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Burns, R.E. (1963). A note on some possible misinformation from cores<br />

obtained by piston-type coring devices. J. sedim. Petrol. 33, 950-<br />

952. [Discusses factors that affect the efficiency of piston corers]<br />

Mar<br />

Burton, W. & Flannagan, J.F. (1973). An improved Ekman-type grab. J.<br />

Fish. Res. Bd Can. 30, 287-290. [Compares improved version with old<br />

version of Ekman grab and concludes that new grab is better than old]<br />

FW<br />

Christie, N.D. (1975). Relationship between sediment texture, species<br />

richness and volume of sediment sampled by a grab. Mar. Biol. 30,<br />

89-96. [Discusses factors that affect efficiency of a grab] Mar<br />

8<br />

Chutter, F.M. (1972). A reappraisal of Needham and Usinger's data on the<br />

variability of a stream fauna when sampled with a Surber sampler.<br />

Limnol. Oceanogr. 17, 139-141. [Examines efficiency of Surber sampler,<br />

using data of Needham & Usinger (1956)] FW<br />

Chutter, F.M. & Noble, R.G. (1966). The reliability of a method of<br />

sampling stream invertebrates. Arch. Hydrobiol. 62, 1, 59-103.<br />

[Examines efficiency of Surber sampler in a shallow, stony river] FW<br />

Davis, F.M. (1925). Quantitative studies on the fauna of the sea bottom.<br />

No. 2. Results of the investigations in the southern North Sea, 1921-<br />

1924. Fishery Invest., Lond. Ser. 2, 8, (4), 50 pp. [Discusses<br />

disadvantages of Petersen grab] Mar<br />

Dickinson, J.J. & Carey, A.G. (1975). A comparison of two benthic infaunal<br />

samplers. Limnol. Oceanogr. 20, 900-2. [Compares Smith-Mclntyre<br />

grab with anchor-box dredge; grab better] Mar<br />

Emig, C.C. & Lienhart, R. (1971). Principe de I'aspirateur sous-marin<br />

automatique pour sediments meubles.(Princple of an automatic submarine<br />

suction sampler for loose sediments) (In French). vie Milieu (Suppl.)<br />

22, 573-578. [Compares own suction sampler with that of Brett<br />

(1964)] Mar<br />

Fast, A.W. (1968). A drag dredge. Progve Fish Cult. 30, 57-61. [Compares<br />

drag dredge with Petersen grab] FW<br />

Flannagan, J.F. (1970). Efficiencies of various grabs and corers in<br />

sampling freshwater benthos. J. Fish Res. Bd Can. 27, 1691-1700.<br />

[Compares Ponar grab, Shipek scoop, Franklin-Anderson grab, Ekman<br />

grab, multiple corer (Hamilton et al. 1970), Dietz-La Fond grab,<br />

Benthos 2170 gravity corer, Alpine 211 gravity corer] FW<br />

Frost, S., Huni, A. & Kershaw, W.E. (1971). Evaluation of a kicking<br />

technique for sampling stream bottom fauna. Can. J. Zool. 49, 167-73.<br />

[Examines efficiency of simple net method of sampling in shallow steams]<br />

FW<br />

Gage, J.D. (1975). A comparison of the deep-sea epibenthic sledge and<br />

anchor box dredge samplers with the van Veen grab and hand coring by<br />

diver. Deep-Sea Res. 22, 693-702. [Compares epibenthic sledge<br />

(Hessler & Sanders 1967), Forster anchor dredge, van Veen grab and hand<br />

cores taken by diver; latter method most efficient] Mar<br />

Gale, W.F. & Thompson, J.D. (1975). A suction sampler for quantitatively<br />

sampling benthos on rocky substrates in rivers. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.<br />

104, 398-405. [Compares diver-operated suction sampler with Petersen,<br />

Ekman and Ponar grabs, a corer, and a Surber sampler; only the suction<br />

sampler worked efficiently] FW<br />


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