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8<br />

Mackey, A.P. (1972). An air-lift for sampling freshwater benthos. Oikos<br />

23, 413-415. [Compares his air-lift sampler with corer of Maitland<br />

(1969)] FW<br />

Mackie, G.L. & Qadri, S.U. (1971). A quantitative sampler for aquatic<br />

phytomacrofauna. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 28, 1322-1324. [Compares<br />

their new sampler with Ekman grab] FW<br />

Masse, H. (1967). Emploi d'une suceuse hydraulique transformee pour les<br />

prelevements dans les substrats meubles infralittoraux. (Use of a<br />

transformed hydraulic dredge for quantitative sampling in the loose<br />

infralittoral substratum) (In French). Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters.<br />

15, 500-505. [Compares suction dredge with orange-peel grab] Mar<br />

Mclntyre, A.D. (1956). The use of trawl, grab and camera in estimating<br />

marine benthos. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 35, 419-429. [Compares<br />

catches of Agassiz trawl and van Veen grab with estimates of animal<br />

abundance from underwater photographs] Mar<br />

Mclntyre, A.D. (1971). Deficiency of gravity corers for sampling<br />

meiobenthos and sediments. Nature, Lond, 231, 260. [Compares gravity<br />

corer with diver-operated manual corer] Mar<br />

Meehan, W.R. & Elliot , S.T. (1974). Comparative effectiveness of the<br />

standard Surber sampler and a hydraulic modification for estimating<br />

bottom fauna populations. Progve Fish Cult. 36, 16-19. [Compares<br />

Surber sampler used in usual way with method in which sampling area<br />

of Surber sampler is washed by jet of mixed air and water; catch higher<br />

with latter method] FW<br />

Menzies, R.J. & Rowe, G.T. (1968). The LUBS, a large undisturbed bottom<br />

sampler. Limnol. Oceanogr. 13, 708-714. [Compares their gravity<br />

corer with Campbell grab] Mar<br />

Milbrink, G. (1971). A simplified tube bottom sampler. Oikos 22, 260-263.<br />

[Compares his gravity corers with Ekman grab] FW<br />

Milbrink, G. & Wiederholm, T. (1973). Sampling efficiency of four types<br />

of mud bottom samplers. Oikos 24, 479-482. [Compares Ekman grab,<br />

modified Ekman grab, multiple corer of Milbrink (1971) and single<br />

gravity corer] FW<br />

Mundie, J.H. (1971). Sampling benthos and substrate materials, down to<br />

50 microns in size, in shallow streams. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 28,<br />

849-60. [Examines effects of different mesh sizes on the catches<br />

obtained from his sampler] FW<br />

Needham, P.R. & Usinger, R.L. (1956). Variability in the macrofauna of a<br />

single riffle in Prosser Creek, California, as indicated by the Surber<br />

sampler. Hilgardia 24, 383-409. [Examines efficiency of Surber<br />

sampler in shallow stony riffle] FW<br />

Neiman, A.A. (1965). Quantitative distribution of benthos on the continental<br />

plateau of Western Kamtchatka and several problems on the methodology<br />

of research. (In Russian). Okeanologiya 5, 1052-1059.<br />

[Compares Okean 50 grab with prismatic grab of Gordeev] Mar<br />

Orton, J.H. (1925). On the efficiency of the Petersen grab. Nature, Lond.<br />

115, 156-157. Mar<br />

Paterson, C.G. & Fernando, C.H. (1971). A comparison of a simple corer<br />

and an Ekman grab for sampling shallow-water benthos. J. Fish. Res. Bd<br />

Can. 28, 365-368. FW<br />


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