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Gallardo, V.A. (1965). Observations on the biting profiles of three<br />

bottom samplers. Ophelia 2, 319-322. [Compares biting efficiency<br />

of Petersen, van Veen and Smith-Mclntyre grabs] Mar<br />

8<br />

Gaufin, A.R., Harris, E.K. & Walter, H.J. (1956). A statistical evaluation<br />

of stream bottom sampling data obtained from three standard samplers.<br />

Ecology 37, 643-648. [Compares efficiency of pond net, Ekman grab<br />

and Surber sampler in a stream] FW<br />

Giani, N. (1974). Description d'un nouveau type de carottier pour les<br />

sediments tres fluides. (Description of a new type of corer for very<br />

fluid sediments) (In French). Annls Limnol. 10, 99-108. [Compares<br />

gravity corer with Ekman grab; corer more efficient] FW<br />

Gilat, E. (1963). Methods of study in marine benthonic ecology. Colloque<br />

Com. Benthos, Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Mediterr. 7-13.<br />

Marseille. [Compares Petersen grab, beam trawl and bottom dredge]<br />

Mar.<br />

Gillespie, D.M. & Brown, C.J.D. (1966). A quantitative sampler for<br />

macroinvertebrates associated with aquatic macrophytes. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 11, 404-406. [Compare their sampler with hand net] FW<br />

Holme, N.A. (1949). A new bottom sampler. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 28,<br />

323-332. [Compares 0.05 m 2 single scoop sampler with 0.01 m 2<br />

Petersen grab] Mar<br />

Holme, N.A. (1953). The biomass of the bottom fauna in the English<br />

Channel off Plymouth. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 32, 1-49. [Compares<br />

Petersen grab, new double-scoop sampler, and new suction corer] Mar<br />

Holme, N.A. & Mclntyre, A.D. (1971). Methods for the study of marine<br />

benthos. IBP Handbook No. 16. Oxford, Blackwell. 334 pp. [Chapter 8<br />

is a good review of the efficiency of benthos sampling gear] Mar<br />

Holopainen, I.J. & Sarvala, J. (1975). Efficiencies of two corers in<br />

sampling soft-bottom invertebrates. Annls zool. fenn. 12, 280-284.<br />

[Compares efficiencies of two single Kajak-type corers (sampling areas<br />

15.2 cm 2 , 54.6 cm 2 ) with diver-operated manual corer (sampling area<br />

54.6 cm 2 )] FW<br />

Howard, A.E. (1976). A comparison of some new methods for surveying large<br />

areas for cockles (Cardium edule). Fish. Res. tech. Rep. Lowestoft.<br />

No. 30. 8 pp. [Compares efficiencies of following samplers for<br />

catching cockles: Burnham cockle dredge, shrimp beam trawl, oyster hand<br />

dredge, modified Baird oyster dredge, Day grab and Smith-Mclntyre grab]<br />

Mar<br />

Howmiller, R.P. (1971). A comparison of the effectiveness of Ekman and<br />

Ponar grabs. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 100, 560-564. [Compares<br />

efficiencies of Ponar and Ekman grabs in hard and soft substrata of<br />

Lake Michigan] FW<br />

Hudson, P.L. (1970). Quantitative sampling with three benthic dredges.<br />

Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 99, 603-7. [Compares Ponar, Ekman and orangepeel<br />

grabs] FW<br />

Hughes, B.D. (1975). A comparison of four samplers for benthic macroinvertebrates<br />

inhabiting coarse river deposits. Wat. Res. 9, 61-9.<br />

[Compares the following samplers in shallow stony sections of river:<br />

Surber, modified Neill cylinder, electroshocker and tray with artificial<br />

substratum] FW<br />


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