.3 Castagna, M. 1967 3.3<br />

Beeton, A.M., Carr & Christie, N.D. 1975 8<br />

Hiltunen 1965 8 Christie, N.D. & Allen 1972 6.6<br />

Berg, K. 1938 4.1 Chutter, F.M. 1972 8<br />

Berggren, H. 1972 5.3 Chutter, F.M. & Noble 1966 8<br />

Bervas, J.Y., Potin & Clark, K.B. 1971 6.4<br />

Reyss 1973 3.3 Clarke, A.H. 1972 3.3<br />

Beukema, J.J. 1974 8 Coler, R.A. & Haynes 1966 5.2<br />

Bezrukov, P.L. & Petelin Conrad-Stork, B.V. not dated 3.1<br />

1960 5.1 Corey, S. & Craib 1966 3.3<br />

Bieri, R. & Tokioka 1968 3.3 Craib, J.S. 1965 5.2<br />

Birge, E.A. 1921 1.1 Cummins, K.W. 1962 1.1<br />

Birkett, L. 1958 8 Cushing, E.J. & Wright 1965 5.2<br />

Bleakney, J.S. 1969 6.4<br />

Boillot, G. 1964 3.3 Daniel, T.C. & Chesters 1971 5.2<br />


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