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Tanaka, H. (1967). On the change of composition of aquatic insects<br />

resulting from difference in mesh size of stream bottom samplers.<br />

(In Japanese). Bull. Freshwat. Fish. Res. Lab., Tokyo, 17, 1-6.<br />

[Compares catches with Surber sampler, using nets of different meshsize]<br />

FW<br />

8<br />

Thamdrup, H.M. (1938). Der van Veen-Bodengreifer. Vergleichsversuche<br />

Uber die Leistungsfahigkeit des van Veen und des Petersen Bodengreifers.<br />

(The van Veen bottom-grab. Comparison of the efficiency of the van Veen<br />

and Petersen bottom grabs) (In German). J. Cons. perm. int. Explor.<br />

Mer, 13, 206-212. [Van Veen found to have better closing mechanism<br />

and caught more invertebrates] Mar<br />

Thayer, G.W., Williams, R.B., Price, T.J. & Colby, D.R. (1975). A large<br />

corer for quantitatively sampling benthos in shallow water. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 20, 474-80. [Compares their corer with a van Veen grab]<br />

FW<br />

Ursin, E. (1954). Efficiency of marine bottom samplers of the van Veen<br />

and Petersen types. Meddr Danm. Fisk.-og Havunders. N.S. 1, (7), 8 pp.<br />

[Compares van Veen and Petersen grabs, van Veen generally better]<br />

Mar<br />

Ursin, E. (1956). Efficiency of marine bottom samplers with special<br />

reference to the Knudsen sampler. Meddr Danm. Fisk.-og Havunders.<br />

N.S. 1, (14), 6 pp. [Compares Knudsen large-diameter corer with<br />

van Veen grab; caught similar numbers of invertebrates but Knudsen<br />

caught more species] Mar<br />

Wasmund, E. (1932). Entwicklung und Verbesserung der Entnahmeapparatur<br />

fur Bodenproben unter Wasser. (Development and improvement of collecting<br />

apparatus for bottom sampling under water) (In German). Arch. Hydrobiol.<br />

2, 646-662. [Compares Birge-Ekman grab, Monaco grab (Leger 1904) and<br />

Ruttner's scissor grab] FW<br />

Weber, C.I. (Ed.) (1973). Biological field and laboratory methods for<br />

measuring the quality of surface waters and effluents. Environmental<br />

Monitoring Series, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 670/4-73-<br />

001. [Compares Ponar, Petersen and Ekman grabs, Surber sampler, K-B<br />

corer, stovepipe corer (Wilding 1940) using data collected by various<br />

workers] FW<br />

Wigley, R.L. (1967). Comparative efficiencies of van Veen and Smith-<br />

Mclntyre grab samplers as revealed by motion pictures. Ecology, 48,<br />

168-169. [Large shock wave created by van Veen grab whilst it<br />

descended to the bottom, but only a weak oscillatory shock wave was<br />

caused by Smith-Mclntyre grab] Mar<br />

Zelt, K.A. & Clifford, H.F. (1972). Assessment of two mesh sizes for<br />

interpreting life-cycles, standing crop, and percentage composition of<br />

stream insects. Freshwat. Biol. 2, 259-269. [Compares Surber sampler<br />

with pond net and also compares catches with different mesh sizes]<br />

FW<br />


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